What lurks on the island [6/?]

Jun 29, 2007 15:00

Title: What lurks on the island [6/?]
POV: 3rd
Rating: R? Maybe... for being bloody and cursing
Pairing: Ryden's all i know, tbh, but I guess there's Joncer in there too.
Summary: you an pretty much guess the entire story from the intro.
Disclaimer: If they were really trapped on an island, they wouldn't be making music now would they?
A/N: You'd think this was the end, but it's not.


"Let's play a game," Spencer suggested, as him and Jon walked down the hall.
"Yeah, okay, what game?" Jon asked.
"Um....ooh! let's be spies!"
"No!" Jon snorted. "we're not 5, Spence."
"Note to Mr. Jon Walker, please get over yourself. No one's ever to old to play spies! Come on!" Spencer started to run down the hall with his hands clasped together like a gun.
"Alright, whatever," Jon mumbled as he started to run after the younger boy. Spencer stopped running after a while and dropped to the ground. Jon followed his lead and they army crawled down the rest of the hall. They stealthily turned all corners and rolled down the halls when possible. They soon started playing against each other, pretending to shoot each other with their "guns".
"I got you!" Jon whined as Spencer continued to run.
"Did not!"
"Did to!"
"Prove it!"
"Well, it's not like you have a freakin' bullet wound or anything! We're using our hands! How am I supposed to prove it?" Jon reasoned, crossing his arms across his chest and pouting.
"Well maybe if we got some real guns, this wouldn't be a problem!" Spencer retorted.
"Yeah, okay, that sounds like a brilliant idea," Jon said sarcastically. "except...where the hell are we going to get real guns?" Spencer rolled his eyes and looked up. Right above both of them was a sign that said 'WEAPONRY' with an arrow pointing down the adjacent hall. Jon followed Spencer's gaze and smirked. They locked eyes for a brief moment before sprinting down that hall. They jiggled the knobs on a couple of doors, but they ended up being locked. The two of them reached a door that was unlocked and hesitated.
"The doctor said to stay out of trouble," Spencer muttered, rubbing the back of his head.
"We won't get in trouble for being curious. If worse comes to worse, we'll say that we were looking for the bathroom," Jon reassured Spencer and pushed the door open. There were rows and rows of bottles and vials each containing a different colored liquid or powder. Jon and Spencer stepped inside and started walking along the aisles, examining each bottle. They found vaccines for everything from the flu to weird animal bites. Spencer pressed his nose to a large glass container filled with murky yellow water. He shook the jar a little bit and came face to face with a fetus. Spencer jerked back and breathed deeply. The bottle contained a small, developing human, almost transparent,with claws almost the side of its head and small bumps of teeth starting to arise. He took a couple of steps back and continued to walk down the aisle, he came to a chart of the human body. There were Post-its attached to certain points. One particular note attached to the Axillary artery caught his eye. 'metamorphinoxide 56 mg for full effects-5 minutes'. That caused Spencer to quirk an eyebrow considering that was a lot of whatever drug that was. There were other notes attached to the diagram also, each with its own dosage of a drug. On the neck there was a note that said 'photoplorinoxicide 102 mg'. Spencer just shrugged and looked away, his eyes falling on a small hand book. He picked it up and dusted off the cover. There, in simple font read: 'The Thompson's handbook'. Spencer opened it and started flipping through the pages.
Though a minor laceration cannot transfer the disease from the being to the human, the wound must be treated well and bandaged before other airborne bacterias can infect it and cause different illnesses. In case body fluid from the creature infects the wound, take 102 mg of photoplorinoxicide for protection. Spencer looked back up at the chart before looking back down at the book again. Side effects include: temporary blindness, forgetfulness, moodiness, narcolepsy, headaches, abdominal pains, inflammation of the injection area, etc. If side effects last for more than 24 hours, contact one of the island's physicians immediately. Spencer took the miniature handbook and shoved it into his back pocket. The least he could do is learn about safety precautions just in case anything were to go wrong. He found Jon in a corner aisle, looking at a wall full of weapons.
"Jesus Spencer, would you look at this?" Jon mumbled, pointing to an instructional poster. There was a hospital chair with leather straps and a weird metal extension. There was a man sitting in the chair in all of the steps. He was bound down in the first picture. In the second picture, the metal extension was on the guys neck, serving as a guide for a needle. There were a couple more detailed pictures of where exactly the needle was supposed to go.
"What do you think this is for?" Jon asked.
"I don't know," Spencer mumbled. "But whatever, let's go now, this place is kinda weird,"


Spencer and Jon officially agreed that getting back would be a lot easier if every hallway didn't look exactly the same. The place itself was like a labyrinth, and every hallway being a monotonous, stark, white was not helping. Every door they passed had a number imprinted on it, which didn't help either, because neither boy remembered which room Brendon was in. Just then, they heard voices. Both their heads snapped back and they caught a glimpse of a gurney whizzing by. They both sprinted down the hall and looked down the connecting hall. About 7 nurses were pushing it, their faces completely blank. The patient was thrashing around, his pale arms coming into sight every once in a while. The two boys didn't have to think twice. They started running.
"Brendon!" Jon called. The thrashing momentarily stopped and one of the nurses glanced back.
"Jon?!" Brendon called back, thrashing harder than ever to get loose. "Jon! Save me! They're going t-" the nurses went through a pair of swinging doors, cutting Brendon off. The door locked when they shut and Jon and Spencer went flying into them.
"Shit!" Spencer cried, kicking the door.
"Brendon!" Jon called once more, punching and kicking the steel enforced doors. Finally realizing that the doors wouldn't open, their task changed.
"We've gotta find Ryan," Spencer said. Jon simply nodded and followed him down the hall.
They eventually found the hallway that Ryan was in. He was standing in front of Brendon's room with a nurse, slightly trembling.
"RYAN! RYAN!" Spencer called, running down to meet him. Ryan turned solemnly to face them, his face streaked with tears.
"Ryan, Brendon he's- he's," Jon panted. Ryan's lip trembled and he started to choke on his tears. He started to cry harder, his body racking. "No, no, don't cry, he's alive, but there's something wrong. They're taking him somewhere!" Ryan's face piped up and he stopped crying.
"Where is h-he?" he stuttered.
"Come on! This way!" Spencer directed, starting to run down the hall. Ryan and Jon started running after him.
"HEY! HEY! STOP! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" the nurse called after them. She took a couple of steps forward then pulled out her walkie talkie. "They're heading south east in the medical corridor," She explained. Voices came from the other line. "Yeah, yeah, and quick, they're going to get the other one. Yes."


"How are we gonna get the door open?" Jon asked as they stood outside of the pair of locked double doors. Ryan looked around. There were a lot of wires lining the door. Assuming that they controlled the lock function, Ryan walked over to them and started pulling. He ripped out all the cords from the wall. Some of them broke almost instantly, but others took all his strength to rip apart. Sparks flew around and the lights around the door shut off. Ryan then stepped back and kicked the doors open. He kicked so hard that the doors bounced back off of the walls. Spencer and Jon watched in awe, their jaws were practically on the floor. Ryan looked back at them, smirked and started running down the hall. The other two followed behind, checking every open door for Brendon.
"Brendon!" Ryan called. There was a muffled cry in response. Ryan's head snapped towards the sound. He approached a door and kicked it open. He was starting to like that. Inside, Brendon was lying in a hospital chair, his arms and legs tightly bound with leather straps. A metal extension jutting out from the chair was carefully aligned with Brendon's neck. Brendon was gagged with a cloth. His eyes were frantic and full of panic. He tried to say something but in only came out as a muffled screech. Ryan ran over to his side and pulled the gag out of his mouth, kissing him harshly. They pulled away, slightly out of breath.
"Oh god, Brendon, what have they done to you?" Ryan whispered, his hands softly petting his hair and cheek.
"Please, Ryan just- untie me, we have to get out of here, they're going to-"
"Shh, I know, just, hold on-"
"Shit, Ryan watch out!" Brendon gasped. There was a loud whoosh and Ryan looked back to see a giant man towering over him with a nightstick in his hand.
"Come with me, son," the security man demanded. Ryan scrambled backwards. Behind the guard, he could see Spencer and Jon kicking and flailing as two other guards held them in place.
"Fuck you," Ryan growled. He lurched forward and grabbed onto the guards legs, causing him to trip and fall over. Ryan took he opportunity to straddle his chest and grab the nightstick from him. He whacked him over the head once. The other guards let go of Spencer and Jon and rushed over. Just as Ryan was about to hit the guard again he heard a click. The nightstick dropped to the ground and Ryan turned around to face a gun less than an inch away from his face.

A/N: First off, my hands and my mind were not working together when writing this chapter, so I'm sorry if it doesn't make any sense. Also, sorry that it took so long, I don't know what I've been doing. Um... i think i'm going to take a break with this story for a bit, you know, sort out the ending and all. BUT a new story in in the works. It'll be posted in like a day or two. thanks for reading, and if you want to help with the ending, please tell me. love you all <3

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