Last day of English..

Dec 13, 2005 21:54

Well today started out alright. Went to the gym around 2 to work out for a bit, summer is juss around the corner you know.. hah. But after the gym went home to study for my English final. It wasn't that hard to study for, i studied around 30 mins. and got the 50 vocab down, and all of the rules done. So I took a shower then, went off to school. Got to school around 5:00, and found out that most of our class was already there in a group. We couldn't go in cause the class before us was still takin their final. So I didn't feel like joinin the group cause I wanted to get a lil bit more studyin done. So I sat wit Jason and studied.

But then the best/worst part of my day happened. The girl who I saw before, the "girl".. so frickin hot.. everythin wat I look for in a girl.. came out of the class. Oh meng, I made eye contact wit her for a lil bit, but then I pretended to be studyin for my final, and she went bac to talkin wit her classmates bout the final they juss took. I couldn't study anymore, all I could do is juss stare at her. I wanted to talk to her so bad, but I couldn't.. i wanted to, but couldn't. I dun have a hard time doin that kinnda of stuff, but wit her.. i dunno.. she was so hot!! She's a 9.3 out of 10 on my scale.. I didnt get a chance to look at her ass, but I dont care.. I wished i went up to her, why couldn't I?!? I juss hope I get in one of her classes, which is like 1 out of 100, and I get a chance to talk wit her, and whatever might happen. But she.. wow.. so hot.. I think i got a chance wit her.. all I had to do was talk to her. She stared back at me when I looked at her, so.. keepin my fingers crossed bout havin the same class wit her!!

The English final was mostly easy. He chose 21 out of the 50 vocab. i knew all of them, except I was unsure bout "mnemonics", but that was it. ALl of the rule I did fine on, unsure bout some sentences, but for the most part like 95% of it, I did fine. But the essays are a different story. NO ONE.. i mean NO ONE could of written a "A" grade essay with the time we had left. Some ppl. left early, they prolly said, screw it, but I wanted a good grade. We had to write 2, 1 page essays. No one had enough time unless they juss half'assed it. On the midterm i got the second highest, 90%, and Jason got the 92%. I have a border line B+/A grade, so I need to Ace the final to get a "A" in the class.

But the sad thing is.. No one really got to say 'bye' to each other. Everyone left periodically throughout the class. Wish everyone could of said their 'byes' and shit. Not bein EMO, but imma miss that class, really. The class was complete sh-t, but the ppl. there made it fun. I actually hope I get in some classes wit some of you guys again. It's not likely, but it could happen. See you around guys.
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