Nick Stringer (aka Mr Sullivan) guest starred in tonight's Holby City as a chap with early onset alzeimers (sorry I can't spell that word and I can't be arsed to look it up). This further proves my theory that it's impossible to escape people associated with Press Gang. I wonder whether he and Rosie Marcel had a chat about their time working together on the show. They didn't share any scenes as Rosie's character is currently ill in bed after an accident (because obviously all regular characters in hospital dramas must have a nasty accident and end up as a patient in said hospital at least once a year!).
Press Gang is being mentioned all over the place at the moment. After
r_scribbles pointed out that the 'random journal' feature is back on LJ I had to try it out. I was sent to the journal of a British person living in Vietnam. The most recent entry mentioned Press Gang. Admittedly it was part of an entry about The Moff taking over Dr Who which is clearly big news at present, but in my opinion it's pretty good going for an almost 20 year old kids TV show.
I'm going to a seminar tomorrow morning at Centre Point on Tottenham Court Road. I considered taking a half day and going shopping but I decided that I can't afford it. My life is so full of fun right now!