Striking revelation about Ivan Katchanovski’s falsifications

Feb 21, 2016 19:04

Ivan Katchanovski continues to lie, misrepresent, and falsify evidences of the Maidan massacre in Ukraine. For example, he insists that a bullet hit the tree from a direction of the Hotel Ukraina, referring to incorrect testimonies of the Belgian reporter and Ukrainian deputy

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who are not forensic experts and who never examine the entrance and exit bullet holes on the tree from a close distance. Unfortunately for this Katchanovski falsification, there are many photographs shot from various directions and angles which vividly show the entrance and exit bullet holes on this tree , including the pictures of the entrance bullet hole which determinedly indicate that bullet was fired from the Berkut police barricade. For example:

Also, there is the gallery of the other photos of the entrance and exit bullet holes on this tree with the internet sources of these pictures:

According to these photos, a bullet fired from a direction of the Berkut police barricade and from a shallow angle created the small entrance bullet hole and big exit bullet hole on this tree. In addition, this video from 4:00 minutes clearly explains how a bullet fired from the Berkut police barricade made the entrance and exit bullet holes on this tree.

Does Ivan Katchanovski know about these photos? Yes, of course!!! He was aware about these pictures since he utilized the photos source websites in his bogus research for other purposes. Ivan Katchanovski should have presented these photos in his paper, indicating the bullet direction from the Berkut police barricade. He must have told the truth that bullet hit this tree from a direction of the Berkut police barricade. Instead, Ivan Katchanovski blatantly lied to his readers and to his fellow scientists that a bullet was fired from a direction of the Hotel Ukraina. To uphold this falsification, he cited the erroneous non-expert testimonies of the Belgian journalist and Ukrainian deputy who are not forensic experts and who never examined the entrance and exit bullet holes on the tree from any close distance. Katchanovski also lied about an official investigation of GPU as though GPU concluded that a bullet hit the tree from a direction of the Hotel Ukraina. GPU never made such conclusion!

Further updates on Ivan Katchanovski's falsifications:
Ivan Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre and contemporary history of Ukraine:

Author:  Igor Romanenko

maidan, фальсифікації, euromaidan, Майдан, Іван Качановський, maidan massacre, “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan, Євромайдан, falsifications, ivan katchanovski falsifier, Революція Гідності, ivan katchanovski

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