
Oct 23, 2009 22:39

Ok, so college is going good, except for the mass amounts of homework and essays I have to do :( I hate doing them, but I am learning from them and I have passed them so I guess its not too bad.

Lucy is still here, I knew she would be, even if we went to different colleges but being able to see her everyday is a serious bonus, and I dont think I'd be able to cope if I didnt see her constantly. Shes my reason for, well, pretty much everything, and being able to see her on a daily basis just makes my life that much easier. Even if we're too tired in the morning to talk just seeing her makes me feel great. I know I dont always show that but its true.

And finally there is Alex. Alex is the most amazing guy I've ever met. He treats me like a person, not just an object to look at. He makes me smile, doesnt make me feel like I have to do things if I dont want to and he respects me. Hes the only lad I've ever met that really cares for me in that way, and doesnt expect things from me. Its incredible. He can do something as simple as hug me, and I automatically feel safe in his arms, like I never want him to let go. He even comes in on mondays just to see me, even though its his day off. I know its only been three weeks, but I am seriously starting to fall for this guy, and mabye for once, thats a good thing. I cant say it yet, I know its too soon but when the times right, I know I can say it. And untill that time, I know in my heart, I love him. I really do. And for once its just that simple.


college, random, friends, boyfriend, lucy, happy, love, alex

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