Oct 21, 2007 14:27
So very weird.
I dreamed I was pregnant. I don't even know how to describe this exactly, but I was pregnant and having twins, except one came out way before the other one. And the baby was tiiiiny. I don't even know how it was born, it wasn't a regular birth. It just was suddenly outside of me. The other baby was still inside me and I spent a lot of time in the dream worrying about this the same way one would worry about being constipated. Seriously. I wasn't desperate to have the baby be born, I just felt uncomfortable and then thought, "oh yes. I hope it's alive."
I don't even know.
Then later on in the dream I had a little girl and we were walking on a street which seems oddly familiar as the outside of The Troubadour. Someone asked her what he favorite drink was and she said, "Well, I do enjoy celebrity endorsed water!" I was horrified and thought, "my kid has been in LA too long!"
That's about it.
My mouth is in pain, so it's taken me forever to eat this apple. I have a sore on the inside of my lower lip and some weird painful thing on the roof of my mouth. FUN.
I wish I hadn't emptied my little flask of Jose Cuervo last night. :( Not because I'm hungover, but because now I have no booze.
booze is my mama