The cool misty eves of St. Louis

Jun 20, 2008 23:34

What pleasant summer nights St. Louis has. Not much can be said for most daytimes, but there's always a pleasant cool humidity that seems to come at night, along with the sounds of bugs and etc. It's much more peaceful, much more conducive to relaxation and deep thoughts.

One month until Margaret and I get to hear the familiar crash of surf on rocks in the Pacific Ocean. Now, amidst claims of mild obsession, there's something deeper than a strong desire for the ocean that I've cultivated over time. It's like a deep, deep set NEED to be somewhere marine, with tidal fluxes, the rippling open waters, the rolling waves and the spray of the ocean. I haven't been able to get this out of my head since Bailey, Sarah, Margaret and I visited Long Beach, Washington last summer.

I have worked without question the most difficult 8 days of my life. I worked, amidst the stress of my manager and owner, 8 days straight, in the sequence of: close, open, ACT test, close, open, close, open, open, close. To work "close, open" is to be at work from 2pm-11pm, then work from 6am to 2 pm. so, 17 out of 24 hours. Overtime used to be avoided at all costs at Park Avenue Coffee, now most of the employees are on it. But expansion is underway, and hopefully bigger and better things are ahead. Hopefully all of the hard work will pay off, we'll catch up with our expansion and be a big, successful series of St. Louis coffee houses.

I had an idea as I was driving home from hanging out with Bailey today (we went ghost hunting in Jefferson Barracks Park, which is supposedly haunted to a profound degree, yet to no avail). I got a fortune cookie with dinner that said, amusingly, "You will cross many waters on a fun vacation." I realized that the prediction on this fortune cookie was actually going to become tangibly true in a reasonable period of time. So I decided to make a page/notebook of fortune cookie fortunes, and remove one when it came true, along with a written explanation of how it came true. So in the section for today's fortune cookie, dated 6/20/08, I may actually get to remove it and write about my trip to California, at the end of July.

"You will retire wealthy and happy" might take a bit longer.
Should I buy a lotto ticket with the lucky numbers for each fortune too?

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