(no subject)

Sep 07, 2008 15:29

I'm sorry I had to. He has the most unfair fucking luck in the world. Fucking Rain, fucking Hamilton, fucking fuck for...

I don't know, he was so good at the start, he was so good al the way, and he had to crash into that stupid wall 2 LAPS before finish! 2nd palce would have been FANTASTIC, he wouldn't have to help Massa after proving, that he was better, and NOW THIS!

I just fucking can't believe it, it is like a stupid cliche movie, where he is the bad guy and has to be punished at the end!


That's it, I'm not watching this stupid shit anymore, I don't care how many of the races he will win from now on. I can't take it anymore.

And I'm sure as hell he can't either. He was the best here, he deserved to win, for fuck's sake, he beat the crap out of them, and now I have to watch Ham looking like a stupid spoiled brat, I won't.

go to hell and die, I don't care.

I screamed so loud at the tv that my dog started to bark like mad. My parents think I'm crazy, I think they're right I feel like I'm going fucking insane over this.


I'm gonna shut up now.

kimi, f1

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