My list of Goals, large and small...

Jan 02, 2009 18:11

What you do is list 101 goals (large and small) to accomplish in 1001 days. "Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organizing and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities." - Live Journal community, mission101_2009

So here's mine for the next 2 3/4 years. ^_^

1. Print this list and read it once a week (at least).


2. Do 30 min. of cardio exercise at *least* three times a week.
3. Be able to run 3 miles and not die.
4. Do Pilates for more flexibility.
5. Learn more Irish step dancing to practice and work on my endurance.
6. Drink three or four 32 oz. bottles of water daily.
7. Boogey down with my mom to music at least once a week.
8. Initiate a work out to encourage her to be active.
9. Get up no later than eight a.m. on a weekday.
10. Go to sleep no later than ten p.m. on a weekday.
11. Eat smaller portions, period.
12. Go without soda for a month (separate from my 'only water' month).
13. Run every morning possible, no matter how tired.
14. If not run, walk, but longer distance.
15. Do something active every Sunday, even if it's that night.
16. Walk my dog(s) every day (when I get it/them).
17. Train them to be obedient animals.
18. Spend at least ten minutes outside every day aside from exercise.
19. Drink only water for an entire month.
20. Floss every morning. No exceptions.
21. Consciously eat slower.
22. Work at it until I can do fifteen push-ups.


23. Study up on everything accessible about photography.
24. Take a community college course in photography.
25. Befriend a fellow photographer and learn from/teach anything I can and am able.
26. Learn to manage my finances, and manage them wisely as a good steward of my belongings.
27. Earn enough money for a plane-ticket to AZ.
28. Earn enough money to be staff at more than one youth camp.
29. Make jewelry and continue to sell it for a little side hobby/business.
30. Be able to volunteer at the (or *a*) Renaissance Faire, whether in a booth for money, or just for the experience.
31. Ask my brother to help me make a website/gallery for my photography.
32. Photograph every weekend at Faire as possible.
33. Purchase a personal laptop to organize my photos and life.
34. Set aside $5 out of every paycheck.

Self Betterment:

35. Do not hesitate to meet new people and learn something more than just surface information about them.
36. Memorize people's names by asking for it again and *saying it out loud.*
37. Memorize a poem, or piece of a story word for word.
38. Memorize my Social Security Number.
39. Begin learning Gaelic.
40. Call one of my best friends every week.
41. Contact my extended family consistently.
42. Straighten hair at least once a month for a change.
43. Wax eyebrows once a month or more often.
44. Purchase an acoustic guitar and learn to play it.
45. Learn my letters in sign language.
46. Cook at least two meals for my family every week.
47. Learn a completely new recipe and cook it well.
48. Learn two different Latin or ballroom dances and remember them.
49. Purchase a sewing machine and learn to make garb and clothing.
50. Pay *attention* doing school, and actively do my best every day.
51. Learn to drive!
52. Get my driver's license.
53. Write letters to my friends instead of emails.
54. Use an archaic word every week, more than once.
55. Purchase a mountain/off road bike and ride it often.
56. For an entire day consciously think not to make faces, complain, or make a rebuttal about anything and just do it.
57. Purchase a personal cell phone and call someone for a good while *every* weekend.
58. Read and study my church notes every Sabbath and every chance during the week.
59. Read *at least* one chapter in the Bible daily.
60. Cook a meal the next time we go camping.


61. Comment on every deviation I look at on Deviant ART.
62. Finish writing and editing Silmarillion AU fan-fiction.
63. Finish writing Batman TDK AU fan-fiction.
64. Write Lord of the Rings branch fan-fiction off of 'Faril Nin.'
65. Start pulling research and ideas together for my historical novel.
66. Draw and sketch every idea *when I have it.*
67. Experiment more with watercolors and charcoal.
68. Complete even the intricate art pieces.
69. Learn to write coherently with my left hand.
70. Develop Irish accent for Faire persona.
71. *Use* said Irish accent at Faire (constantly), no matter how ridiculous I feel, or even if I get out of character.
72. Buy a bodice and chemise... and beret.
73. Buy a sphere and learn sphere play to improve dexterity.
74. Make *loads* of jewelry and give each piece to someone I don't know at the Feast of Tabernacles with a tag on it, "Happy Feast!"
75. Draw one photo out of every memory card I fill up.
76. Successfully draw a mildly intricate Celtic knot and improvise my artwork onto it.
77. Get a professional manicure.
78. Buy Wisconsin postcards before 6 months is up and send them to people I miss in Arizona and Arkansas.
79. Take a photo shoot of my parents.
80. Take a photo shoot of my brothers and sister.
81. Buy another (or two more) SD memory card.
82. With sewing machine, make myself a messenger/courier bag to carry my camera, and writing notebooks, and sketch pads with the neat fabric I bought from White Elephant.
83. Name a tree near my house that I love.


84. Read 'Lays of Beleriand.'
85. Read 'Silmarillion' again.
86. Read the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy again.
87. Read Jane Austen's novels.
88. Read the 'Princess Bride.'
89. Purchase every book in the 'History of Middle Earth' series.
90. Watch every Star Wars film in order.
91. Read 'Mr. Darcy's Diary.'
92. Read 'The Scarlet Letter.'
93. Read every book in my library and purchase more.
94. Watch 'St. Elmo's Fire.'
95. Watch 'Flash Dance.'
96. Watch 'Grease.'
97. Watch 'Terminator 4.'
98. Watch 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine.'
99. Watch 'P.S. I Love You.'
100. Purchase 'The Horse: 30,000 Years of the Horse in Art.'
101. Read more Shakespeare.

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