(no subject)

Mar 12, 2006 19:33

SEX suvey

1. Name: Joslin Irene Potter

2. Age: 20

3. Gender: female

4. Favorite activity: Talking, Jumping on beds, driving, drinking!

5. Love, sex or fuck: Done all 3!

6. Have you ever had sex: More then once!

7. How often: My dream would be everyday, but i take it as i can get it!

8. Sexual preference: I perfer guys wit Blond hair, Green eyes, kinda chubby, he has to be a good kisser, and somewhat of a fighter! I

9. When was your first time:I was 16!

10. Did you like it: It was something that i thought was right to do at the time, i won't deny that i didn't like it, i just wish it would have been with someone else.

11. Lights on or off: When Im first meeting a person i like the lights off, that way the natural lighing from the moon or stars shining into my room choose where to shine and allow me to see.

12. Favorite place to do it: I love doing it in the car! the tighter the spot the more creative you have to get with positions your going to use, i also like it in hotel rooms, just because i can be as wild and friksy as i want.

13. Ever had a one-night stand:i try not to think of them as one night stands.

14. If so how many: ..... 2

15. Ever done it in a public place: Well, if a korn maze counts then yes!

16. If yes where: Korn Maze, people's basements, random rds, driveways!

17. Would you ever think about doing it in public place: I would love to have sex on a roof top, or on the playground on the swing!

18. How many partners have you had: I've had eight

19. What is your favorite sexual act: Foreplay!

20. How often do you masturbate: I guess Im one of the lucky ones, I've always had someone to count on when it came to feeding my needs.

21. Is sex wrong unless you’re married: iI dont think so, but i do think that waiting until your married would be the best and most magical option.

22. Do you sleep naked: I have. but no!

23. Do you have safe sex: I play God everytime i have sex. I am what they call a "birth control" abuser. I go out and have unprotected sex just becuase i can, and NO it isn't safe, someday I'll pay! Karma's a bitch!

24. How often do you engage in sexual acts (in a week): Depends, if Im seeing my guy or not, i try to have sex as much as possible! I used to have sex 2 or 3 times a day, but latly, that hasnt been my luck.

25. Are you loud in bed: Only if Im drunk or he really knows what he's doing.

26. Do you orgasm every time: No usually, i enjoy the sensation more then the whole process it's self.

27. If not how often do you: i don't know
28. Do you like to be on top: Sometimes, most the time no, becuase my hip always locks, but if Im given that oppurtinity then yes!

29. Would you try new and different sexual positions: Im up for anything as long as it doesnt envolve it going anywhere but where it belongs!

30. Do you look at your partner in the eyes while doing it: Not normally! I choose to put my mind in another place, somewhere i know that makes me happy. And sometimes, im just thinking about Jim Morrison.

31. After you’re done do you cuddle or go right to sleep:  Im not, but if the guy wants to cuddle with me Im going to eat up that attention.

32. Afterwards do you get dressed again: Majority of the time, yes.

33. Would you strip for someone other than your partner: If it was for some serious cash.

34. Is there anything better than sex: Maybe Taco Bell... JK! There is nothing better then sharing something sexual and magical with another person.. as holly would say... its natural.

35. Do you have the TV on while your doing it: not normally.

36. Do you think of other things while your doing it: Sometimes i think about Jim Morrison.

37. Do you have music going while you’re at it: I like it sometimes, it makes it feel romantic and sets a pace.

38. How passionate are you: Depends on how drunk or in love I am with the person.

39. How aggressive are you: If were played lion and bear, and i get the chance to be the lion, it is a battle, and let the best one win.

40. Do you like it ruff: Only if he is chanting along with it.

41. Where would you never do it: In a portapottie!

42. Have you ever been caught having sex: Twice.

43. Have you ever gotten pregnant: Unsure, from the research I've done online a lot of girls on BC get pregnant and just lose them in the first couple months it could have happened! and a fre months ago i thought i was dieing for 2 weeks Im still unsure about that!

44. Ever had a pregnancy scare: Once or Twice!

45. Have you been tested for STD’s: YES!

46. If so what kind: Everything!


47. Do you use a vibrater: no

48. If so, does it work for you: n/a

49. Do you use your hand: I cant see how that would even remotly turn someone on, but no!

50. Would you rather a guy help you: Hell YEah!

51. Does fingering satisfy you: Depends on how ruff they are!

52. What is the best way to show love: Kissing the neck, touching and carassing everywhere, soft passionate kisses.

53. Have you ever been in love with a guy you have had sex with: A couple.


54. How often do you masturbate:

55. Do you watch porno while doing it:

56. Do you look at anything to get you excited:

57. How fast do you cum:

58. Can you cum more than once in one session:

59. Do you take your pants off to masturbate:

60. Where is the best place to pleasure you yourself:


61. Have you ever had sex in a shower: Yeah it was nice, the water was warm, there were lots of bubbles and we were just a slipping and a sliding.

62. A pool: yes

63. Is skinny dipping attractive: I dunno, depends, I've done it a few times with different people, its alright if your drunk i guess.

64. What is a definite no-no while engaged in the act: Assuming that you will just get off... farting, burping, um... carring on a conversation...

65. What is the grossest thing that your partner could do while your having sex: farting! Puking!

66. Has your partner ever done this: Not my current partner.

67. What is the grossest thing you can do while having sex: Fart, burp in your mouth, have large amounts of spit and deposting in your partners mouth!

68. Have you ever done this: no

69. What’s the worse thing to say while doing it: Someone else's name.

70. Have you said this: Yea, but i dont think that heard.

71. Have you ever had sex drunk: I perfer to be drunk!

72. Is it better when you’re drunk: Naw, it can make it more exciting, but the best is when your truly in love.

73. Do songs about sex turn you on: um... Posion by alice cooper turns me on!

74. Would you have sex with more than one person in one night: Yes.

75. Would you tell your partner if you did: No why would i tell them?

76. Would you have more than one partner of other sexes: no

78. Would you mind being videoed: ew

79. Would your partner know that you were taping the two of you: if i ever did it, yes

80. Would you watch it with other people who were not involved: I would hope it would remain private!

81. If so would the one involved be there: no

82. Would he or she know there was a tape: yeah

83. Would you ever sell such a tape: no.

84. Would you take naked pictures of yourself and then sell them: Yeah all the time!

85. Would you ever post such pictures where other people could see them: No.

86. How much would you sell them for: Not gonna happen

87. Do you think that it’s fair to your partner that you do this: NO i Dont!

88. What would you do if you found pictures of your partner on the web: be pissed

89. Do you have any playboys: no

90. What would you do if you found your partner had playboys: be angry.

91. Do you feel like you have been a bad partner: Sometimes, like i know what I've done in the past is mean and not right but who is to say that Im doing the wrong thing you know?

92. Do you like to get spanked: NO

93. How would you describe your sex life up till now: These last few times that I've had sex have been amazing, I've never had a guy who put me first and waiting for me to do what i need to do, the speed is just right, the kisses are in all the right hot spots.... oh.. yummy...

94. Do you go to parties to find sex: I have.

95. Do you ever get it on right there: Nope.

96. How turned on do you have to be before you can’t stop yourself: Yea!

97. Is there anything you wouldn’t do for sex: I wouldnt make myself look cheap!

98. Have you given things up for sex: Yes, in high school mostly.

99. Are there limits to sex: The sky maybe.

100. Do you ever have sex just for your partner: Most the time i hope there is some sort of agreement.

101. Has sex ever meant nothing to you: Once.

102. Have you ever regretted having sex with someone: There are no regrets, i did it, and it's history...

103. Have you ever had an abortion: nope.

104. If so do you regret it now: ---

105. Do people call you a tramp: Just a Whore.

106. Would you strip for a living: hell no.

107. Have you gone and watched stripers: nope

108. Do you find it degrading: I think that everyone has to make a living somehow, and if your that proud of your body, then i guess go for it, i could never do it, i would lose alot of respect for myself.

109. Have you ever been raped: no

110. If so was it someone you knew: ---

111. Is rape ever ok: If it's with you and your parnter and your pretending it to be somekind of game.

112. If so when: um never?

113. Do you know anyone who was raped: Yno

114. If so did you, or someone you know go to court about it: i don't know

115. If yes did you win: ---

116. How far would you go on the first date: Depends on if they come home with me or not!

117. How far is to far: Sex in the morining!

118. How turned on are you right now: not at all, im hungry!

119. Has this got you thinking about sex at all: To be honest yes! Makes me miss my guy~

120. Was this the worst quiz you ever took: no
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