General Information
Name: Pavel A. Chekov
Nicknames: "Pav," (informal), Pasha (intimate)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Planet of Birth: Earth
Rank: Ensign
Department: Navigation
Specialization: Star Maps/Charts and Star Navigation. Also knowledgeable about animals.
Height: 5"7'
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light Auburn (Brown); Curly
Build: Tall and Scrawny
Eyesight: Normal
Hearing: Acute
Physical Health: Asthmatic (from living near factories as a little boy), but other than that, I check out all good!
General Dexterity: baaaaaackflipp! ;D No, but really, I'm very flexible (In more ways than one) and can fit into small spaces. Though not very good at sparing, I can defend pretty well, and am capable of doing flips.
Handicaps: None (Thankfully)
General: Peppy with a chipper outlook on life (I like to think). I don't like to see the bad side of things, rather, focusing on the good, and the positive. Ready to serve at any order, I try to be the best officer and friend that I can! :D
Goals/Dreams: To one day become an Admiral!
Quirks/Habits: Taps foot when nervous, bites lip when deep in thought, is prone to disclaiming things about Russia. <3
First Impression: You'll think of me, at first, as slightly insane. But is that not good? Once you get to know me, to sit down and talk with me, I'm rather intelligent and a funny person (again, I like to think so!).
Education: Tutored 3-8th, sent to San Francisco High-School; graduated early - Collage Degree at University of San Francisco.
Parents: Father (Deceased), Mother (Whereabouts Unknown)
Siblings: None (Known)
Personal History: Reference
here for full history.
Friends: Hikaru Sulu, Aiden Garrovick, Schuyler Cavendish, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, and many, many more people!
Enemies/Rivals: None; other than people who insult Russia and my friends! D:<
Sexual Preference: Experimenting; leaning towards bisexual.
Past Relationships: Irina Galliulin (Junior Year)
Present Relationships: None
Planned Relationships: None
Other: Um...I'm a virgin?
OOC Information:
Player: Ash
Played By: