Ivan Katchanovski's lies about the killing of Ustym Holodniuk

Mar 28, 2019 14:10

Ivan Katchanovski falsified the circumstances of the killing of Ustym Holodniuk who died from the bullet of government police or security forces on February 20, 2014.  In his deceptive and bogus paper of "The “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan in Ukraine",  which he proudly and pompously call  “scientific research”, Ivan Katchanovski without any evidence falsely states   “exit bullet hole in the left side of his blue helmet and his position at the moment of this shot in the Svoboda activist video indicate that Ustym Holodniuk was killed at 9:54am from the direction of the Hotel Ukraina,  which was on the opposite side from the Berkut and Omega-manned barricade.”https://archive.ph/cOiU4#selection-1211.356-1213.25
( http://www.academia.edu/8776021/The_Snipers_Massacre_on_the_Maidan_in_Ukraine  page 39 )
In the same way, Ivan Katchanovski  misrepresented  the killing of Ustym Holodnyuk  in his misleading Facebook  posts
( https://www.facebook.com/ivan.katchanovski/posts/1055703501126202 (see comments ) ,   http://archive.is/1U2S7    ,   http://archive.is/RiPxq   ) ,  dishonestly asserting that he was shot from the direction of the Hotel Ukraina and there is exit bullet hole in the left side of his blue helmet.  However, as could be supported by the overwhelming majority of internet sources, Ustym Holodniuk was murdered from a direction of a government controlled area, which is located somewhere in between the east and southeast directions toward the Hotel Ukraina. At the moment of murder, Ustym Holodniuk was facing  Arkhitektora Horodetskoho street, and a bullet entered the back of his blue helmet and exited his head above his right eye ( The testimony of father of Ustym Holodniouk https://archive.ph/pEi6x#selection-799.0-799.54  , https://archive.ph/jLiLN#selection-463.356-463.409 ,
https://www.facebook.com/nebesnasotnya.com.ua/posts/318660291636156 ,   https://archive.ph/cOiU4#selection-1211.356-1213.25           https://archive.ph/k8xxp#selection-2271.1-2271.56https://archive.ph/EHV5b#selection-4935.0-4935.72  ,  https://archive.ph/DZjnR#selection-2471.465-2471.530  ,  https://archive.ph/MRo0s#selection-5487.0-5487.112 ,       http://archive.is/mbTDO    , 
https://youtu.be/B_NupW7xvRo?t=2385 (39:44-39:50) , http://archive.is/h9nQO  ,   http://archive.is/ctrZ7  ,
https://www.google.com/maps/place/Hotel+Ukraine/@50.4482369,30.5266935,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x71aa7c1dce2058dc!8m2!3d50.4486024!4d30.5272406    ,   http://archive.is/zifhh More information: https://rassian-fakes.livejournal.com/8766.html ). Katchanovski lied in his publications about the murder of Ustym Holodniuk since the left side of the blue helmet back contains entrance bullet hole, NOT exit bullet hole, and Ustym Holodnyuk actually was killed from a government controlled direction, not from the direction of the Hotel Ukraina. Also, GPU denied that killing of any of maidan protesters occurred from the Hotel Ukraina: http://archive.is/2D7YN . Furthermore, the father of Ustym Holodnyuk never confirmed that his son was shot from the Hotel Ukraina how Ivan Katchanovski lied in his text http://archive.is/cTSKl . Initially, the father of Ustym Holodnyuk assumed his son was killed from Zhovtnevyi Palace.  After he viewed the video https://youtu.be/B_NupW7xvRo?t=2385  (39:44 - 39:50 ) , he figured out that his son was killed from a government controlled location ( http://archive.is/useRV  ) .
Further updates on Ivan Katchanovski's falsifications:  https://www.facebook.com/Ivan-Katchanovski-is-a-falsifier-of-the-contemporary-history-of-Ukraine-1449195048708622/
Ivan Katchanovski is a falsifier of the Maidan massacre and contemporary history of Ukraine:

Author:  Igor Romanenko

maidan, фальсифікації, euromaidan, ukraine, Майдан, Іван Качановський, maidan massacre, “Snipers’ Massacre” on the Maidan, Євромайдан, falsifications, ivan katchanovski falsifier, Революція Гідності, ivan katchanovski

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