Single Handedly - - Chapter 2

Apr 28, 2009 21:42

Title: Single Handedly

Genre: Romance, Angst

Rating: PG-13

Characters: Maedhros/OFC

Time: First Age 346 - Fourth Age

Chapter(s): 2/?

Summary: Celegorm reached out a hand to help him up and firmly Maedhros took it, pulling him close to bestow a poisonous look and growled, “This is not forgivable, Celegorm. I will never forget.”

Author: Codi Lyn (a.k.a. i_luv_obiwan91)

Disclaimer: J.R.R. Tolkien and his family are the sole owners of his works including the Silmarillion and his Lord of the Rings series. I’m just inspired by his works and thought of different ways for different things to end as another option. It’s his music; I’m just playing it on a ukulele, not a guitar. =]

This particular chapter is too huge to post here, so here is the link to the chapter on ^_^ I would appreciate you reading it when you have the time.

fan fic

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