I so don't want to write my paper for 100A. Hmm.
I hope Gallucci doesn't mind me summarizing 300, since it was THE most accurate and realistic film of all time!! My paper FTW!*
Ooh! But my 300 t-shirt came today! Way to go, eBay seller! I ordered that ish two days ago and it's here!
In other news, I caved and watched all the promo clips from "Par Avion", this week's episode of LOST. D: I half regret doing that.
Oh god, this week's podcast... all the insane Michael Emerson fangirls must be orgasming en semble. yeeeeeeugh!
UUUUUUUUUUGH I just want it to be tomorrow, for LOST purposes. I want this quarter to be over.
That is all.
* edit: I'm just going to "compare Democratic Athens and Oligarchic Sparta," using one of the topics he suggested. Wheeeee!
edit 2: In an effort to procrastinate some more, here's a meme! (yoinked from
the_portkey and others)
If you had your choice of any celebrity/fictional character (living or dead) who would you choose to be the following:
01. Who is your best friend? Elizabeth Bennet (of Pride and Prejudice)
02. Who is your mother? Lucy Ricardo (I Love Lucy)
03. Who is your father? Keith Mars (Veronica Mars)
04. Who is your older sibling? Daria. Except we'd be cool sisters. :D
05. Who is your prom date? Marty McFly (Back to the Future)
06. Who do you have a no-strings-attached one-night stand with? Sawyer (LOST)
07. Who do you date for a year or two? Desmond Hume (LOST)
08. Who do you marry? Mr. Kinsky (I love him!! :( - Beseiged)
09. Who is your boss? Michael Scott (The Office)
10. Who is your next door neighbor? The Wilkersons (aka, the family in Malcolm in the Middle
I second the sentiment that using actual real people for this is creepy.