I saw the future, the geeks were right

Jul 30, 2013 21:00

Hello there.

-Today just seems like one of those days that every song seems to speak to me, telling me stories. I just wish they would crystalize into solid ideas or something coherent. I get scenes and fragments of stories, but no specific characters. You know things like listening to "Alive" by Disturbed and seeing a bunch of Vikings march off to battle, prepared to die and knowing that they will by the end. Then as the song progresses you see the various effects of war, both those that die in battle and those that survive afterwards only to be captured or crippled. I have all of that, but that alone is not a story. It's a part of one, something which I can use later but is not stable enough to build off of yet. All of the songs today have been like that.

-Saw this article :http://peterwoodworth.com/2013/07/29/table-manners-guys-we-need-to-talk/ which pinpoints a lot of the problems I have found within geek culture. I love nerd culture, but there are some ugly vestiges of serious sexist behavior left behind. Like I can't think of another place that you can get away with just grabbing and stalking girls around because they are dressed pretty. Most of my friends are good, upstanding guys and girls who don't do this type of thing. But I have unfortunately been privy to experience some of that negative behavior first-hand. I am glad to see things are improving, but nerd culture has a long way to go before I will consider it fully good. Seriously I don't need to be told to "Get in the kitchen and make me a sandwich", because if I ever do I'm just going to poison the damn thing. The worst part is that this is considered normal and an acceptable way to talk to girls by some people.

-on Star Trek: The Next Generation. Just found out Worf and Deanna had a thing going. It's kind of adorable to watch the big, scary Klingon wrestle with his feelings. He is trying to be sincere, but his culture is not built for sincerity. She is a nice balance to him because she is practically pure emotion. It is a nice balance. Also Picard and Dr. Crusher frustrate me. They both feel for each other, neither one of them have another person in their life. Why not move forward? Seriously Picard just admitted his feelings, why did you walk away Dr. Crusher? Why? What have you got to lose? You were okay know his every thought so clearly you don't mind his deepest thoughts and you've been friends for so many years that you know you have things in common. Just go for it!

-Second friend in the last month lost a parent. Lucky I process death so well so I can be their rocks. I will give all the strength I can to my friends.

nerds, vikings, star trek, death, fandom, worf, ideas, music, deanna, picard, feminism is not a dirty word, dr. crusher, friends, feels

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