Updatey and SORRY EM!

Jan 27, 2010 00:40

It's sadly strange but so very nice to be in an environment where I don't have to be afraid of being pregnant. Where people seem as excited as I am and openly ask if I need anything. Because while I'm fine now, it's nice to know that I won't have to kill myself trying to hide the fact that I'm struggling. It's very heartening and doing a lot for my mood.

And on that note, the child is starting to demand food more often. I did very well maintaining weight for 14 weeks, but I think the next two weeks will start to show some gain with how much hungrier I've gotten. Alex is adorable and when I ask, "Where's the baby?", he'll point to my belly button and say, "In belly!" However, he gets a little confused and will tell me that there's a baby in his belly, too. Granted, he has a little Buddha belly, but I keep telling him that only Mommies have babies in their bellies. He doesn't look like he believes me. We have a meeting with the Perinatologist on the 8th to discuss any possible risks from my thyroid issues (we should be fine) and I think we get an ultrasound there. So if we don't find out what we're having then, we have our 18 week checkup on the 22nd. I'm excited and Alex keeps asking when we're "Go doctor, Mommy?". I ask if he wants to see more pictures of the baby and he gives an enthusiastic yeah, but I think it's really for the lolly he gets once we're in the office to keep him quiet and still.

Em. Em, Em, Em. I'm so sorry. When you called I was working my 7-3 shift of the dark, and I'd come right home and collapse. So I never called you back. I'm sorry for being the bad friend, but I DID get your message and am so happy you got that gig. After Alex dumped a bottle of water in my purse the other day and A did the rice trick to try to fix it, I think we've got it working again. If I can find some time this weekend and can actually get a signal in my house (past 6 months and I only manage 2 bars TOPS), I'll give you a call and we can chat. You're awesome; I suck. LOVE YOU!
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