NYE + Christmas

Jan 04, 2009 18:09

It seems all my livejournal buddies had a sweet NYE this year. Here are some pictures from the loft party I went to:

I'm hot. Note the bra around britneys neck

I think the asian chick was a co worker of Jays... I love that she is waving at someone? Why? Or is it a high five?

loll @ johnny's face.

I was somehow taking a picture while talking to colleen about something.....maybe? I don't know whats going on in this picture.

mmm....weird food. it was good.

Chrispy took these pictures:

thomas pissing....

pfft. dont pose so seriously~! its NEW YEARRRSFDS


I was trying to knock johnny on the ground all night. I failed :( but I got some good exercise in the process.

I know this sounds weird...but my favorite part of the night was probably just looking at chris's brother and seeing he had a pomeranian in his hand the entire night...
I don't even know this guy but I had to take like 3000 pictures of this. Why does this amuse me so much!?:

The other best part of the night was when johnny, jay colleen and I were leaving and we find this man passed out on the steps outside of their apartment:

This guy wasn't at the party.... and the loft above dani's is chris's.... so I have no idea why this random dude was in here. He clearly just stumbled in from the street. We asked him if he was okay....and he mumbled "yeah...yeah imfim imm fine..." hahahaha. wow. On second thought... I should have robbed him.

New years day Johnny and I were looking for a restraunt to eat at that wasn't completely crowded...

Ihop: fail
Hollywoodgrill: fail
Choppers: WIN.

Johnny got 2 ketchups and a glass of water.

their fries are too salty.

New Years Resolution? I don't usually do these but I'm always setting goals for myself throughout the year... so this time it is to swear less. I love swearing, I just need to tone it down a bit or it will lose its effect.

I just realized I didn't put any christmas photos up yet. I went to NC, hung out with my mom, her sister (my aunt) and uncle and their 3 kids (my cousins...who are all way older than me so I guess I shouldn't call them "kids")

this is chicago yay

me and my mommy made cookies.

They were supposed to be christmas cookies but I wanted to make animals and a scooba diver instead.

see my shark? that was supposed to be santa holding a bag of toys.the turtle in the middle broke in half :(

lots of cookies...

look at our fake ass smiles. christ! hahah

we watched home movies. it was pretty interesting seeing myself as a toddler. I was pretty sweet. in most of the movies i'm wandering off into the distance and my mom is no where to be found. at one point i'm eating peas off the floor.

this was my brother as a toddler. awww.

oh shit. i keep finding all these pictures that i haven't put in my lj... and i don't believe in lj cuts anymore seeing how hardly anyone uses this site anymore... so here's pictures from the christmas work party we had in december:

my boss and our "intern" alex. also pictured: a lot of beer and wine.

alcoholic co-workers.

my other boss guy, and my boss lady.

dans hat, lolz.

oh and here are some pictures from one of the million times at ashton's house...i love these:

hahhahahhahha ashtons vagina.

the blonde chick ruined it! heh.

alright wow.. i didn't expect this entry to be so picture heavy...but that's what people are interested in anyway. the less reading the better.

3 more days until I go to LA! yay!

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