Man Man show... dinner and update

Dec 13, 2007 14:46

Last week or so was Man Man. It was the first time I've seen them live and it was aweseeoome. Anthony, his woman Lauren and couple other random people I know were there.  If you haven't heard this band yet check 'em out:

I didnt take very good pictures. hah

A couple nights ago I was feeling weird after work, a mixture of bored and productive.. so I made myself a fancy dinner:

Put some Mrs Dash on that shit. That steak was $3 for two of them. I'm ballin.

Last night I went out... I guess it was a "date"? with Anthony's girlfriends friend Justin. I used to fuck around with this dude named Ryan that I'm good friends with now. He had a sister named Megan and I always thought it'd be weird to fuck around with someone that shares the name of your sibling. One of my brothers names is Justin. It wasn't too weird.

Anyway, so Justin and I went out to some bar near where I work... $2 jack and cokes. It was a great time, I was getting pretty tipsy considering I hadn't drank in over a week (except a glass of wine the night with that dinner). Then the night started to blur, I eventually blacked out and don't remember how I got home. Luckily Justin was smart enough to know I shouldn't go walking the streets alone wasted so he went back with me. Apparently we watched an episode of The Simpsons and drank the rest of my wine. He was a gentlemen about me being totally wasted. I wouldn't have drank a shit load if I thought he was a creep or something.

Why I love my job...

The fun part of this story is waking up for work in the morning. I was still very drunk and hung over. Managed to make it to work, almost puked in the bathroom. Everyone knew just by looking at me I was fucked up. I asked my manager if I could call someone in for me and she said yes and then laughed a lot.

While I was waiting for the person to come in for me I drew smiley faces on our ranch packets. I love ranch.

Their 20 year old cashier comes into work too wasted to work and they just laugh about it and let me go home when I ask. I even gave the store manager the finger for making fun of me for leaving. In a joking way of course, I'm not a bitch.

One time another cashier came in drunk and she got bitched at pretty badly haha. It's so good to have people on my side. Oh yeah, and the regional manager just so happened to be in that day. Hahaha. I rock.

I love my job.
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