Pray you won't fade away

Aug 14, 2013 14:14

So in my wanderings around the internet I found someone commenting about the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. For those of you that don't know the myth Daedalus builds both him and his son wings made of wax. He tells his son not to go too close to the sun, let the wings melt. Icarus gets bored floating in the middle and starts flying higher and higher. Eventually his wings start to melt and the feathers fall off, crashing him into the waves below.

The person posited that the myth was not about arrogance. The person said that the myth was about believing in something so strongly that you would die for it. That it doesn't matter if you live a long life as long as you get to spend those moments near to the sun before you go out.

I think the interpretation depends on which side you were taking. I mean Icarus yes believed in the dream so much that he was willing to die for it. But the outsiders will always view that as arrogance. Deadalus had a beautiful vision as well, he had just as much fire inside of him as Icarus ever did. He created the Labyrinth and had already felt the sting of a dream that got out of his own control. He was proverbially trapped by his own dreams for his whole life. But he was able to temper his vision with control when it mattered.

There is no lasting beauty in a fire and a dream that soars quickly and then is extinguished because the artists/dreamer couldn’t take the heights to which they had aspired. All that will be remembered about them, too often, is their messy end. Look at Amy Winehouse or Jim Morrison or numerous other artists that died while in their prime and at the apex of their career. They are remembered yes, but there is always talk about the things that they could have achieved if only they hadn't been taken out of this world so soon. The lasting works were only made by someone who could control their dreams and make it to safety. It is not so brilliant of an end, but it is one which you can live longer. You can create a lot more, it just won't be as Shakespearean of an end. I think that only the young would ever choose the Shakespearean end, merely because it seems romantic not because of the merit that such behavior actually holds.

Also, link to an article that properly articulates why I get pissed off every time one of my friends talks about how they have to threaten or keep their little sisters/daughters from dating. The daughter is not an extension of the father or the brother or the family. She is her own individual and deserves to be treated as such.

feminism is not a dirty word, greek/roman, mythology, shakespeare

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