LWID Tour #2

Nov 24, 2007 23:01

My adventure started on Devil's night taking a 10hr long Greyhound ride to Nashville. Barry promised me we were going to raise hell on Halloween, the only holiday I cherish and enjoy. We ended up moving all the ridiculous gross stuff out of the LWID house (They're now officially homeless, btw heh.) and then went to bed basically. We had a couple trick-or-treaters come by, but they lived in the ghetto so they didn't have any costumes on. Stupid mooching Mexicans. Get costumes before I give your asses some candy, forealz.

It's a good thing LWID moved out though...their house was disgusting. Here's an example of the disgustingness:

Huntsville, Alabama:
      This was our first time meeting Lye By Mistake, the band we were on tour with. It was actually kind of awkward. I guess it takes a couple days to feel each other out. There was an old mangy dog at this venue that no one was claiming ownership to. It didn't even like being pet.

Chris and I. We switched glasses. How clever of us.

Looking for sleep, we went to this chick's house that LWID knew, and as soon as we walked in the door her two dogs started pissing all over the kitchen. I guess they were excited to see us. Barry and I slept in the van that night.

The next morning I took a look at the girl's old college book that taught women how to give proper fellatio. I took some notes.

Thomasville, NC:
       Honestly I don't remember anything about this show (But go figure, I have the worst memory ever.) We went back to our new friend Jordan's house, who's place was amazing. He had a exorcist doll that spun its head around that scared the shit out of me when I was going upstairs to lay my things down...and saw that staring at me from the corner. He also had an exact replica of the Freddie Croogar )(sp?) mask from Nightmare on Elm Street. He let me play with it. Jordan gave us booze and we played pool and Wii until 5am with the aid of other things.

BTW...What in the fuck is Circle B?

Oh, its the most ghetto gas station I've ever been to. Ok!

Fayetteville, NC:
     LWID played at a venue called the Rock Shop. I was pretty hesitant about playing a city like this. Not to mention the outside of this venue looked like every other typical shit-hole crap venue with shitty sound and 40 year old club owners that talk about how cool it was to see KISS when they were 14. However, this place was awesome. The club was owned by a dude named Shawn I believe, he gave me some tips on doing live sound that turned out to be very useful. Everyone at the venue was super nice, and the sound there was incredible. So if any bands ever want to play in NC I would highly recommend this place.

PS- Here is Barry's Butt Crack. There was waaaaay too much of that going on. I tried to see how many pictures I could get of it, I failed about 930 times. But here's one:

The venue:

(Tony from Lye By Mistake)

Holy shit Jake is a total homo hahaha:

After loading up we were waiting to head out when this kid outside was discussing Combat Records (The label that LWID is on) and some drunk 40 year old was shouting shit like, WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT COMBAT?! YOU NEED TO RESPECT THE MILITARARYYRYYY!!!  Which resulted in some pathetic brawl which I happened to get on video :):

Atlanta, GA:

I have absolutely no recollection of Atlanta at all. I actually had to look at the LWID tour journal to see what was said about this show. Now that I check, the tour journal didn't really say anything except something about the Georga Guidestones, which my personal take on that is Barry was definitely hyping that shit up. But he enjoyed it and he was the one that drove all the way there so I have no complaints.

When this picture was taken I was probably sleeping in the van wondering why the door was open.

As I'm updating this, Ty wanted me to add that he was vomiting and shitting everywhere around the Georgia Guidestones. It took him a couple hours to figure out that eating Eggs and Grits from a gas station wasn't the best of ideas. A couple days after this I was shitting from a jumbo gas station hot dog so I guess I'm no better.

Nashville, TN:

We played at a venue called The Muse in downtown Nashville. Not the prettiest looking venue, but regardless, the people that worked there were sweet. That was the only time on tour I actually didn't want to leave the venue. Jake and I went to the gas station to get a 40, liquor stores are hard to find in Nashville sadly. But it was only a dollar so it's cool. There was an abnormally amount of fat bitches at this show. Weird catty fat bitches to boot. I'm all for nice girl fat people, but shady ones need to go.

St. Louis, MO:

I asked Tony of Lye By Mistake what he thought of St Louis, having only been once when I was on tour with Tub Ring. He told me it was basically a mini Chicago, and he was totally right. The "Mini" Chicago part comes in when it turns 6pm and every store closes. There is absolutely no one out on the streets after a certain time. It was actually kind of scary. We stayed at Tony's place that night, who has a CRAZY apartment. I hope I didn't delete the video of his place. He has a full bar in his living room. I think it used to be a bar, actually. He said his rent is like $400/mo total too. That's probably to make up for the fact there's probably not shit to do down there. No offence, St.Louians.

Kansas City, MO/KA:

Why is there so much traffic in a place that is in the middle of no where? Seriously. It was Chicago-style traffic in Kansas City. Where do these peolpe have to go? Good thing we were listening to talk radio on the way there, where this crazy guy (Micheal Savage) talking about Orchidomania and Tulipomania.... no one had any idea what was going on.  The only thing I caught was Orchids were the cause of financial ruin at some point in history and now the US is facing a repeat of that history with Tulips. I don't know, don't ask me.

The venue we played was this huge theatre they use for weddings. Very nice place. Nice people. The guy in my pervious entry (Whom we call Neckbeard due to the beard growing off his neck) and I went to Little Caesears to get some pizza only to find they were closed. I ended up talking the guy in the store to give me their left over shit, which was awesome. I didn't let Neckbeard eat any of it and gave it to the people who actually deserved it (LWID and Lye By Mistake, of course).

Pictures from our day off in Kansas, before the neckbeard incident:

Ty and Chris accidentally dressed the same. I laughed a lot.

Ty is definitely gay. hahah:

Winona, MN:

The place LWID played that day was a cabin in the woods in the middle of no where. I felt like we had driven back in time to where people were cavemen. They had soup in a large pot with a large twig in it. They crowded around Ty and I saying we were the cutest people they had ever seen, which also proves how many people these guys have not seen in their life ahah. Okay, I shouldn't talk so much shit. Everyone was really nice at that show. There was jsut some sort of weird vibe in the air I couldn't shake off.

This was also the night that Barry declared, "People that work at jobs are losers". So well put.

This was the "venue" they played. Actualy pretty cool. They had a kitchen and everything. And they had THIS:

Drunk biatches in MN:

Moorhead, MN / Fargo:

Touring makes me look like a boy:

Tony of Lye By Mistake kicked off his shoe during his set, which somehow hit a lightbulb on the lights of the ceiling, which fell off and shattered everywhere. It was pretty great. During the set Tony started sweeping it up and apologizing. I'm pretty sure that helped them sell more merch that night. After the show LWID had a radio interview where the DJ said he wouldn't mind being railed by Bill O Riley. I didn't get that part on video sadly :(

Here's part of the interview:

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(As seen on the left)

I was so high and drunk that night...and taco pizza....oh dear lord. I can't even tell you how good it is. It's from a place called Happy Joes I think. Rather expensive, but any expensive food is usually worth it. ESPECIALLY this.

PS- In Dubuque you have to be 21 to play instant lottos. How crazy. Or you have to be 21 to play the peely ones that cost a quarter. I bought some regardless. I'm such a rebel.

Lake Station, Indiana:

One of the opening bands played a Limp Bizkit cover. Enough said.

Jake got a sliver playing drums that night...(Look closely)

weird, eh?

Lansing, MI:

The opening band this night was about 9302 times greater and more hilarious than the night before. They were called RedRum (Wonder where they got that?). They had a song where the lyrics were:


This is them:

The guy in the white shirt didn't sing or anything, he was just their cheerleader i guess with weird ass dance moves.

My hot, adorable friend from middle school, Cortney lives in Lansing now so I called her to come to the show. To my surprise, she actually came. It was INSANE to see how LWID and Lye By Mistake were acting towards her. It was like they hadn't seen a woman in years. SO awkward, SO obviously acting differently around her to impress her, or whatever they were trying to do.

John from Lye By Mistake was pretty hammered at this show and was being more talkitive than usual. I suspected this was because of my lady friend, which my suspicions were later confirmed when he asked Cortney, him and I to triple kiss. We told him we certainly weren't drunk enough for that yet, so he actually BOUGHT us shots, which says A LOT from poor touring band members such as himself. This ended up back-firing, as Cortney and John ended up hating the shots, which I ultimately ended up drinking. Go me. John also said such great one-liners as:

Talk to the hand because the face don't understand!!!

and something about biscuits and gravy that I don't remember.

This other guy at the Bar came up to talk to Cortney and I, I looked him straight in the eye when he was in mid-sentence and said something like 'We're gine-eating lesbians'. He didn't even have time to react, and the first words out of his mouth were, "Oh........that sucks." and then quickly back paddled and said "Oh well, not that that's a bad thing! I'm not prejudice or anything" Then awkwardly stood there for a couple more seconds and slowly backed away.

Then I pissed all over Tony's hand in the parking lot:

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After the show we stayed at my parents house. It was good to see my family/pets again. Mommy bought us beef jerky and other good travel goodies. Thanks mommy!

Mt. Clemens, MI:
Ty told me in the van on the way to the show about how he was looking through my family album at my house. "I was looking at those pictures of you and your brother....looks like nu metal runs in your family ". Brilliant observation hahaha.

Michigan does something to people that makes them want to drink. We had an abnormally amount of drunkards in Lansing and an even larger number of more drunkards in Mt. Clemens. This was probably due to my friend Meghan and her friend Jenni coming. Not to mention the Gallon of red wine nathan brought me, and the pint of Gin. Thanks Nathan!! <3 I'm drinking the Gin right now as we speak.

Pre-show fun in the van:

i have no idea what's going on there. im guessing i had a purpose at some point.

Meghan being a GROUPIE WHORE with jake. Heh.

I think she was fingering jakes ass by the end of the night.

Nathan didn't have money to get in, and this was probably the ONLY venue that didn't let us have a guest list (yeah fuck you hayloft), so we came up with a plan to just tell the door kid to fuck off because he was probably like 120 lbs and 6 years old. and when he asked for nathans stamp he would just say:

he almost actually did it, and we were trying to peer pressure him into it, then he decided not to. oh well :(

Jake, Ty, Meghan and myself finished the gallon of wine and went in for the show. To my surprise, everyone was fucking wasted. I had been drinking pretty much every night of the tour so I guess my tolerance had gone up. And don't you dare call me an alcoholic, you're supposed to drink every day on tour! C'mon! Anyway, Jake could barely make his way on stage, literally. Ty had to tell him how to get on stage. As Jake described it, "It was like I remembered drinking in the van, then the next thing I knew we were on song 4 of the set list" hahaha. Hoo boy. Needless to say, there is now a "No drinking before shows" rule.

This show was another one of my favorites. It was good to see Meghan and Nathan. I'm glad at least some of my friends could make it out to see me this tour.

Pittsburgh, PA:
Something happened with the booking on this show and all the bands ended up canceling for one reason or another. Even Lye By Mistake wasn't there due to their van breaking down. After the show I think it was the sound guy gave us an entire grocery bag of those microwaveable cheeseburger things that you never buy at gas stations and a giant box of vending machine snacks. He's a vendor and takes all the expired foods from the machines. It felt like we had won some sort of lottery.

We stayed at the promoters house which was really nice. Pittsburgh is one of my favorite cities to visit. Everything is like a swirl of houses and hills, it feels like you're sinking into a giant toilet bowl, and I mean that in the best way possible.

The promoter put us up at her place that night. it was a great place, she was good looking and nice, everything was good.

Say hello to Ty's only friend:

(I'm talking about the bag of potato chips)


Philly, PA:

The actual show wasin Doylestown, PA. Whhich is 390284932 times better than philly. But I hate philly.

The picture doesnt really capture it, but doylestown feels like a fake city... like, i dont know. i can't explain it. it just has av ery weird vibe there.

Load out sometimes sucks (Note the stairs):

Our Poughkeepsie show was canceled for one reason or another so we had a day off at Nichole Endy's!! Yay. I love seeing friends. Her new place is awesome. We talked for hours about old gossip, new gossip. I didn't even realize how many people we knew in common or how much fun shit we had done together. I also finally met her butt ugly dog Atticus, who I ended up falling in love with. He prances around like a pony. Enough said. And this:

Okay one more thing:

I got to re-visit WaWa, which is probably the greatest gas station chain in exicstance. It has a deli where you can order sandwiches and has a lot of cheap beverages. Like cold cappichinos for a dollar. Kind of like those star bucks things, but you don't have to pay $3 for one and it's a 20oz.

WAWA goodness:

We ended up watching a lot of "Shot of Love" Where I ended up falling in love with this man:

Nichole and I are in a race to see who will meet him and have 'relations' with him first. I'm willing to bet it's me. I seem way more motivated.

This was the day Ty:

cut his balls shaving and had to use one of the ridiculous animal band-aids I bought for tour. He got the Rhino.

photo taken by nicole endy. i didn't want to get that close to ty's balls.

Pompton Lakes, NJ:

Long drive to VA after the show where we're staying at Chris's cousins. We had a day off and we spent it the best way possible; Wii.

Harrisonburg, Va:

Luckily the Manchester, NH show was canceled because the drive was like 8 hours out of the way. We spent our day off at Chris's cousins house. It was a pretty tight squeeze in the apartment, but it would have been even tighter in the van. We spent 90% of our time eating, sleeping and playing wii. the other 10% was probably pooping or something.

Chris's cousin also had this pug:

awww...isnt it adorable?? so cuuuute?? well watch this video:

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The next day on the way to the show we were having a conversation about ass to mouth. LWID constantly asks me questions like "Would you fuck this guy?", "Do you take it in the ass?", so natually they asked me eventually "Would you do ass to mouth?" I said no, and Ty said something like:

Ty: But would you receive it?
Me: What??
Ty: Well, my girlfriend did it to me once
Me: So....she fucked you in the ass with a strap on or something?....

Turns out....Ty thought "ass to mouth" meant getting your ass licked. So I learned two things that day:
1) Ty has had his ass eaten out by his girlfriend (wow)
2) Ty does not know anything

And more of barry's ass crack:

I got bored on  our drive to lousiville. which picture is the sexiest?:

also, i have no boogers because i pick my nose a lot:

virginia is pretttyyyomgz:

Lousiville, KY:

This was the last show of the tour. IT was a bar 21+ but i luckily got in. it wasn't too easy though. i had actually legitmately forgotten my purse so i didnt have an id, not even the fake ID that nicole endy gave me, and i was worried i couldnt get in, and "i forgot my id" is such a played out excuse.

me- uhh..yeah...i forgot my purse at home....
door guy- how old are you?
me- 21
door guy- are you really?
me- yes.
door guy- how old are you?
me- 21

and hi2u, wrist band. i got good tips that day and bought a bunch of whiskey with it. jake bought me some drinks too. he's suhc a sweet heart. i felt like a grown-up. i cant wait until i actually turn 21 haha.

i had to get my greyhound ticket for the day fter thanksgiving, even though tour ended the 21st, so that meant i had to spend a semi-awkward thanksgiving with jake's family in lousiville. they probably all thought we were going out. i think it was jakes dad that thought i worked with jake, who works at hooters, so i guess he thought iw as a hooters girl? haha.

overall it was a great time. I was glad to get homeso i could make some money though, i was definitely running out. i'll probably go back on tour with them in janurary depending on how long it is and if it's worth my time. theyre going to florida then so i really want to go. warmth!!
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