At Night It's A Different World [s/a]

Aug 25, 2009 14:28

Title: At Night It's A Different World [s/a]
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Mild dubcon. Brendon vampire. Other than that I can't think of anything. Oh wait, a little bit of blood play.
Pairing: Ryden [What else?]
POV: 3rd Ryan-centric
Summary: Brendon's the friendliest vampire you'll meet!.
Word Count: 3,205
Disclaimer: I live in the magical world of fakeness and my name is Mr.Faker Fakey
Beta: Kayyyy<3
Author Notes: This was written for my FAVORITE person I know online, Kay. It was brought around from our role play we're doing on AIM right now ^^. I hope you all like it and I'm not posting on SATD because they fucking hate my guts or something.
Title credit goes to Lovin' Spoonful.

Ryan was an angel. Not figuratively, but physically. He was a messenger of God, sent from Heaven to do His work. Or at least that's what every damned priest west of the grand canyon and east of death valley said, but that was because the angel had never gone farther then that. He rarely ever left Vegas.

Ryan was the age of 17 when he started working in a bookstore downtown, corner of 4th and Fremont to be exact. It had never occurred to him that there were things lurking downtown that weren't just scary, but beyond-his-knowledge scary.

Gabe Saporta, one of Ryan's two best friends and protectors, was seven years older than the angel. Patrick Stump, Ryan's other best friend, was only three years older than him. They both hated seeing him go down town to his job, for both feared that he might die, or worse. They both always took the angel to his job and were there waiting when he got off.

Tonight was different. Ryan swallowed as he closed the store, looking around for Gabe or Patrick's car and the angel fidgeted nervously before deciding to walk down the alley next to the store, for it didn't seem to dark and spooky. Well, that was until the lights went out.

Ryan gasped out in fear, pulling his jacket in on himself tighter and holding the strap to his messenger bag as he spun in circles, trying to find his attacker.

“H-Hell-Hello?” he called nervously into the pitch of the devil's dark, the angel feeling as if it were some foul demon's mouth, swallowing him whole and the angel could do nothing at all but stand there and be eaten.

Ryan yelped, jumping his full five feet in the air when someone took his shoulder, holding up a phone for light. In that little light Ryan could see a gentle and smiling face.

“Hi,” he spoke, “I'm Brendon Urie and you look terribly lost.” He held a hand out to Ryan, not looking bothered by the darkness at all, more like he was at home in it.

Ryan shook his head no but took the other's hand. It was strong, fearfully so. “I... I'm Ryan Ross, and no I'm not. I work at the bookstore but my friends are late picking me up. I thought it would be ok to explore,” he glanced around nervously, “But apparently not,” he spoke as Brendon led him off, and Ryan realized it was a different direction than the street but how could this guy, who looked smaller and weaker than Ryan, be bad?

Brendon nodded, squeezing Ryan's hand gently and glancing back at him with another heart warming grin. “That sucks, you willing to stay at my place for a little? It'll be safer then just staying around here,” he said glancing around the shadows, scowl on his face that seemed to be hiding a darker expression. He then looked at Ryan and smiled again. “It would suck if something happened to you and I hadn't been able to stop it.”

Ryan can't help but smile and nod as he follows Brendon like an innocent little calf being led off to a slaughter house. “Mind if I call my friend, Gabe, and let him know?” he asks as they arrive at an apartment building, Brendon leading him inside.

Once they're in what has to be Brendon's apartment all thoughts of calling Gabe are lost as he looks around, jaw slack. “This... This is your apartment?” Ryan questions softly.

The apartment walls are a deep and lovely red, much the same color as blood, or a rose maybe. The furnishings were red and black, looking to range from sued to velvet. Black velvet curtains hung as silent sentinels on the windows, obviously black out curtains. Ryan gasped, the apartment truly looked like something out of one of the romantic vampire novels the boy loved to read. The appliances in the kitchen were of steel and chrome and Ryan started to notice the little touches of metal or white here and there and Ryan couldn't help but explore the beautiful and mysterious living space even more.

“This is so beautiful, Brendon,” he said softly as he wandered the house, finding Brendon's room down a hall from the living room and kitchen. A spacious bathroom across the hallway stayed in the genere of the decorating. Ryan was in heaven as he wandered back into Brendon's room, hands gliding over the velvet duvet. “So amazing,” Ryan breathes.

Brendon laughs as he follows. It always amused him at how people reacted to his apartment and so far he liked Ryan's the best. The other boy smiled as he leaned in the doorway of his bedroom and watched Ryan pet the duvet. “Yes you are,” Brendon breathes, straightening up and moving in a fluid, soundless movement over to Ryan before the other had even straightened.

Ryan stood, his face met with Brendon's and he gasps softly as the other's hands are on his hips and pulling the angel close. “St-stop,” He mumbles, turning his face away, hair falling in his face. “Br-Brendon stop it! What are you doing?” he mumbles unhappily as the other nuzzles his neck.

Brendon laughs and it's a deep noise coming from the depths of his diaphragm as he kisses Ryan's neck. “Do you have any clue how rare your kind is now, Ryan?” he ask, softly and gently. “Do you have any clue how much I am going to enjoy ravishing you?” He asks, voice still gentle, though his hands are anything but as they rip the strap of Ryan's messenger bag with ease, one or two books tumbling out, a vampire biting a woman on the cover of one.

Brendon then chuckled as he saw the book. “Well, an angel with a taste for death,” He said as he pushed himself up against Ryan, hands roughly pulling the other's jacket off before Brendon pushes his hips against Ryan's and he lets out a rather rough, growling moan.

Ryan pales at Brendon's words but he gasps as his jacket is tugged off but then, oh. Ryan had never felt like that and he liked it. “N-No... St-stop it!” he pleads angrily as he presses his palms to Brendon's chest and pushes on the other, whimpering as the other doesn't budge a millimeter. “Lord, help me!” the angel pleads as Brendon is yanking Ryan's shirt off.

Brendon laughs at Ryan as he pulls his own shirt off and when he grins at the angel his canines grow, lengthening and sharpening until there were two beautiful and deadly curved killing implements in Brendon's mouth, the vampire's tongue running over them happily. “I'll be gentle, I promise. I know since you're angel this is your first time.” he says and Ryan wants to smack him, “You're so lucky I'm the one who snagged you,” and then his fangs are piercing Ryan's neck.

Ryan lets out a strangled gasp as he's bitten, hazel eyes widening to the size of planarity bodies. His arms reach around Brendon's back, hands grasping desperately at the vampire's shoulder blades as Ryan arches and lets out a soft moan before shutting his eyes. The angel's body shivering each time the vampire took a drag on him and Ryan was whimpering, mentally begging for more but refusing to give into the vampire.

Brendon pulled away after what seemed to be too short a time to Ryan, leaning in and kissing the angel flush on the lips, lips and tongue moving and showing the angel how and Ryan was enjoying this. He was enjoying this a lot. Brendon then pulled away and smirked as he licked the bite and earned a grunt from Ryan. “You're liking this way more then I thought you would,” he taunts the angel

Ryan huffs angrily at Brendon, shoving the vampire to the best of his ability. “I'm not enjoying this! I want you to let me-” he gasps, eyes shutting tight as his body arched involuntarily, “Oh hell!” He moaned as Brendon's hand pressed against the angel's crotch through his pants, Ryan bucking his hips forward.

Brendon smirked again as he scooped Ryan up like he weighed no more than a feather, placing him on the bed carefully as the vampire's fingers undid the angel's belt and pants before sliding them off. “God you are so beautiful,” he purrs happily.

Ryan scowls up at Brendon. “Don't touch me! I swear to God if you touch me you will-,” he moans, this time louder and he's grabbing the bedsheets, thanks to Brendon who had pulled the covers down quickly. Ryan arches hard as Brendon fists the angel's cock until it's hard.

Brendon grins. “My, my, my. You sure have a beautiful cock for an angel, Ryan,” he says before licking up and down Ryan's cock, causing the angel to moan louder before he can really get anything snide or mean out. Brendon smirks as he pulls off of Ryan, kissing him deeply again before pulling open the top drawer of his nightstand. He smiles when he pulls a bottle of lube out and pours some in his hands and coats his fingers.

Ryan quirks an eyebrow at Brendon's action. “What are you doing, Fang-face?” he inquires, scrunching his nose. “Why do you need lube? Don't we both just grind on each other or something?” he asks. He may be inept to gay sex but he isn't to sex thanks to the romantic novels.

Brendon laughs, and the vampire swears he hasn't laughed this much since he was turned. “ I love your naivety, Ryan,” He purrs sweetly, kissing the angel. He couldn't get enough of the angel's sweet taste. “My dick goes up your ass. I don't want you ripping, or hurting too badly and not enjoying it so I'm going to finger you and stretch you.” he explains with a sweet smile as if he were talking about the weather, or something.

Ryan can't help but widen his eyes “LIKE HELL YOU ARE!” he snaps, cursing that he was naked. “YOU ARE NOT PUT-” He then yelps, arching his back in slight pain as he feels an intrusion in his ass, knowing it was one or more of Brendon's fingers.

Brendon smiled, curling his single finger in Ryan and moving it about until the angel relaxed. The vampire then pressed in another and repeated the process, doing the same for his third finger. Once Brendon had all three fingers in Ryan he scissored, causing Ryan to let out a strangled scream before Brendon found the angel's prostate and pressed against it roughly.

Ryan gasped, moaning the loudest yet and arching his back hard. “Oh God, No! St-stop it!” he pleaded, arching into Brendon. That felt amazing and he wanted the vampire to press his fingers there again. Ryan pulls on the sheet under him, knuckles turning white from how hard he was gripping the black sheets.

Brendon grinned and leaned down, kissing Ryan again as he continues pressing the pads of his fingers against the angel's prostate as he stretches him again. Brendon then grins hungrily as he pulls his fingers out of the angel and wipes them on the bed sheets before grabbing the lube again and spreading some over his hard prick. He then brings Ryan's legs up and hooks them over his shoulders, leaning down and kissing the angel before he pressed the head of his cock to Ryan's entrance, sliding into Ryan with a fair amount of resistance. “Fuck! So fucking tight,” the vampire breathes hotly in Ryan's ear.

Ryan whimpers loudly, and yeah, it does hurt pretty bad at first, but after a few minuets Ryan looks up at the other, waiting for something to happen and he gasps as Brendon pulls out before pushing back into him, starting up a good pace for both of them. “F-fuck... St-stop,” Ryan whimpers, though his hands are grabbing needily at the vampire's back, legs wrapping around his waist and heels pressing into the small of his back, urging him to go deeper.

Brendon laughs, kissing Ryan. “Mouth says no, body says yes. I'm going with your body, angel boy,” Brendon growls as he thrusts deeper and harder, hands holding Ryan down as their bodies move in sync as Brendon growls softly and captures Ryan's lips again, hands roaming over the younger boy's body.

Ryan pulls away, turning his face and letting out a soft moan. “A-Are you... You going t-to... K-kill me?” he gasps between moans, grasping onto the other, nibbling on his lip hard, causing it to start bleeding.

The vampire laughs, deep in his chest. “No, you're much to tasty for me to kill,” he growls, kissing the angel deeply and licking the blood off his lip. “You taste too amazing for your own good, Angel boy,” Brendon whispers as he changes his angel so each thrust is hitting the angel's prostate dead on.

Ryan nods, relaxing now and kissing back the way Brendon had showed. The angel brings his hands up to the back of the vampire's head and tugs his hair roughly, knowing from his teachings that not much hurt a vampire. “Uhg!” he moans as he feels his climax getting closer.

Brendon smirks softly, bringing his fangs down on the angel's skin and scarping his neck. “Come for me, Ryan,” he growls as he lets his thrusts get quicker in speed and harder in ferocity. Hands grabbing the younger's neatly styled ryhawk and tugging on his hair rather violently.

Ryan arches his back up off the bed, moaning nonsense and curses as he comes over their stomachs, unwrapping his legs from around Brendon's waist, looking up as the other comes, also moaning curses. Ryan can hear his name slip out also and the angel can't help but smile slightly as the vampire pulls out and flops next to him gently.

Brendon trails his fingers over Ryan's body hard enough so it's not light, teasing touches, but soft enough not to hurt the angel. “You sooo liked that and if you try to deny it, you will be lying.”

Ryan yawns and cuddles into the vampire, using his chest as a pillow and shrugging, not really caring what he said now. He was tired and he was just now realizing Brendon's bed was sooo comfortable. He didn't ever want to leave it in fact.

Brendon smiled as the angel cuddled him, the vampire's fingers trailing in the angel's hair. “Shouldn't we take you home? So your friend's aren't worried?” he asks softly, pressing soft kisses to Ryan's head.

Ryan shakes his head no, just leaning into Brendon's pampering and gentleness. “You're not supposed to be like this,” he muttered softly, on the edge of sleep.

Brendon arches an eyebrow curiously. “Oh? Like what? Soft, comfy, and lovable?” he asks with a soft laugh and a happy smile, fangs gone from the vampire's warm and perfect toothy grin.

Ryan whines and shakes his head. “No... Like, nice. You're supposed to be a blood-thirsty killer,” he says, though his tone shows he's glad to have found out the statement was wrong.

Brendon laughs gently again, pulling Ryan's hair out of his eyes gently. “I am a blood-thirsty killer. I just choose not to let that side of myself be my personality,” he says gently to the angel. “I am most likely one of the oldest vampires you will ever meet, but yet I am the most human in how I act. I am a very rare thing.” Brendon sighs as he kisses the bite mark and scratches on Ryan's neck.

Ryan hums in response, half asleep already and he turns slightly to Brendon. “I think I love you,” he mumbles nervously. “You're the only person I've ever met that gave me anything I really wanted.” Yes, Ryan Ross is admitting he wanted to have sex since the priests had told him how bad it was. He, being the curious boy he was, went on the internet and did research, finding porn a plenty and he learned to touch himself, though he never told anyone.

Brendon cracked one chocolate eye open to look at Ryan. “Really?” He asked curiously, opening both eyes and shifting to his side to look at Ryan fully. He smiled gently, poking the angel back to wakefulness.

Ryan jolts and looks up at Brendon, nodding shyly. “Yeah... I think I do,” he said softly before leaning in and kissing Brendon gently. “Now let me sleeeeep,” he commands, snuggling back into Brendon.

Brendon smiled and kissed Ryan back, running a gentle hand through the angel's hair and cuddling into him. “Love you too, Ry,” and then the vampire's also drifting off to sleep, a smile on his face which was beyond rare.


Brendon woke the next morning and Ryan was gone. The vampire sighed and frowned gently, not at all surprised. He then got up, stretching slightly. He frowned as he picked up on some noise, following it's sorce to the kitchen and finding Ryan looking through cabinets with a frown on his fair face. “You're still here?” Brendon asked curiously.

Ryan yelped, jumping three feet in the air when Brendon suddenly spoke. The angel turning and smiling before nodding. “You have no human food,” He said unhappily as he moved to Brendon, glancing over him before averting his eyes and blushing crimson. “And you're naked.”

Brendon laughs gently at Ryan, running fingers through the angel's hair. “Why are you still here?” he asks gently. Brendon was pleased the other was still there but was just shocked.

Ryan looks up into Brendon's eyes. “I... I told you. You're the first person I've ever known to not tell me, 'No, Ryan.' 'You shouldn't do that, Ryan.' 'You're an angel, Ryan.' and I just can't stand it anymore.” He says with a sigh as he looks up at Brendon. “You didn't eat me so you can't be bad.”

Brendon laughs, leaning his head down and kissing the angel deeply. “Love you too, Angel-boy,” Brendon says softly against Ryan's lips.

Ryan nods, letting Brendon pull him close and the angel lays his head on the vampire's shoulder, sighing softly. “Gabe and Pat are gonna have fits...,” he mumbles, twitching slightly as he feels Brendon nibbling on his neck gently.

“I'm not gonna eat you, I'm just a vampire. I'm hornier than a 16 year old kid,” he says with a gentle smile, going back to his nibbling as he holds onto Ryan.

Ryan laughs happily, nuzzling Brendon. “Oh god, this is so new to me,” the angel mumbles as he nuzzles back into Brendon, shivering at his nibbling.

Brendon chuckles. “You better get used to it. I'm gonna be fucking you every night for as long as you stay with me.”

ryden, ryan ross, brendon urie, nc-17, one-shot

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