Blow me, Cas!

Apr 16, 2010 15:19

Nope, thats not from some fanfic, you guys, it was on the fucking show! Loved the episode. So much shiptease, so much awesome.

long dirty rambly post. )

supernatural, epic shit, dean/castiel is ruining my life, pure sex, v is dying of flail

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Re: This can't not be an epic reply... i_rise_inside April 16 2010, 16:21:01 UTC
Lol, well seeing how epic the episode was, how can it be. ;)

Haha, I know it wasnt actually an invitation, but it was all kinds of hot. The fanfic that will be spawned from this, omg!

I was indifferent to him when we saw him in Jump the Shark, but I couldnt help but love him in this episode. I couldnt not love the attitude and the snark. I was annoyed at the "who's had a shittier childhood" game he and Sam played though.

Its awesome the show acknowledged the eye-fucking, cuz its blatant, its there, we're not delusional. And, Dean flirting with Cas was priceless, I need to rewatch that scene too, I found it darn hot, once I stopped with the giggling. :P

I loved Sam's honesty. When he teared up, I did too. :( He so wants to be strong, to be a better man than he has been and he wants Dean to believe in him. But again, I like that the lack of trust between them has been adressed, and this time, an understanding reached.(at the end) And it all ties up very well with how Dean felt at the beginning of this season.

I was surprised at how I was not as bothered by Cas beating up Dean, as I thought I would be. I guess I was focussing too much on the UNF. ;) But that fight scene will go down as one of the epicest D/C scenes, for sure.

It hurt my heart a lot, honestly, but I think Dean needed to realise just how much faith Cas had in him, and to see what it means to have someone sacrifice everything for you. He's done that for others, but never had someone do it for him. And I dont think Cas doesnt trust Dean, he still went inside to fight the angels, he nuked himself, for what - I cant think of anything else but Dean.

True, I want Dean to prove to Cas that he can still have faith in him, he cannot take away the one hope the angel has. But now, I think Cas knows that Dean is human, and is going to make mistakes, let him down, at times.

YES YES A HUNDRED TIMES YES! I NEED Dean to hug Cas when he comes back. The angel deserves some loving.

I KNOWWW!!!! The writers didnt leave anything to make our brans explode, haha.

I do too, and it is very Dean to make everything about Sam, and thats half the reason why I love him, but its been 5 seasons like this, and when this whole rift between the brothers formed, I was hoping that when they come back from it, and work things out, things will be better, especialy for Dean. I knew Sam would be the one to make Dean care again, but it made me sad for Dean, how he's doomed to be co-dependent on his brother, most probably all his life. :(

I iz so happy the douche died!!! But I will miss him, who will I hate on now, haha? I know, I wanted it to be Cas too, but hey, Zach tortured Dean the most, so yeah, he was Dean's to kill. But Im confused as to how he could do it though. I thought only an angel could kill another.

Haha, still a mess. I need to rewatch the episode, like NOW.

Its real, bb, its happening!!! ;)


Re: This can't not be an epic reply... pyjamagurl April 16 2010, 18:03:00 UTC
I don't know how I will recover from the awesomeness of the 100th episode...they certainly lived up to all their promises xD

It was an insult, really, but just the way Castiel looked at him the second Dean snapped it was priceless.

I don't know why I loved Adam, I think because I knew he was a Winchester and I automatically wanted him to be their baby brother. It was a crappy thing for Adam to do with Sam, but at the same time I understand, he has no frigging clue what Sam and Dean have had to put up with, so he has latched onto this idea that having a dad in the picture would have been better. Really, he's like Sam in that regard, that he wanted a family unit.

That bit slayed me now, I can't move past Dean saying last time someone looked at him like that he got laid and then the wink?! *flails*

I too am glad that they addressed the trust issue and that Dean still had a bit to go before he did turn himself around. Sammy needed to prove that he was there for Dean and that he has no intention of going to Lucifer, and I think Sam managed that.

The alley scene was hot, even though Castiel was getting some real issues there, I still have a hard time looking past the fact they are smooshed up against one another. I agree, I think a lot of the moments in this episode will go down in Dean/Cas history :)

I too think Dean needed to know that he was letting Castiel down. There's a part of Cas, despite all his anger and disappointment, that still holds Dean dear or he wouldn't have done what he did.

I think Dean is beginning to realise it isn't just Sam who relies on and needs him, Cas needs him too. I think Castiel still has to make some steps to realise that Dean is easier to break than he is.


This episode was honestly epic, I don't think anyone Dean/Cas or SamAndDean-centric can really complain, it was all kinds of wonderful! I can't remember who wrote this episode, I'll have to look it up...

Lol you just reminded me of 'erotically co-dependant on one another' and Adam's face when Zach said it...But yes, it does seem like Dean is now doing things solely because of his brother, part of me really wants to think he is fighting for Cas too (because part of me thinks some of what Cas said must have sunk in) I want Dean to have someone other than his brother. And so desperately want it to be Cas.

He was a douchebag but he will be missed. And yes he kind of was Dean's big bad to beat seeing as Zach has played him right, left and centre and done so much harm rather than good. I think it's because he had the angel killing weapon (which only angels have).

I think I may rewatch for a third time. I am still absorbing it all xD



Re: This can't not be an epic reply... i_rise_inside April 17 2010, 11:09:41 UTC
Im still flailing! Like crazy!

Yep, yep, I wish he'd asked him what he meant by that.

I like him too, and he was just so Dean-ish. <3 But yeah, that scene pissed me off a little. I mean, he had to fix his own cereal and put himself to bed, boo hoo, these guys had to run from and hunt werewolves and shit. But I can see why he felt that anything wouldve been better than what he got. John really messed his kids up. Tsk.

Lmao, I squeed so pathetically in that scene! Did you see how Dean's eyes didnt leave Cas at all, not even when Sam stepped inside the vault? *swoons*

Yeah, Dean really made it hard for Sam, he pushed him too far at times, but I was so happy to see Sam hold on, and keep it together, for his brother. They've been having trust issues for a while now, but after this, I think he's earned a bit of it.

Haha, it was difficult to see beyond the porn, I agree, but yeah, what Cas said there was of great importance. He said almost the same thing at the beginning of S5, but things are different now, darker and bleaker, God's abandoned him, and so right now, he couldnt take Dean doing this to him. Can you imagine his desperation, the pain he must be in, to actually beat up Dean like that? :(

Exactly, Cas was furious with him, and felt let down, but I think till the end, he hoped that Dean would come through, even thought he might not have let himself believe it. But he hoped, and thats why he went in to banish the angels.

I hope Dean realises that Cas needs him too, and that he finds strength in it.
I think Cas realises that Dean is fragile, he's seen him at his weakest and worst, but he forgets that sometimes, cuz he has no where else to put his faith in.

IKR! It would be perfect! And I want Dean to apologise, kinda,(I know Cas beat Dean up, but I think Dean was in the wrong, especially how he tricked Cas and banished him using the sigil thing, that he taught him to keep him safe) so a hug would be great. That way Dean could express his happiness at seeing Cas safe and alright, and show some gratitude, some appreciation for all that Cas has given up for him. Ive longed for that, and this would be a good time.

Yeah, it was 100% fanservice, there was something for everyone. I think it was Jeremy Carver. He writes Dean very well.

Lolol, I think the brains of all the SamandDean fans exploded at that comment. But actually, it doesnt make sense. How are people "erotically codependent" anyway? I thought it was 'neurotically codependent', lol.

See, the show's about them, so ultimately everything will boil down to what they have, and so I expected Dean to find reason to want to fight again, cuz of Sam... but I wish, it wasnt just about not letting him down. I just hate it sometimes how Dean is not his own person, like he still kinda wants Sam's approval, idk, I dont know how to word it, ugh. And it breaks my D/C shipper heart.

Yep, he tortured Dean the most, and thats why I wanted Cas to kick his smug ass, but I liked how it was done. I sure will miss hating on him. :P
And Im not sure when we learnt this, I think Uriel said it once, but even if you have that knife, only an angel can use it to kill another angel. Thats why I was shocked to see that Dean was able to kill Zach.

Ive only seen it once, Im dying to rewatch it. There must be so much I missed.

ps - ignore the typos please, at work, no time to read what Ive written. :P


Re: This can't not be an epic reply... pyjamagurl April 17 2010, 11:54:32 UTC
Oh my god I love that Gif so hard! *hugs it and watches over and over* Lol! I don't think Dean would want to explain! xD

I wish I had subtitles with the whole show, I'd follow so much more xD

Adam was a bit of a dick in that scene, but it did show how much of a Winchester he was without even knowing it. Part of me wishes Sam had said something but I think he was being the bigger man and not picking a fight, when really he deserved to, was a part of that.

My god the amount of staring in this episode alone left me in palpitations! But yeah Dean didn't take his eyes off Cas and Cas is just staring at him like You, me ...bed 'I am going to kill you...'

Sam did such a wonderful job of holding it together in this episode and I really loved it. He accepted that he did wrong and he knew that running away or fighting with Dean would only push him further away. I think the writers were right though, it took Sam until now to grow to that level of maturity (because sometimes I think people forget he is only 26/27 too and in our twenties we are still growing up a bit)

Cas said it too gruffly for me to catch all of it, though I did catch the gist of it, about how Cas couldn't have Dean abandon him now, and the reiteration that he did all of this for Dean. I think it was clear the whole episode how much Dean was hurting Cas, he was watching him all the time and there was anger simmering there from the word go.
I think there was a part of Cas, however deep down, that wasn't ready to give up on Dean just yet. Dean is at least there whereas he has just found out God has been out of the picture for a long, long time. Part of him still has faith, to do that for Dean and Sam.

I think Cas' own anger got the better of him. He knows that Dean is fragile, that he isn't the same as he was before but at the same time he feels let down because this was the one thing he had left to hold onto.

I too think it is kind of Dean's place to apologise. Yes, Cas beat him up, but Dean was also letting him down and running away. I think Dean needs to prove that he can be that strength for Cas once more. A hug would be fantastic, I want that, if anything just to show Dean's gratitude...even if it is a one sided hug to begin with xD

Lol, it was fanservice and it all worked, they did a fabulous job. And yes, Jeremy writes Dean very well *nods*

Lol! I think it was Zach just being disgusting to be honest, I think he was trying to imply to Adam that the brothers were intimately dependent on one another as well as emotionally. Adam's face was a bit "O.o 'ew...'" when Zach said it, like he didn't believe what he was saying. He definitely did say erotically though. Hmm I may have to watch again to make sure xD

Yeah I know everything in the show will boil down to the brothers *sigh* and the majority of people won't be happy unless it does. Dean does do a lot of things for his brother, and holds on for him, that's a given but a part of me is hoping that he did it for Cas too. I want Cas' words to have had an effect on him.

We wanted Cas to stand up for his man ;) Cas kicked a whole lot of ass this episode, it was Dean's turn to step up ;)
Ohhh I just thought Uriel said the only thing that could kill an angel was another angel (because of the sword/knife), I didn't realise the tool itself had to be held by an angel. I thought that because Dean had the angel-killing knife he could kill him. It might have to do with Dean being the sword of Micheal instead?

Lol! I am resisting the temptation to watch it over and over. My brother won't believe me that Dean/Cas is canon ;)

That's alrighty xD Im sure mine is just as bad! I love our epic convos!


Sorry about the epicly late reply... i_rise_inside April 21 2010, 12:00:59 UTC

Best damn line, right? Im never getting over it!
It would be awesome to see Dean fumble and stutter trying to explain to Cas what he meant though. :P

LMFAO! Cas was so eyefucking him throughout the episode, and it really did scream "you, me... bed" hahahah. And add Dean propositioning Cas to that, and yes, SPN is PORN! \o/

Ditto, he's still very young, and also the youngest in the family, the one who's always been protected, not really allowed to take his own decisions, so its only realisitic that he miscalculates at times, and doesnt quite know what to do. Lets not forget that Dean doesnt make it easy for him either. But this episode, he didnt let Dean push him away, and Dean said some nasty things to him, but he still continued to be unfazed and trust his brother would make the right choice. It was impossible to not love him, and admire how much he'd grown up.

Yeah, the way Cas was watching Dean, I think he knew Dean was going to betray him, make all his sacrifices meaningless, and it was killing him. In the fight scene, I somehow cant bring myself to care for the fact that Dean's hurting, physically, cuz Cas' pain is bigger than that, he has never lashed out like that, not at Dean, so its not hard to see how much Dean's betrayl was hurting him.

I agree, he isnt going to give up on Dean yet, even though he was so bitter in that last scene when he tells Dean that he's going to fail him, but I think he still hopes hopelessly that Dean would do the right thing, and thats why he keeps fighting.

I want a hug, so bad. And it doesnt have to be cute and cuddly, it'll most probably be awkward and weird, but thats okay, Cas is in a bad place right now, the brothers were still doing better, emotionally at the end of the last episode, but Cas is still in the same horrible place, and it would mean a lot if the one person he gave it all up for, would just tell him that he wasnt going to be bailing on him again!

I know Zach said 'erotically', but it still doesnt make sense to me. o_O I got what he was implying though, sick bastard, lol!

I want it to be true too, that Cas' words and actions played some part in Dean realising he was making a mistake, but I think it was all Sammy. And I do feel that Dean was letting Cas down, more than Sam. But I always knew Sam would come first for Dean, and that it will be all about the brothers in the end.

Im still confused about that, only an angel can ice another angel, thats what we've been told, I dont think a vessel can kill an angel. Dean better not have developed some angel-y powers or something... But maybe having sex with an angel does that, hehe? ;)

Tell your bro to watch this episode, and then try and deny it. :P

Nah, yours never have any typos, and now you can edit!!
I do too! <3


Re: Sorry about the epicly late reply... pyjamagurl April 21 2010, 14:18:10 UTC
That line will remain my favourite until Dean says something even better in Cas' direction! xD (Oh...don't encourage me! I'll get all tempted to write bumbling-not-quite-wanting-to-explain fic!)

The eye-fucking never gets old but that episode nearly slayed me with all the staring! And the wink, sweet jesus...Porn indeed! \o/

Exactly! Sam was always protected and kept safe (it was always Dean who was the little soldier, not so much Sam) and I don't blame him for wanting to break free. It is only human that he will make mistakes along the way, but the fact that he stood up, accepted he had made mistakes and didn't let Dean push him away spoke volumes for his character.

I too think Cas knew Dean was going to do something, he was watching him too closely, with too much anger to not know that Dean was about to do something stupid. I too find myself more on Castiel's side, I mean yes it hurt Dean to get beaten up but in comparison to what he was doing to Castiel it was nothing. Castiel also didn't hurt Dean nearly as much as he could have.

It'll take so much more to break them. I hope they don't break them, I love Dean/Cas too much! As long as Dean keeps fighting, Cas will be there with him, I'm sure of it.

Even a thank-god-your-safe hug would be awesome! I don't need it to be soppy, I just need Castiel to know that Dean is still there for him and I want Castiel to be thankful that Dean did the right thing in the end.

It didn't make sense, I agree. I was like 'What...Zach, ew!' Poor Sam and Dean...

I think a lot of it was Sammy, I mean Dean is always about his brother and always will be but part of me still thinks Castiel got to him a little bit too. I think that when it came down to it, in that moment when Sam was so sure that Dean meant to say yes, it was Sam that made him come back.

*thinks* I don't know I feel utterly confused now. I had got into thinking it had to be the angel sword that killed them and not just the angel themselves. I don't think Dean is developing angel-powers, lol! I do approve if angel-smexing is the cause ;)

I wll try! But he will keep telling me I am delusional I'm sure *pouts*

I can! *dances* Lol I am horribly aware of my spelling at times xD



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