MY THREAD Valentine's Day used to make me all angsty and bitter, back when I thought I should have a boyfriend and there was something wrong with me because I didn't.
but now I kinda like it as a day to spread some really cheesy love for my friends and family. In the spirit of that, I started a thread on the hugs meme. so, if you want to leave me some love, you can do it there (anonymous or not).
also, I skimmed it for names I recognized but didn't see any. but if you've got a thread point me to it, and love shall duly be declared!
tl;dr? DO IT.
also, I couldn't sleep AT ALL last night (I finally started to fall asleep just as the people upstairs were waking up and making TONS OF NOISE.) FML I feel awful. I know this will inevitably end in an epic nap this afternoon. thank god I have the day off. I have no idea what caused it, but I imagine that is what hell feels like: being totally exhausted, but unable to sleep. just UGH. today probably won't be as productive as I hoped.