Name: Pavel Chekov
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 147 lbs
Spouse: N/A
Children: N/A
Next of Kin: Mother (Possibly)
Blood type: AB Negative
- Bee Stings
Chronic Conditions:
- ADD (But I don't think that counts)
- Asthma
Past Major Illnesses/Injuries:
Age 7 - Swine Flu Measles
Age 11 - Broken Nose
Age 15 -
Choriocytosis (Severe Pneumonia)
Family Medical History:
Father- Carpal Tunnel, Pancreatic Cancer, Osteoporosis
Mother- ???
Current Medications: Ritalin, Inhaler
Sexual History: Inactive - Haven't had sex yet
Mental Health: Stable
Meta/OOC: Looking forward to a great time RP-ing!