OK, I can't say I "finally" found them because that would imply I've been searching the internets tirelessly since August. I came about these through coincidence, while looking to fix the tags for one of the songs in my 5 CD collection of Greek music I got from a guy on Crete.
Mercedes and I were in love with Greek TV in general and Greek music videos in particular. Our first night in Athens we had some channel called MAD which played a large variety of music videos while we watched, many of music in English. Once we got to the hotels the school lined up for us that channel was gone and when we did find videos they were all in Greek. Which was absolutely fantastic! :D
1. This is the one where the guy wraps and unwraps the girl and there's a blue rose involved, among with other things he gave to her. Like earrings and his album. Ohhh, we laughed and laughed. The song itself gets good at 1:28.
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This truly became a favorite because it was played a lot.
[edit: I embedded a different user's upload of the same video because the first one was jumpy/edited. This is the full song.]
2. THIS IS IT!! This is the guy that bloomed out of a flower (apparently, it's actually a girl in there. Meche and I were under the impression he was. oh well). I am now trying to track down his other video, where he yells, "S'AGAPO!" in some girl's face.
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3. This song, we all loved. I can't remember seeing the video (We only heard it in the OTE ads), but Mixalis' posters were all over Crete because he was touring and he was there when we were. Meche, Sidney, Brenda, and I SERIOUSLY considered finding tickets in Rethymno and going.
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He's also how I came about my 5 CD compilation of Greek popular music. I went to a record shop on our second to last day in the city JUST to buy Mixalis' album. The guy figured I was a tourist and asked if I would like to listen to some compilations. I'm not one to turn down new music, so I did. After hearing a few songs on a few different CDs (the other girls left me in the store while they went off to shop. haha!), the guy offers to burn 5 compilations in MP3 format onto 2 CDs and throw in Mixalis' (to make it an even 6) and sell the whole thing to me for about 60 Euros. Considering Mixalis' album alone was going to set me back 40, this was fucking brilliant. One day, when I'm really bored I should 1) finish burning all of them onto my computer and 2) track down their music videos. :D
LOL this just cracked me the fuck up (I just love 300 parodies). I just wish I could understand the end.
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"Let's go! All 300 of us! Pame!"
I miss Greece. :(