In Defense of Hate

Oct 01, 2013 19:06

I'm going to sit here and ramble for a bit about something that has been bothering me a bit lately. I know this is going to seem cold and callous, but I think it needs to be said.

There is a point to hatred and anger.

I know it doesn't make a good facebook quote. I know that sounds horrible because anybody who has been at the receiving end of anger or hatred . I mean just look at all the horrible things that happen because of anger. Surely such a thing must be bad, right?

This is not to say I am at all defending hate groups or people that do violent acts because of anger or hatred. Seriously, fuck those guys and their discrimination. Nor am I saying your first reaction to new situations should be to meet it with hostile anger and hatred.

What I am saying is that anything, even love and kindness, are unhealthy in too large doses. That sometimes there is a reason why, on a personal level, you must show some anger and hatred towards people.

We cannot define our beliefs properly without touches of hatred and anger. If you truly love and accept everything then you have no lines drawn. You are saying that there is no reason to hate people, regardless of their personal actions. We are all one, love your fellow man, and other trite sayings that get passed around social circles like a cup of cultish wine.

I disagree. There comes a point and time where the compassionate soul must turn to hatred and anger. How many times are you to be hurt by the same person before you harden your heart against them to protect your own sanity? How much collateral damage must be caused by a person's actions before you must hate them because they have no concern for anybody but themselves?

I find it hard to swallow that there are no limits to these things, or that having no limits on these things is at all healthy. You need to have anger at people for their actions, for how else will they learn that what they have done is harmful to those around them? Anger doesn't have to be carried on forever, but it needs to be felt if you are to have principles. What good are decorative principles with no feeling when they are violated, either by yourself or by others? When someone or something goes out of their way to hurt people, shouldn't there be a negative reactions?

And let's take a closer look at the love everything and everyone part. This worries me the most. You can't love everyone's beliefs. I refuse to say that those that believe that, say, children are meant to have sex with adults is equal. I refuse to accept someone if they are a rapist. I, in fact, hate these people because of their choices. Even taking it to a lesser degree, I hate people who fake mental diseases. I hate people who use suicide attempts as blackmail. All of these things are not things which are beyond their control. They CHOSE these actions and it is okay to hate them for it. They are doing more harm than good with their choices. To say I am supposed to love and accept them feels idiotic to me because they will never have any negative repercussions for their actions then. They will just continue to tread upon the sympathetic and caring. I don't care what other factors are in your life. Mental diseases, prior abuse, horrific amounts of stress, none of these things matter once you have chosen a toxic path with your actions. I can understand where you are coming from and still have hatred for your choices.

I'm not saying you shouldn't be accepting of your fellow humans and try to make the world a better place. What I'm saying is that pithy, misinterpreted Gandhi quotes and saying "Just smile more and don't worry about things" won't solve any problems. In fact it only creates more problems than it solves.

i was born a rambling woman, let me stand on my soapbox, cynicism

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