
Dec 15, 2008 00:10

This is what I look like first thing in the morning. And that is my Yay! Waffles face. (Hello Kitty waffles). I put chocolate chips in them if you're wondering what that crap is.

I don't recall when these were taken....some point this week:

Johnny actually thinks those boots are cool. Hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaajkfldjsafkldsa okay. Sorry.

Fucking fat enabler. I'm supposed to be counting my calories.

I think during dinner Johnny and I made a date to go see The Day the Earth Stood Still (His idea...heh.) and go to Ikea (my idea) . So on Friday I was shaving all the appropriate parts...and ...welll...

Digging a razor into your nail is 9310 times worse than any paper cut...

And apparently I did it twice.

Johnny- "C'mon baby. Lets sit at the very top of the theater so we can hear the projector going through the whole movie"
Me- "You suck."

The next day we went to IKEA. This was my first time being in an IKEA ever.... I was really excited, and it lived way past my expectations.

I got an IKEA cone for $1!!! 

I also got 17 food storage containers for $5 and 4 lightbulbs for 77 cents. Man! The suburbs knows what it's doing sometime, I swear.

We got there 30 minutes before closing so I'm going to have to go back and do some more serious shopping later. It's probably for the best I didn't get to spend much time in there I would have ended up spending a bunch of money that I should be saving for LA and NC.

My month goal of losing weight and spending less money are going fairly well. I bought a bunch of healthy groceries i'm going to eat and I haven't bought anything else. Go me! I'm hungry right now as a matter of fact... so I'm going to go to bed.

Nite nite.

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