May 22, 2013 00:56
so I have tomorrow off, and it's going to be hot and humid and stormy again, which seems like the perfect day to go to a movie! I have yet to see either Iron Man 3 or Star Trek, and I'm dying to see both, but I can't decide which should take priority.
I know you guys have probably already seen both, so, which one can I absolutely not wait another week to see?
Poll decisions, decisions
tomorrow night is also the first night of inter-company adult softball league! Which is super nerdy and super awesome, and I am going to make a complete fool of myself because I haven't played since junior high. Also, our games are mostly at 9pm, and I feel really old and lame for thinking that's unreasonably late. Like, I'm usually contemplating sleep by then. My glamorous life, guys.
Lastly, I feel like I need to find things to post about other than hockey. Because the season will be over all too soon, and I'm sure 99% of you are already tired of hearing about how amazing the Bruins are anyway (even though this is a thing that always bears repeating).
I'm thinking maybe some kind of photo project, but my life really isn't that interesting, and I mostly take pictures of my cats. Or maybe reviews of the things I'm reading lately, to get in the habit of actually posting all these recs I collect. Or more music mixes. Idk. It's a work in progress. But I gotta find something to fill the offseason (which I'm trying not to think about yet. WE'RE GOING ALL THE WAY, BABY)
nerd alert,
help me flist you're my only hope,
random post is random,
growing up is overrated,
audience participation time,
real life is lame