Law and Order SVU fic, because I can, Elliot/Olivia

Sep 07, 2008 19:00

Title: Twisted tales
Author: i_lie_better
Pairing: Elliot/Olivia
Rating: I would say PG-13? There’s swearing, so beware.
Word count: 792
A/N: Spoilers for the whole show but mostly Season 7 and 8 (Fault, and Choreographed)
A/N2: I have no beta, so all mistakes are mine, sorry about them.

When Olivia was a little girl, she didn’t like fairy tales. She thought that they were sappy, stupid and empty; there were too many holes in them, too many unlogical twists and turns. The princess was always young, beautiful and naive to a point that made her impossibly annoyed - seriously how can you eat that apple after all the shit that has happened to you the last two times? - and the prince was always handsome and a perfect gentleman with just too many white horses to be considered normal.

She even had a fight with one of her classmates when they were about 10 and had to write about a fictional character in pairs. The other girl chose Cinderella. Olivia wanted Han Solo.


When her mother dies and she has to clear out her apartment she throws everything out except for her books. She knows she’s never going to read them - never have the time, is her excuse - but it feels wrong to just get rid of the few things her mother actually loved in her life. So instead she packs them in a few cardboard boxes, shoves them into one of her closets and forgets about them for a while.


Then they fuck up and break every unspoken rule of their partnership.

She is offered to go undercover and she accepts the assignment without much hesitation. She goes home and starts packing stuff - she doesn’t even know why, everything is already taken care of - and somehow she finds herself sitting on the floor in front of the closet with the books and one of the boxes must have given up over the years and it’s side is torn and all of the books are lying on the floor scattered and their pages crumpled.

She starts throwing them back in the torn little box but without the missing side they just slide out again and again.

She doesn’t even realise she is having trouble breathing until she starts feeling dizzy. She grabs one of the hardcovers to get hold of the suddenly unsteady floor and looks down at it until the room stops spinning and she can see again, and the title is clearing and fuck, something just snaps and she just starts crying - loud and embarrasing and this is just so messed up she can’t take it anymore.

She lies down on the floor, on the scattered books that dig painfully into her back and presses the book against her chest - hard, harder - until she is sure it leaves a mark.


It’s Grimm’s Fairy Tales.


She takes the book to Oregon with her and reads it over and over again, until it doesn’t make sense anymore. It doesn’t really help her fall asleep any easier at night but at least she is dreaming about Grumpy driving through the forest to a house made of ginger bread and candies where Snow White is busy feeding the white horses.

And not about Elliot’s eyes while Guitano is pressing the gun against his head.


Maybe I can help you, I’m his partner Dani Beck and she has to fight the sudden urge to just laugh because this is just so damn hilarious. When the hysteria doesn’t come she smiles politely and goes to Cragen’s office all the while trying to clear her mind from the images of Dani Beck the witch with the golden locks and perfect body.

She is pretty sure that there is no fairy tale where the princess loses her mind and goes off to hunt down the hot witch who wants to have sex with her prince.


Well, maybe there should be.

Maybe she should just fucking write it.


She comes back and he’s cold and she’s angry and they bicker and can’t agree on anything. When she brings him coffee and he says that he doesn’t drink it black with two sugars anymore, she almost shoves the whole thing in his face, because God, go and drink coffee with your precious Rapunzel then, but she doesn’t because right then she is horribly aware of the fact that this isn’t about tales anymore, and really it never was, and he is not her Prince Charming and she is not the beautiful and young princess waiting to be saved.

Then, out of nowhere really, Elliot practically offers her his kidney - his freaking kidney for God’s sake - and she can’t stop smiling for the rest of the day, because this simple statement in it’s twisted sort of way - twisted, like everything about them - is the most romantic thing anyone has ever said to her.


Who cares for white horses and perfectly fitting shoes anyway? Take that princess bitches. That’s their own messed up fairy tale.


law and order: svu, fanfiction, elliot/olivia

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