Fic: "And what I'm seeing is super, super cute" 5/5? R

Jun 13, 2010 21:00

"And you want me?" She asked, her voice faltering on 'want'.

"Rachel," he started.

She pouted, averting her eyes.

"Of course I do. More than anything." He finally gave in.

"Then show me."


"Tonight," he said reluctantly. "At my place. I at least owe you that."

He was painfully aware of the fact that Rachel was still on his lap.

"What about..."

Terri. The elephant in the room.

"Her cousin is getting married tomorrow in New York." And she didn't ask me to go with her. Talking about it somehow made the situation seem more real.  "If you change your mind I unders-"

"No," she said, confidently. "I can't wait." She kissed him one last time, and before he knew it, she was gone.

He was distracted the rest of the day. So distracted, in fact, that he gave his last class a work period as he contemplated what would happen later that night. Each time his mind wandered to her, either his heart would start pounding, or his hands, shaking.  It wasn't like him at all - though to be fair, he and Terri hadn't slept together in a very long time. And while he was being honest, they hadn't actually made love since they were teenagers.

His stomach flipped with guilt when he thought of how unfair he was being to Rachel.

As he sat at his desk, he realized just how unprepared he was. What time was she coming over? What did she expect? Should he make dinner? The last option somehow seemed strange to him, as though he would be playing some sort of game. As though it would give her time to change her mind. But he wanted to make it special for her.

He heard a knock at the door, and his class went silent. He glanced up to see Rachel, her face void of any emotion towards him.

"Mr. Schuester," Rachel said, calmly. "Mrs. Loughlin needs your help working the projector."

She's going to make a great actress one day.

"Everyone stay here," he said to the class. He walked out the door, followed by Rachel. She stopped him once they were outside.

"I'll be there at 8." She whispered, as though she had read his mind from across the hall.

"Rachel," he said, beginning to feel like a broken record.

"Will,” she said. His name had never sounded so good.  "I want this. And you do too." She covertly allowed her fingertips to brush against his. It was all she was able to do to comfort him, unaware who may have been watching. “Anything else?” She asked.

“Does Mrs. Loughlin actually need help with the projector?” He asked, feeling like it was a stupid question. His hand tingled where she had touched him.

“Surprisingly, yes.” She responded with a smile. She led him back to her class, appearing completely indifferent as they entered together, and he only caught her glance at him twice the whole time he was there.


It was 7:56. Will was pacing the front hallway, unable to stay still. He glanced painfully at the clock every thirty seconds. The CD player in the dining room was playing music softly. There was food on the table, but only if she wanted it. He did everything he could to prepare - he’d even gone to the pharmacy down the street for a brand new box of condoms - and still he was terrified that something was going to go wrong, that he would let her down.

At 8:02 he buzzed her up. He opened the door before she could knock, not caring if it made him seem eager. As he let her in he couldn’t believe how lucky he was. She looked perfect in a low-cut, flower-patterned dress ending just above her knees. Her hair was in loose curls which rested just below her tan shoulders. He wanted to kiss her but didn’t know how to initiate it.

“I hope I look okay, it was raining a little,” she said, tucking her hair behind her ear.

“You’re perfect.” He said, only now noticing a few drops of water on her hair. She slid off her sandals, and closed the door behind her. She smelled like vanilla.

“You look amazing.” She said. “It’s a wonder every girl in the school isn’t in love with you.” He wondered how every boy wasn’t in love with her.

She stepped towards him, just resting her fingertips on the back of his neck, and placed a soft kiss on his lips. She tasted sweet, like she usually did. But he couldn’t identify the flavor.

“Rachel,” he said. “Why are you doing this? You don’t have to prove anything to me.”

“I want to.” She assured him.

“If you change your mind-”

“No regrets.” She whispered into his ear. He smiled as her lips tickled his neck.

“How did I get so lucky?” He asked softly.

“I could ask the same question,” she replied, undoing the top buttons of his white shirt.

“Rachel, slow down. I want you to enjoy yourself. To feel comfortable.”

“I do. I always do when I’m with you.”

His lips were on hers then, more aggressively than before. He liked kissing her. It felt honest. His tongue traced her bottom lip and was immediately granted entry as she placed her hands on his hips, feeling for his belt. As she undid it and threw it to the floor, he picked her up by her waist and she wrapped her legs around him, the sound of her laughter like music to his ears. He smiled against her lips as he bumped softly into the wall.  He backed up a few steps into his bedroom which would have been pitch black except for a handful of soft pink and yellow candles flickering on his bedside table and dresser, and she could tell from the doorway to the bathroom that it, too, was full of them.

She hopped to the floor, taking it all in. She grabbed his hand as they faintly heard the chorus of “Your Song” come on in the next room.

“I hope you don’t mind,” he sang along, “I hope you don’t mind, that I put down in words…” She put her hands up in the air, allowing him to remove her dress and reveal her decision not to wear a bra.

“How wonderful life is,” he continued to sing, staring in awe at her almost-naked body. “While you’re in the world.”

She undid the rest of the buttons on his shirt. She traced her fingers over his abs, moving lower until she reached the zipper to his jeans, which for minutes now had been much too tight for him.

He slid his pants off himself as she sat on the bed, both parties now wearing only their underwear.  He jumped on the bed beside her and she giggled, propping herself up onto her knees and crawling towards him. He was surprised and completely turned on at the amount of confidence she was showing. He found it impossible to believe she’d never done this before. Sex had never been so fun.

He wanted desperately to make this as good for her as she was making it for him. He flipped her lightly onto her back, allowing her to feel just how badly he wanted her. She moaned softly and he felt her nails dig into his back.

His lips traced from her chin to her bellybutton, detouring momentarily at her breasts. He removed her panties with his teeth, causing her to moan his name loudly. She was panting heavily now that he was on top of her again, grinding into her as she returned the favor. She ran her hands along the waist of his only remaining piece of clothing, his skin tingling where she touched him. He gave in to her demand and slid his boxers off.

“Wow,” she breathed, and took a deep breath.

“Wow,” he echoed. She smiled. "Rachel, you're..."

He didn’t know how to let her know just how gorgeous she was without sounding completely cheesy.

“One second” he whispered into her ear, kissing her forehead on the way. He reached into the top drawer of his nightstand, preparing himself as quickly as possible. He didn’t have to ask her if it was okay. He could tell.

“Will,” she said cautiously. He met her concerned eyes.

“Do you want to stop?” He asked.

“No, just…be gentle.” She replied, shyly.

He pressed his lips to hers one last time, lingering reassuringly before entering her slowly. She whimpered at first, and he pulled away. “I don’t want to hurt you,” he whispered.

“Don’t stop,” she urged him on. He began moving faster as she adjusted to the rhythm of his body, both of them completely oblivious to the marks she was leaving on his back. She alternated between panting and moaning - mostly, his name - and despite her attempts to stay quiet, succumbed to the buildup of pleasure with a cry so loud she feared she wouldn't have a voice tomorrow.

For a moment, she was unsure whether she was required to do something for him, but when he lay beside her, she realized he was smiling and just as out of breath as she was.


She rested her head on his chest. He kissed her forehead as he wrapped his arms tightly around her.

“Was I okay?” She asked.

He was at a loss for words. How do you tell someone just how amazing they are?

He tilted her head towards his so he could kiss her passionately enough to convince her that she’s more than anything he could ever dream of.

“I told my dads I was sleeping over at a friend’s house.” She said.

“Tell them you’re going to be spending a lot of time with this friend.” He smiled, unable to remember the last time he was this happy.



Will awoke the next morning to the feeling of Rachel drawing lazy circles on his chest with her fingertips.

"Hey," he said as he brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"Will." She replied, seriously. "When will your wife be home?"

"Not 'til Sunday night," he assured her.

"And then what?"


"What happens with us?" She asked, sadly.

He'd thought about this yesterday, but he still wasn't ready to answer the question. She buried her face into his side, but continued to cling onto him.

"Can I ask you a question?" He said. She didn't answer. "What was last night to you?"

She pulled away from him to answer, but still refused to meet his eyes.

"It was the best night of my life." She confessed.

"And you'd do it again?" He asked.


"You want to see me again?"

She finally met his gaze and he detected fear in her eyes.

"Of course," she replied.

"Then I'll leave her."  He said. "My marriage has been over for years. It's time to make it official. And if you'd be there to help me through it, that would just make it... perfect."


"Rachel, sweetheart. This isn't even about you. It would have happened eventually."

She fought back a smile but lost in the end. He kissed her forehead.

"How about some breakfast?" He asked.

"I'll help," she told him, unable to stop smiling. "In a few minutes." She shifted into him, taking it as a sign how perfectly they fit together. Subconsciously, they both knew a storm was coming. But all that mattered in that moment was each other.

The end =)

rachel/will, glee, glee fanfic, glee fanfiction, pairing: rachel/will, rated: r, pairing: will/rachel, rating: r, will/rachel

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