Jan 28, 2007 21:01
California Update!
Friday, January 26th, 2007
got out of preschool early and went home. rested and made fun of leila. packed up the rest of my stuff, got it in the car and left. went to PVPA and picked up the father. drove a long ass drive to hoboken, where we had "modern japanese" food. i saw a hobo sleeping in the entrance to the Cingular store in hoboken. he had a whole set up (sleeping bag, food, friends). it made me laugh. finally left and went to West Orange where we went to my grandparents house. got there, went to sleep.
Saturday, January 27th, 2007
woke up at like, 10 and was all excited about leaving. me and gramps went to the livingston diner and got a bagel. we talked, and he had to nag nag nag me about doing something interesting this summer, but i just want to party and get a job. he keeps comparing me to my cousin and it's really really pissing me off...then we went back to their house and my mom and dad had already left and i went down and tried to buy a ringtone and then the guy came to take us to the airport in Newark. we drove to the airport, got in, got through security, gramps had to get patted down by security for lord knows what reason. then we got on the plane and i watched the movie The Queen and it was really good. the flight was so fucking long and i couldn't sit anymore and i had to pee so badly and i don't use bathrooms on planes so it sucked. we finally got in but i was mega jet lag. it was 9 here, but it was really 12 in my mind. we got to the hotel and it's awesome except that i have to sleep on a fuckin pull out couch and my grandparents refuse to close the door that connects the living room to their room because the bathroom is in their room, but i don't use the bathroom when i sleep....so it's annoying. we went to dinner at the hotel and it was really good except that i couldn't really taste anything because of my stupid cold. then we came back up to the hotel room and started going to bed. my grandpa fell asleep and i was watching tv and my grandma kept having to tell me to turn the volume down, and i was like why don't you close the fucking door?!?! and then she decided that she wasn't tired and it was time to wander around the room....IN HER UNDERWEAR...i was like, no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is not a good way to start out this trip. but...i finally fell asleep and was able to sleep for a short ammount of time.
Today, January 28th, 2007
well, i woke up at 5:30 because it felt like 8:30...and it was still dark out so i watched a movie on my computer and finally got up at like, 8 this time, and got all ready and we went to this deli for breakfast where i had a california omelette in celebration of where we are. then we walked to the car, got in and drove to Malibu. it was really nice, the hills are so sweet and there are awesome houses. everything is so cool, and i can picture what it must have been like back in the day when everyone had no worries and just surfed and hung out. then we drove to Santa Monica and went out on the peir. it was cool, but smelly. there was this guy at the end playing a keyboard and singing about jesus or something. it was funny. then we went over to Venice Beach...lord lord let me tell you. so creepy. it's just a long stretch of beach and shops, and it's pretty tacky all over, but on one side there are the shops (and there are so many smoke shops) and then on the other side there's all the strange street people. there were a butt load of artists and some of the art was actually nice, a few robot performers, a couple of just random bums. one guy selling to put things in a trash can for you....another guy selling to curse out your mother in law...some guy who came up and started puting bracelets on me trying to get me to buy one...mega awkward. we saw a dog that came up to my stomach practically...and i saw like, 300 people just sitting over on the grass smoking pot out in the open (i could smell it too) it was pretty funny. we saw the muscle part, and it was pretty funny. then we went over to Marina Del Ray (i think that's what it's called) and we ate at the cheesecake factory (weird...i wouldn't have figured my grandparents to be the chain type)...it was really good though, and we met these people who we talked to and then we met these other people and the woman was an actress who was once on days of our lives. i got her autograph and a picture lol on the request of my grandparents. then we drove back to westwood, and while we were driving back my grandpa unknowingly ran a red light and the traffic was coming towards us and i almost died and i almost peed my pants and he didn't even realize what had just happened and it was so fucking scary, and i found out that the SAG awards are here tonight, but we missed the red carpet going in things...so now we're just back here watching them on TV...hopefully all the celebrities are going to be in town and out and about tomorrow for shopping and crap.
things i have learned so far:
people in california are a little more laid back while driving. (except my gpa)
my grandpa flirts with every woman ever. no matter what they look like or how old they are or anything...