Jun 26, 2010 02:19
Oh, insomnia. And I was so tired, too. I saw the clock hit 12 and was ready to crash, but as soon as I was in bed I knew I wouldn't be getting to sleep anytime soon. Hopefully soon, because 6am is going to come quick, unless I'm lucky and Alex sleeps in a bit. He's not feeling his best, so hopefully he'll sleep.
Sunday is Alex's 3rd birthday party and damn is he excited. Tomorrow night we'll make up the veggie tray and gift bags, and A and I will wrap the last of the presents. It's hard to believe he's three already, but then again it's hard to believe at times that he's only three. He's a sharp one and a parrot, and I find my jaw dropping more often than not with the things he says. He's very protective of me and snuggly until about 5:00pm...then he turns into a defiant little beast. I literally had to fork-feed him his dinner tonight because he wouldn't eat again, and when issued threats just narrowed his eyes and told us off. The only time we got through to him tonight was after he threw a toy at my head and he got a whap on the butt. He cried more out of indignation than anything and was REALLY MAD when we made him look at us as we explained and made him apologise. But then we started to clean and he leaped back into his "little helper" mode that he likes so much. He even helped with laundry, taking a small break to "looking something on the computer, Mom. I looking baby sister clothes". He came back when he couldn't get past the password and I asked if he saw any good clothes; he said no.
Em, we got the results back: Sammy is in incredibly good health despite being down to 9 lbs. and having thyroid problems. The crystals were apparently just from the draw and he has arthritis, so they've put him on glucosamine. So now I've no frickin' clue: I'm of a mind to dope them both up on kitty Prozac and see if THAT stops them. The Feliway used to work, but Murphy's arrival and Alex's mobility pissed them off so much that they started aiming for the pheromone plug-ins. Little bastards.
So...two more days and the stitch comes out. And then the insanity really begins of making sure everything is just so (it really isn't). Here's hoping everything goes smoothly.