100 Things About Me And Such

Dec 03, 2008 02:24

1) Are you really ready for 100 questions?
Why not.

2) Was your last relationship a mistake?
You mean my only relationship? The one I'm still in? Nah. (*yeah, she's alright. ;)*)

3) Do you believe in God?
I'm already answering 100 questions, don't make me write an essay too!

4) Who did you last say "I love you" to?

5) Do you regret it?
Uh no!

6) Have you ever been depressed?
Am I alive?

7) Do you have a best friend?

8) Are you a boy or girl?
Boy (genetically and physically anyway)

9) What is your relationship status?
commited (*I'll go with that*)

10) How do you want to die?
Like a Jedi, just fade out into another form of being.

11) What did you last eat?
Arrrrby's! (*yep*)

12) When was your last non-physical fight?
I'm not what you would call confrontational, so...

13) Do you have an attitude?
"No, but I have a BRILLIANT personality!"

14) Ever been in love?

15) What is your real name?
Depends on what you mean by "real." On my birth certificate it says John Tyler Allen, but I identify pretty strongly with just Tyler.

16) Do you hate anyone at the moment?
Hate, no. Have high levels of discontent for, yes.

17) Do you miss someone?
Absolutely: Marie, Lauren, Traci, Thelma, David, (*Me too! And Amber, Kristi, Chelsea, Kimberly, Leah...*)

18) Twirl or cut your spaghetti?

19) Do you tan a lot?

20) Have any pets?
I wish! I would really like a dog and a snake!

21) How exactly are you feeling?
Tired, overworked and underpaid. Also, my feet are FREEEEEEEEZING!

22) Ever eaten food in a car while someone or yourself is driving?
All the time! Our society has something against healthy things like a long relaxed lunch!

23) Ever made out in the bathroom?
I guess so.

24) Would you take any of your exes back?
I don't have any real exes.

25) Are you scared of spiders?
only when they are on me (*lol, me too!*)

26) Would you go back in time if you could?
Wow! I actually think about this all the time, how if only a few small things had happened way differently my life would be exponentially better right now, but at the same time so many of the great times in my life may have never come to be if the other things had not occurred, so... I don't know about in my own life. However, like Jenni said, I would love to go back to certain points in history and see some events first hand and also solve some of life's little mysteries.

27) Do you regret anything in your past?
Not really. Just off the top of my head I can't think of anything I've done that I regret.

28) What are your plans for this weekend?
What's a weekend???

29) Do you want to have kids?
I don't know anymore.

30) Ever kissed somebody that name starts with an M?
I kissed Marie's sholder cause a game we were playing told me to and I was too much of a wuss to kiss her anywhere else! LMAO! Marie is getting some action on here!

31) Do you type fast?
Prob. about average.

32) Do you have piercings?

33) Want any more?

34) Can you spell well?
To a degree.

35) Do you miss anyone from your past?

36) What are you craving right now?

37) Ever been to a bonfire party?
I think so. At least been to the High school bonfire when they burned a jersey and helmet of the opposing team at the homecoming game.

38) Have you ever been on a horse?
A few times.

39) Kissed someone in a truck?

40) Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Probably, but not near as many times as others have broken mine!

41) Have you ever been cheated on?
Kindof, but is was one of those non-real exes so...

42) Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry?
I don't know that I personally have caused the crying.

43) Would you live with someone without marrying them?
dude! i'm living in sin as we speak! :-D (*yep!*)

44) What should you be doing?

45) What's irritating you right now?
budgetary concerns (*and working so much and not getting reasonable compensation)

46) Have you ever liked someone so much that it hurt?

47) Does somebody love you besides family?

48) What is your favorite color?
Blue. Though it use to be Orange and Orange seems to be making a comeback.

49) Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

50) Have you ever shaved in the kitchen sink?
NO! Freak!

51) Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
*Laughs uncontrollably!*

52) Do you believe your most recent ex thinks about you?
no [real] exes. go me!

53) Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I think Jenni is the only person I have cried in front of other than family when I was really young.

54) Do you give out second chances too easily?

55) Is it easier to forgive or forget?

56) Is this year the best year of your life?
Ha ha ha ha! NO! Don't start my laughter again, please!

57) What was your child hood nickname?
Din't have one.

58) Have you ever walked outside completely naked?
No, but for some reason I REALLY want to!

59) Do you think you're a good person?
Yes, and not because I am afraid of what will happen if I'm not!!!

60) Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
Jury's out on that one.

61) What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Got mad b/c I found out the poker tournament I was playing (and doing pretty well in) wasn't for real money!

62) Is there anyone you wish was still in your life? Who?
Every now and then.

63) What is bothering you?
Not making enough money, being so limited on what I can do/have, my computer chair, the fact that when I type random letters keep sneaking into words forcing me to go back and delete them...

64) Have you ever been out of state province?
Oh yeah.

65) Are you listening to music right now?
Yes. I don't like silence.

66) Do you like Chinese food?
Panda Garden baby!

67) Do you know your fathers b-day?
It is in August, does that get me anything?

68) Are you afraid of the dark?
No. But sometimes I am afraid of what could (or could not) be in the dark...

69) Is cheating ever okay?
What a loaded question! Wow! I'm gonna say no.

70) Are you mean?
Even when I am people don't take me seriously so effectively, no.

71) Can you keep white shoes clean?
Not for long.

72) Have you noticed this survey stopped getting personal?

73) Do you believe in true love?
Define "true love."

74) Do you like the outside?
Yes, very much, I would like to experience it more often.

75) Are you currently bored?

76) Do you wanna get married?
I'm not in the state to answer that right now.

77) Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
Never really thought about it, don't know that it's ever happened.

78) Are you hungry?
Yes, please feed me!

79) Do you have a bank account?
Three checking and two savings. If only there was a lot of money in each of them!!!

80) What makes you happy?
Friends and loved ones, free time, sleeping...

81) Would you change your name?
Nah, mine is fine. I AM Tyler.

82) Ever been to Alaska?
No, Palin might shoot me whilst Kariboo hunting! Aaaahhh!

83) Do you watch the news?
I don't have cable. I don't really watch anything. If I did have cable I would probably watch the news now and then.

84) What' s your zodiac sign?
Cancer. I tend to be crabby!

85) Do you like Subway?
Sometimes, but Quizno's is soooo much better!

86) Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
no way!

87) Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I know she does, we are kind of engaged. But if it was someone else and I was not in a relationship, hmmm... I'd have to figure out who said best friend was first. Lauren is the first girl who comes to mind who besides Jenni I would consider my best friend and wow! That makes this question even harder to answer!!!

88) Do you like your friends?
omg, yes! i lurves them!!! (*Me Too!!!*)

89) Have you ever seen someone you knew & purposely avoided them?
haha! i do this all the time cuz i'm antisocial! (*yep*)

90) Who is the last guy you talked to?
Jeff, one of my employees.

91) Does it matter if your boyfriend/girlfriend smokes?
Yes, I don't want to kiss an ash tray or be with someone who is always hacking!

92) What's going on between you and your best friend?
Um... just livin.

93) Who's the last person you had a deep conversation with?

94) Have you ever regretted letting someone go?
I've never really "let" anyone go.

95) Do you enjoy piercings & tattoos?
Do I enjoy them? No, not particularly.

96) What do you wear more: jeans, sweats, or shorts?
Jeans all the way!

97) You're a Sharpie marker, what color are you?
Blue I guess.

98) Do you prefer to shower at night or in the morning?
Generally morning, but as it is now I just shower after I get off work b/c I'm all greasy!

99) Have you ever said you'd never love again?

100) Do you want to please everyone?
yea, kinda. but it will never happen, and I try to remember that. (*same here*)

I'm done!

This meme taken from my sweetie xenachakram12!
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