Sausage fingers

Jun 24, 2010 01:02

Finally in the homestretch.   My fingers, hands, wrists, feet and ankles have all swollen horribly yet again to the point where I can barely close my hands.  Good thing I finished that knitting project.  Plus my appetite is petering out like before: I'll snack, but I don't really want to eat.  Must be getting close.

I go tomorrow for my last monitoring session before the stitch comes out, and Little Miss is wedged down in my pelvis just waiting.  This week has seen more Braxton Hicks contractions, some even accompanied by sharp pains as they push on that stitch, but there's no visible signs that there's trauma, so I'm ok.  Tonight I had A take care of my chores while I sucked down ice water on the couch.  There are still so many things to do and I'm hoping to get the important things done before Monday, just in case.  After Monday we'll just see when she comes, but I'm really hoping it won't come to me lying on the couch and waiting out another three weeks; sitting is REALLY uncomfortable with her jammed under my pubic bone and I hate being swollen.

Alex is having his third birthday party on Sunday and we're all excited.  A and I weren't really going to get him anything, and then of course we found all these things we HAD to get him.  That has to stop, but we told ourselves it was his last chance to really have all the attention and toys to himself.  He's sharing this party with another little boy and was disappointed when we moms chose Mickey Mouse as a theme over "Buzz LIghtyear", but once he sees the pool, presents and the cake I'm sure he won't care.

Fingers are crossed here as we batten down the hatches and crank up the AC as we creep into triple digits.  Alex seems excited about helping, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going to happen.  I'll try to get pics up as soon as I can, but there's no guarantee: two kids at once is gonna be killer!

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