A Teacher's Favorite Toy [s/a]

Aug 15, 2009 03:52

Title: A Teacher's Favorite Toy

Author: Margaret AKA i_love_jersey
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Ryan/ Brendon [Ryden/ Rydon].
Point Of View: Third, Ryan-centric.
Summary: Let's just say the teacher likes to use his favorite toys on the teacher's pet. Porn without a plot!

Warnings: Boysecks, swearing, teacher/ student sex, toy use-age, VERY mild bondage/ S&M [nothing bad].
Word Count: 2,283
Disclaimer: Hi, my name is Fakenstien, I live in the world of Fakeness.
Beta: The one and only AMAZING, Kay! [She doesn't want her LJ name used]
Author Notes: There isn't enough PWP NC-17 fics anymore, so I decided instead of griping to people I would fix it and write some. This will be my first fic on S!ATD so be nice in the comments... Con-crit is okay and random love and hugs are OF COURSE welcome ^^. I hope you enjoy the yummy slashyness I cooked up!


Ryan had liked Brendon for some time now, though it wasn't allowed. He was Brendon's Senior English teacher. No, the two didn't have that much of an age difference, but it was against the law for teachers to have relationships with students.

On Friday Ryan smiled as he handed tests back to his students, pausing over Brendon's desk. He had known the younger male was gay since he had caught Brendon and his friend, Spencer, making out behind the gym one day. He had just smiled, clearing his throat. He let the boys know this wasn't proper on school grounds, but he wasn't going to get them in trouble.

“Brendon, may I see you after class?” the older male asked as he set Brendon's A+ test on his desk. He let a smile slip onto his features as the chocolate eyed boy looked up.

Brendon had bitten his lip slightly, nodding to Ryan's request. “Of course, Mr Ross,” Brendon spoke softly, scared of getting in trouble and knowing he wasn't allowed to say no.

Ryan smiled as he finished passing out papers. Now the teacher just had to wait until the bell rang, once again thanking god that his class was the last of the day.


Ryan smirked at the nervously fidgeting Brendon Urie in front of him. The boy was seated at a desk, first row, right in front of Ryan's desk where the older was perched on the edge, body slumped and relaxed.

“Relax, Brendon. You're not in trouble,” the older said as he smiled, thinking how to initiate this. “Was Spencer the first guy you ever kissed?” he spoke softly, smirk turning to a grin.

Brendon's eyes widen at Ryan's question, but figured it wouldn't hurt to answer it anyway. “Yeah, he was.”

Ryan nods, body tilting toward Brendon slightly. “Did you like kissing him?”

Brendon fidgets more before nodding, fidgeting again as Ryan pushes off the desk. He smiles as he walks to Brendon's desk, putting his hands down on it and leaning down, eye to eye with his student.

“Would you kiss me?” he asks, smile on his face gentle.

Brendon's eyes nearly pop out of his head at how shocked he is, a small squeak emitting from his throat. “S-su-,” he starts, licking his lips, “Y-yes,” he finishes as he breaths out, hands shaking a bit at his nervousness.

Ryan smiles as he leans in and cups Brendon's face with one hand, pressing his lips to Brendon's plump ones. “Good answer,” Ryan says after the kiss, noticing Brendon is a lot less nervous and fidgety seeming.

Brendon smiles softly and nods, letting out a breath as he gets up. “I'm gonna go. I have a long walk home,” the younger says softly as he smiles at his teacher. “Thanks, Mr. Ross.”

“Ryan, please call me Ryan,” he informs the younger.

Brendon nods as he grabs his bag and starts to leave.

Ryan bites his lip as Brendon starts to leave, a plot forming in his head. “Brendon! Wait!” he calls after his student.

Brendon turns, looking back at Ryan. “Yeah, Mr. Ross?” he questions, knowing if other teachers heard him call Ryan by his first name that the older would be in trouble.

Ryan smiled gently at Brendon. “I can give you a ride home, let me just get my stuff.”

Brendon grins and nods and taps his toes as he waits, following Ryan out to his car and chatting about random things. He informed the older about what was going on his favorite subjects, music, history, and English but he didn't bother to tell Ryan what was going on his own course, for the younger found that trivial.

Ryan quirked an eyebrow at Brendon when English remained unmentioned. “I thought you liked English?”

Brendon blushes softly and nods “English is my favorite course, but I didn't think you would want to hear about your own course.”

Ryan laughs softly, smiling and shaking his head. “I always love hearing my student's opinions on my course, what sucks, what they like, and what-not,” he says with a grin at Brendon as he unlocks his mercedes.


Brendon frowns mildly as Ryan drives past the younger boy's neighborhood. “Uh, Ryan?” he inquires softly, “You went by my neighborhood.”

Ryan smiles, laughing softly as he nods. “I'm taking you to my house, Brendon.”

Brendon can feel his throat tighten nervously, glancing out the window and watching the houses rush by as he also feels his stomach tighten.

“No need to be scared, I am going to take you home, Brendon. I'm just going to have a little fun with you first,” He says, right hand falling to Brendon's left upper thigh, squeezing gently. He glances over at Brendon with a reassuring smile before looking back at the road.

Brendon swallows again and his eyebrows knit. “Fun? What kind of 'fun'?” he asks softly, looking down at Ryan's hand.

Ryan smirks softly. “Have you ever been fucked? By a guy?” He asks with another glance at Brendon, his hand moving up on the boy and rubbing against his crotch roughly, causing Brendon's breath to hitch audibly.

Brendon shakes his head no, arching his back slightly and pushing his hips forward against Ryan's hand. “Fuck!” he curses with his eyes shut, “That feels good.”


Brendon lets out a gasping whimper, his eyes shut tight, his face and his upper chest pressed against the bed, arms pinned below his body and tied at the wrists, the boy on his knees with his ass in the air.

“Ryan! Please!” he begged softly, biting on the comforter and mentally cursing Ryan for teasing him so much.

Ryan chuckles as he slides a vibrator in and out of Brendon slowly, the toy set on a low speed. “what do you want from me, Brendon?” he questions, giving the younger male's right ass cheek a good hard slap, earning a yelp from the tied up boy.

“God! Anything! Please Ryan, please! Oh god it feels so good I want more!” He moans, trying to press his hips back farther. Ryan had driven the toy into Brendon far enough to meet the younger boy's prostate and let him get a good taste of the intense pleasure before pulling the toy back and not pushing it in deep enough to touch the spot again since and it was driving Brendon insane.

Ryan glares harshly at Brendon, pulling the vibrator out altogether. “Do you want me to stop? Do you want a dick slap as well as your ass spanked?” he asked, tone matching the harshness of his hazel eyes, his fingers trailing up Brendon's spine. Ryan admired how he could feel each vertebra perfectly.

Brendon opened his eyes wide as he looked back at Ryan, eyes pleading “Oh god no! Please!” he begged, eyes misting at the thought. Brendon had grabbed Ryan's dick without permission when they first got naked and Ryan had reached out and slapped the younger boy's dick rather hard, hard enough to bring tears to his eyes.

Ryan smirked, finger tips running over the boy's ass “Then behave,” he said simply before pressing the vibrator back into Brendon, earning a moan from the younger. Brendon cursed under his breath as he bit the comforter again.

“Fuck, yes,” He encouraged softly, staying still as Ryan pressed it in a bit deeper, just deep enough to graze Brendon's spot and the younger moans harshly.

Ryan smiles, pressing the toy into Brendon to it's hilt, turning it to it's highest setting and letting it drive the younger mad. “You like that, Bren?” he asks in a sultry tone as he gets up off the bed, pulling out a few more items.

Brendon nods madly, panting loudly, the boy's body shaking hard with the pleasure coursing through him and he can feel the orgasm building in his stomach and, fuck, he's so close. “R-R-R-Ry...” he stutters roughly, “I... I-I'm cl-close!” he moans, arching his back mildly as he feels himself teetering on the edge and just like that the toy is gone, leaving Brendon whining and panting on the bed, looking down at Ryan's hands around his cock.

Ryan smirks as he notices the other looking and trying to figure out what he's doing. “Cock ring, you don't come without my permission,” he tells the other as he fastens the thing, leaving the boy's cock alone again.

Brendon huffs gently at Ryan, feeling himself falling from that wonderful edge and right at this very moment he hates Ryan Ross. “Why?” he whines, “Why wouldn't you let me come?”

Ryan laughs softly, nibbling on Brendon's shoulder. “Control, my dear boy, control.” He then picked the bottle of lube back off the bed and he leans down, body pressing against Brendon's “Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked into Brendon's ear, licking the shell softly.

Brendon whimpers and nods. “God, yes! Please Ryan, please?” he begs, letting out a loud moan as Ryan thrusts into the boy below him.

Ryan lets out a rough grunt, hands gripping Brendon's hips hard as he thrusts rough, hard, and fast into the boy, nailing his prostate each time. “Shit!” he growls, leaning down and biting Brendon's shoulder, “So fucking tight!”

Brendon is moaning like a whore but he couldn't care at all the way Ryan is fucking him. Brendon just wishes he didn't have that damned cock ring because he could feel his orgasm building slowly and then the ring keeping him on the edge as he felt Ryan get sloppier before coming, Brendon whining loudly and letting the older know that he didn't get off.

Ryan frowns as he pulls out, swatting Brendon's ass a few times “Stop your whining! You're lucky I'm going to let you orgasm now,” he says simply as he pulls off the cock ring, picking up a bigger vibrator and pressing it into the boy's ass.

Brendon bites the comforter because, fuck, that hurts like a bitch. The damn thing is huge. “Ryan!' he squeaks, squirming, “Ryan that fucking hurts,” He grumbles before gasping when Ryan turns it on. It's stronger than the smaller one he had been fucking Brendon with earlier and it's driving the younger insane.

Ryan smirked. “Does it still hurt?” He asked, waiting for Brendon to shake his head no before the older shoved the toy in deep enough to be rubbing against Brendon's prostate again and the boy is quickly shaking again, eyes shut tight and hands opening and clenching at nothing.

“R-Ryan!” he moans in warning before he moans curse after curse as his body spasms violently as he comes, the younger starting to wince as Ryan leaves the vibrator in even after Brendon's cock has spurted the last couple shots of semen onto the bed. “Ryan... Take it out?” he asks softly.

Ryan laughs, grabbing Brendon's cock and pumping him quickly and roughly as he thrusts the vibrator in and out of the boy. “Oh, don't tell me your spent that quick. You barely shot anything.” He says and he can feel Brendon getting hard again under his hand and he can tell the younger really doesn't want to get hard again.

“R-Ryan...” he mumbles, voice stuttering from the pain that is turning back to pleasure now. “I... I have to... Have to go home.”

Ryan laughs softly and nibbles on Brendon's shoulder as he continues his actions until the younger is moaning, cursing, and spasming again, pleading Ryan not to make him come again and the older is tempted to do just that but he decides to take pity on the younger and pulls the, still buzzing violently, toy out of Brendon's ass. “Like being fucked?” he quarries as he licks his come of the toy before setting aside what he used on Brendon to clean later.

Brendon nodded, chest still rising and falling rapidly. “Hell yeah I did.” His voice came out breathy and spent but happy. He then leaned over to Ryan and kissed him deeply. “This a one time thing only?” he asked quietly, watching his teacher.

Ryan sighed, “If you want it that way,” he answered, frown in his voice.

Brendon grinned happily and sighed as he looked around for his clothes. “Next Friday, or Monday?” He asked with a laugh as he grabbed his clothes and started getting dressed.

Ryan copied the younger male's action, remembering he had to drive Brendon home and explain why he hadn't been home on time. “I'll be ready when ever you want to, just stay after class,” he said with a smile as he looked up from tying his shoes.

Brendon grinned happily as he fixed his hair and grabbed his bag. “Maybe next time I could fuck you?” he asks softly, nervously, as he watches Ryan.

Ryan laughs gently. “Maybe,” he agrees. He then looks up at Brendon and smiles happily. “Oh, and Brendon you're not my favorite student because you let me fuck you,” He says, earning a questioning 'hmm?' from said younger boy. “You're my favorite because you work the hardest, although maybe the fact I have a crush on you does help... Just don't let it happen in any of your other classes.” he said with a wink at Brendon who blushed and nodded.


ryden, ryan ross, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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