So much for you, 2007-2008.
Looking through it, one is provided a mini-capsule of one's life. All the minute cares and projects that warranted space and thought, and sometimes, amusingly, made for a great deal of frustration.
Let the good times roll.
Stress isn't necessarily a bad thing, I've been told. Like people, stress can be divided into two moral camps, good stress and bad stress. And sometimes they switch roles and decide to play good-cop-bad-cop instead. (
I am sad that Alexander Solzhenitsyn died. Have to admit I was surprised to learn he was even still alive, as of just days ago. (He was 89 years old.) I have One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, haven't read it. But I do highly recommend his Gulag Archipelago. That man had some stories. The world he describes is unthinkable. But in it, small human kindnesses and moments of clarity do occur.