Blow me, Cas!

Apr 16, 2010 15:19

Nope, thats not from some fanfic, you guys, it was on the fucking show! Loved the episode. So much shiptease, so much awesome.

First things first! How totally BAMF was Cas in this episode?! GAHH!! Kicked some major angel ass and oh hey, look, RAISED ANOTHER WINCHESTER! Sam must feel so left out.

In other news, Dean got ditched. Michael doesnt want his sweet ass. (Pfft, we know he does, this is all a ploy) Plan B. Adam. Tried to hate the kid, but couldnt. Cocky, a bit of an asshole, has daddy issues, puts family above all, (also loves burgers) yeah, very Dean Winchester. How could I not like him.

Lets get to the delicious things. Like TEH look *swoons*


"Not for nothing, but the last time somebody looked at me like that - I got laid."  LMFAO! SUBTLE, SHOW. VERY SUBTLE.

The panic room scene got me all teary, ngl. Dean's doing it cuz he doesnt believe in Sam. That explains so much, it was something  pyjamagurl   and I were discussing the other day, how Dean wasnt thinking about what he was going to do to Sam by saying ~yes, how he'd be damning him to saying ~yes to Lucifer too. But he has thought about it, and his decision and lack of faith is directly related to him not trusting Sam anymore. (I think Dean cant fight, not having Sam on his side. He relies too much on Sam to be strong.)

However I do have issues with that speech of his, it was twisted, Dean's kinda like 'someone's gonna have to take you out, I'd like it to be me'... IDK, I will have to rewatch the episode, something bugged me about what he said.

SAM! <3 I love you when you're like this, always the one with faith! You're gonna keep it all together, bb, dont you worry.


“I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?”


After this episode, you cannot tell me that Dean/Cas is not canon! SO MUCH UST, SO MUCH INNUENDO.

UNF! SO MUCH UNF! Guys, like Dean said - JUST DO IT!

Im a happy fangirl today. Thanks to the SPN writers, the gods of orgasm and dirty alley sex.

What the hell happened to him?
 Hehe, dont say things like that, Cas, last Sam and Bobby saw you, you were going down to the vault where Dean was locked up, and then you pop up with Dean looking like that.... *giggle*

Also, now Dean knows not to piss off nerdy angels. ;)

My heart hurt when Cas said to Dean that he didnt have faith in him. :( Really hurt, even though I know where he's coming from, Dean totally bailed on him, not only that, the sneaky thing banished him (though you gotta love how he knew Cas was going to come see him). I loved how Cas was watching Dean like a hawk throughout the episode, he knew he was falling apart, he knew he was going to do something crazy, he was going to betray him.

But he still went ahead and sacrificed himself, carved on his own body (oww!) and took out 5 more angels... Methinks you do trust him, Cas. Why else would you keep fighting and destroying yourself, so that he'd have a chance.

I guess it all comes down to what the writers chose, Sam having faith in Dean, even when NO ONE else did, was what this whole episode was ultimately about, so I guess they didnt mind underming Dean/Cas a little. Not sure I like it though. *pouts*

I was sad thinking that Dean/Cas have broken up. EVEN AFTER THE WINK AND DEAN'S PAINFULLY OBVIOUS SEXUAL ADVANCES! But hey, Dean was still worried about him, and in the end, he says that they're gonna get Cas back. So yeah, even though I panicked a little when Cas went missing, now Im sure Dean will manage to bring him back.

I cannot remember how long its been since I cried happy tears, while watching this show, but the last scene, gah... totally happened, I missed this, I missed them! The brothers, like they used to be. <3

But while Im happy that Dean's finally realised that Sam's a big boy now, who can take care of himself, and deserves some trust after all the faith he's shown in him, (Dean needs to let him go a little, see that he doesnt have to be responsible for everything, that he can be someone independent of him, that he can want something for himself) Im sad to see that its still all about Sam, about not wanting to 'let him down'. Dean still defines himself through Sam, he still measures his self-worth in terms of what Sam thinks of him, what he's able to do for him. :(

To end this long rambly post, CELEBRATE WITH ME, PEOPLE, THE DICK IS DEAD. AND DEAN WAS THE ONE TO KILL HIM, THERE'S SOME JUSTICE IN IT, RIGHT? Ah, how I loved to hate you Zach, I will miss that, haha. But im still confused as to how Dean killed him, and how his eyes didnt like burn out or something. Hmm.

I need to get back to work now. Ive been utterly unproductive today, ugh. Still a mess!

Cas better be in the next episode. And now that its canon, can we have some Dean/Cas sexing, Kripke? Thank you.


supernatural, epic shit, dean/castiel is ruining my life, pure sex, v is dying of flail

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