The Log That Never Happened! :O!!!

Jun 05, 2007 04:44

Who: Ed and Mello
What: Gut-spilling over a stolen bottle of Pinako's alcohol.
Where: The burned down remains of the Elric house in Rizenbul.
When: A couple of nights before Ed got his leg replaced.
Why: Because they need SOMETHING to do other than cowtipping sitting around getting beaten with wrenches. >.>
Warnings: Angsting, alcohol-induced flirting, and general UST.

No characters can see unless they're pieces of burned house carcass. 8D

Ed: *Leads Mello down to where he knows Pinako keeps the alcohol, as quietly as possible with a damn crutch because the old hag hears everything* Here. *Transmutes the lock open and steps out of the way for him*

Mello: *looks inside and grabs a bottle* Where are we going?

Ed: *Transmutes the lock shut again and thinks. Could go down to the river, but alcohol and water was never a good mix, especially when one of them was missing a leg, had a steel arm, and couldn't swim anyway* Come on. There's at least one place I still know of here that no one goes to. *Leads him outside off into the night*

Mello: *follows him, wondering if he should put an arm around him to help or if Ed would hate it if he did* If you ever wondered if I trusted you, you should know the answer now.

Ed: *Blinks over at him, surprised, but smiles* I've had an inkling that you trust me. And you know I trust you too. Hell, I put my life in your hands enough times that you oughta.

Mello: I'd at least hope you wouldn't work for me if you didn't.

Ed: *Smirk* That too.

Mello: I just meant that I have no clue where you're taking me and it's fucking dark. You could hit me over the head with that crutch and drown me before I'd notice.

Ed: *Laughs* Your eyes just have to get used to it. And yeah right, like I'd be able to make it all the way down to the river with you and the crutch before you woke up.

Mello: I didn't say it would be a good plan, just possible.

Ed: I'd like to think I'm a bit more resourceful than that.

Mello: Sure, you could smash the bottle and slit my throat. But it would be messy.

Ed: *Grabs the bottle and hobbles faster pretending to try and run away since he could hardly outrun anyone like that* Not to mention a waste of perfectly good alcohol.

Mello: *laughs* That would indeed be a terrible shame.

Ed: *Sees the charred rubble that used to be his house up ahead and sobers a little, handing the bottle back to Mello with a small smirk* Yeah, I'm sure it'd just kill your night.

Mello: Not as much as you killing me would.

Ed: Well that'd kill my night too, so you don't have to worry about that.

Mello: I wasn't really worried, dork. But if you ever consider it, keep in mind that it would be a terrible obstacle in our friendship.

Ed: *Snickers* I'll definitely keep it in mind. *Finally stops in front of the rubble, looking out over it with a shiver and knocks a few pieces of charred wood with his crutch*

Mello: *eyes it doubtfully* Are you sure you want to do this here?

Ed: *Bitter smirk* Couldn't think of a better place to dig up the past. Welcome to my house. *Hobbles over to what's left of the trunk of the tree and sits down beneath it, leaning against the trunk*

Mello: *walks over slowly and sits next to him* If you're sure you want to do this.

Ed: *Tosses a pebble in the general direction of the rubble* Well, we're already here.

Mello: *opens the bottle and takes a drink* Yeah, we are. I'm just asking; I sure as hell wouldn't take anyone to my childhood home, whichever one you mean by that. *hands Ed the bottle* Sorry, we didn't bring glasses.

Ed: *Takes the bottle and drinks, grimacing at the taste but hands it back to Mello with a shrug* Was the only home I ever had. And, like I said, best place I know of to dig up the past. No one'll come here anyway.

Mello: *takes another drink and leans back, stretching out his legs* Yeah, I guess. And it's your choice; I'm not going to tell you it's the wrong one. *takes another drink and sets the bottle between them* So, what did you want to know?

Ed: *Rests his head back on the tree trunk and looks up at the stars* I dunno. What're you willing to tell me?

Mello: *looks up at the sky himself and laughs* Just about anything. You said you wanted secrets and I trust you enough to tell them.

*sighs* Like this house? When it was a house. My life was never like this. I mean, for a little while, you had this whole storybook life, right? That wasn't my childhood. I think it might have been Near's, for awhile, but it wasn't mine and I don't think it was Matt's either.

Ed: *Snorts* I wouldn't call it a storybook life exactly. But I guess it was better than some people's. *Looks over at him* What was it like?

Mello: Which part? My family, the first orphanage I was in, or the one I was in with Matt and Near?

Ed: All of the above?

Mello: My parents had too many kids and not enough money. We lived in a crappy Eastern European apartment. I could tell you where, but it wouldn't mean anything to you; sometimes the fact that you come from another reality is damn nice. My older sister raised me mostly, if you can call it that. No one had time for me or patience, and I was a lot of trouble as a kid. Not that anyone ever hesitated to tell me all about that, then or later. I don't think they're even dead; they just didn't want me anymore. But I don't know; I never checked, and I was really little then. I didn't really understand much of what was going on.

*picks up the bottle and takes another drink before putting it back down and looking at Ed* ... And just so you know, I've never told anyone this. Shirou a bit, but not much. So don't tell anyone.

Ed: *Looks at him, shocked, but nods and gives him an understanding smile* You know I won't.

Mello: What, you thought everyone had a family like you? I told you before I didn't really understand it.

Ed: *Shakes head and takes a drink* No, just kinda surprised you're telling me something you haven't told anyone else.

Mello: Well, Matt and I, we don't talk about families. None of us did; we're all used to thinking people knowing that means they could find out who we really are and kill us. And it's a hard habit to get out of; like a taboo or something. Shirou doesn't even remember his family, so it's not like he could say anything. And there's no one else I trust enough... and you asked. *shrugs*

Ed: *Scoots a bit closer and picks at the label on the bottle* I know that I had Mom and Al and Win and Granny and we all cared about each other but . . . y'know it wasn't all some perfect little fairytale before Mom died.

Mello: Yeah? So what was it like?

Ed: After dad left? It was rough. Mom struggled for money sometimes 'cause she refused to touch what that bastard left us. But you could barely even turn around without seeing her just . . . thinking about him -- I mean he was supposed to fucking love her and he just up and ran off without a damn word, of course she'd be sad about it. That was why me and Al started sneaking into his study to take a look at those alchemic texts he'd left -- we knew he used to transmute her stuff so we figured, if we could do it too, then maybe she'd stop being so . . . sad. She'd just forget about him 'cause he didn't fucking deserve her to begin with. *Takes a drink and sets the bottle between them again, looking out at what had once been his home* 'Course it didn't work. The last thing she said before she died was if we could make her a circlet of flowers 'cause he used to make them for her.

Mello: *takes a drink then reaches down and puts his hand over Ed's* Yeah... I guess that would be tough, too. It's hard to be a kid; all this shit goes on and you don't really understand any of it. And at least I didn't miss my parents or anything; I think some of the others did, even though they weren't allowed to talk about it. Well, we weren't at Wammy House, at least. The first orphanage I was at didn't have any rules like that. But then they called me by my real name, too.

Ed: *Twists his hand over to squeeze Mello's but feels as if he's heard about this before. Still he blinks over at Mello, an eyebrow raised* Your real name?

Mello: Yeah, the one my parents gave me. Or at least I assume they did; the one on my birth certificate, at least.
... I went back there a few months ago, just to be sure they didn't have any records with photos, something that could be traced. Didn't even take Matt or Shirou with me, but it wasn't like it was a sight-seeing trip or anything.

Ed: *It somehow makes sense and he can't help but smirk* And here I always just thought you had weird aging hippy parents or something to name you Mello.

Mello: No, that's what you get when you tell a six-year-old to pick an alias. And after that I was stuck with it.

Ed: *Can't help but laugh at that*

Mello: *glares at him* Like you'd do better. Near was nine and he still picked that stupid name.

Ed: *Laughs even harder* Guess I got off easy. 'Least the military assigned me my name.

Mello: Yeah, I guess. Though they could have hated you and given you something awful.

Ed: *Settling down a little* Oh, they always hated me, but "FullMetal's" pretty stupid if you ask me. I mean, I thought it was cool when I was twelve *a whole whopping four years ago* but it doesn't even make any sense. It's just my one arm and one leg and they're usually covered up anyway. That's why everyone always thought Al was me.

Mello: Still, what if they named you the Earthworm Alchemist or something? And that's not even getting into personal insults.

Ed: *Snickers* I don't think they could get away with that. I think the worst one had to be Major Armstrong's name -- The Strongarm Alchemist. I mean they weren't even trying.

Mello: Yeah, that's pretty dumb. And I suppose it's the military; they want you to sound impressive.
It didn't matter how dumb our aliases sounded, just that they weren't our real names. We were supposed to give up even those eventually, at least if we succeeded.

Ed: Succeeded in what?

Mello: *smiles, but it's more bitter than anything else* Becoming L. The greatest detective in the world.

Ed: *Squeezes his hand* Yeah, I think I remember you mentioning something about that.

Mello: That was the point of everything. Giving up our pasts and names, assuming you had anything to care about giving up. Working your ass off at whatever they told you to do. Everything. All for the privilege of being hidden away for the rest of your life and probably dying before you're thirty.

Ed: So, then, it's kinda a good thing you got out . . .

Mello: Who says I got out?

Ed: You did.

Mello: *picks up the bottle and takes another drink* I guess it depends on how you look at it.
*sighs* I mean, I was always competitive. But everything there, the whole place, was structured to force you to be even if you weren't. Privileges, attention, everything was based on your rank. You had to be the best and if you weren't, you were nothing. Maybe the teachers didn't really believe that, but they acted like it.

Ed: *Kind of angry at that, but hell if he has anyone to take it out on* Well this is the real world. Just 'cause you're not the best at everything doesn't mean you're nothing. And you sure as hell aren't nothing.

Mello: I know the real world pretty well. I've been on my own six years now. But I don't know about the rest of it. *frowns* I think, eventually, it got better for the kids who just weren't going to make it. Once they gave up on you, you were more free to do what you wanted. But for me, and Near and Matt... I'm still doing what they trained me to do because I don't know how to do anything else. We all are, or variations on it. And not nothing? I have doubts.

Ed: *Snorts* And what, I'm some jack-of-all-trades? All I've ever known how to do is alchemy and I know I've been useful as shit to you since you hired me. Do you have any idea how many times I've had to remind myself why I left the military to begin with? And shut up already, you're not nothing. People love you and people care about you, that's more than enough proof that you're not nothing.

Mello: Ed... if you want to go back... it's ok. I'll understand. I'm not firing you; you just seem to wish you hadn't quit a hell of a lot.

Ed: *Bitter smirk* I do kinda want to go back, but for all the wrong reasons. I miss the access to the library and classified information that I can't get as a civilian, like about a possible conflict up North, and it's not like I have any other marketable skills. *Grabs the bottle and takes a drink* It's the other stuff that I keep conveniently forgetting. Like the fact that half the military's tried to kill me, or that if this thing up North escalates into a full-blown war, yours truly would get drafted before you can say "legal minor." Besides that it's bad enough I'm dating a former commanding officer that's twice my age, no need to make it worse by changing that back to current commanding officer.

Mello: I can't give you any of that, though hell, I can break into just about anywhere. Working for me isn't guaranteed to be any safer. I just wanted to tell you I'm not going to ditch you as a friend if you change your mind.

*sighs and takes another drink himself* And about Roy and me... you and I both know the real problem isn't that I slept with you at all, it's that I wouldn't exactly mind sleeping with you again and you probably wouldn't be terribly adverse to the idea. That we're friends but could have been more. And that's not an easy thing to just forget about.

Ed: *Blushes but also can't really deny that* It is part of the problem, though. He thinks you fucking took advantage me!

Mello: Then he's an idiot. How the hell is he any different?

Ed: *Takes another swig* He said I didn't know what I was getting myself into at the time, that you were just using me to cheat on Matt and Hitsugaya with.

Mello: Fuck that. Like I become close friends with people I'm just using? Like I'd have stuck around afterwards if that was all it was? Believe me, I've done that, and I wouldn't have.

Ed: I know you wouldn't have stuck around if it was only that! The bastard's just . . . fucking jealous 'cause you got to me first. *Rubs his forehead*

Mello: He's being ridiculous. He should damn well know better. Sure, I'm an asshole... but not to you. I had no intention of hurting you at all and it definitely had nothing to do with him. *glares at nothing in particular* I don't get what the big deal is anyway. I wasn't Matt's first and he wasn't mine and neither of us gives a shit.

Ed: It's 'cause everyone's so damn protective of me, like I'm gonna fucking break if the wrong person looks at me. I've been takin' care of me and Al since we were ten and I know I've fucked it up a lot, but I can damn well handle myself!

Mello: Ed, I know that. I don't think you're going to break and it has nothing to do with your age. But truthfully, I don't think that's Roy's problem, either. He's the kind of guy who wants to be the first for anyone he's with, though hell if I can see why. You have to be pretty damn insecure to want to be sure the person you're fucking has no one to compare you with.

Ed: He's not fucking me. *Sighs and drops back against the tree trunk* He's just gonna hafta get the hell over it. I wouldn't take that back for anything even I could.

Mello: Yeah, but he assumes he will be. *tilts his head a bit to look at him* And good. I'm glad you don't want to.

Ed: *Looks back at him* Why would I? I mean, I've got nothing to compare it to -- nothing I can remember anyway -- but it was pretty fucking awesome. *smirks*

Mello: *grins* Which is clearly why he's afraid he can't measure up.

Ed: *Laughs* He does have a helluvan act to follow.

Mello: *shrugs* That's his problem. And he should get over it already. Too bad for him that you didn't sleep with someone who didn't know what the hell they were doing.

Ed: *Snorts* Oh but then I might've been traumatized against it.

Mello: *smirks* And now you definitely don't need to worry about that. It's been a long time since I didn't know what I was doing.
*grins at him* Got any more secrets you feel like sharing?

Ed: *Shakes head and smirks* Nah, I think I'm good this time around. Anything else you wanna ask?

Mello: So... I won't ask how you feel about me; I'm sure neither of us wants to go there. But... Ed, how much do you really know about me?

Ed: *Blushes at the first statement but answers* You mean about your past? Just what you've told me, pretty much.

Mello: Just... Ed, you know I'm not kidding when I say I used to be an asshole? That I used people?

Ed: *thinks about that for a minute and shakes his head* I guess it's not that surprising. Not that I think you do it now, just . . . after the whole . . . Envy thing . . .

Mello: *shifts and slides an arm around him* You're not as bad as I am, Ed. Not even close. I've killed people in cold blood.

Ed: *Snorts bitterly but rests his head on his shoulder* I dunno about that.

Mello: Yeah?

Ed: *Hesitates, but* This is . . . just between us, right?

Mello: Of course. Hell, Ed, you think I'd want you spreading the stuff I've told you around?

Ed: I know, it's just . . . I haven't even told Al about this . . .

Mello: I'm not going to tell anyone.

Ed: *Straightens up and hugs his leg up to his chest and drops his forehead to his knee, taking the time to work up his nerve then, quietly* I raped Envy . . .

Mello: *rubs Ed's back, toying gently with the end of his hair* I know.

Ed: *Stiffens and looks back at him, wide eyed*

Mello: Ed, you didn't tell anyone... but Envy did. *moves the bottle out of the way and tugs Ed closer, to lean against him* I've known for awhile.

Ed: *Resists for a moment, but scoots over and leans against Mello. He knew Envy's friends knew, but not other people* I . . . didn't mean for it to happen . . . I barely even remember everything . . .

Mello: You want to tell me about it?

Ed: *Snorts* Tell you what? At that point, it's all just . . . blurry. I remember being angry as hell and the more he talked the more pissed off I got 'til I just snapped. *Thinks about that and then laughs, trying to stifle it* More than I did already. Next thing I knew I had Envy bent over.

Mello: *keeps rubbing his back* I don't know; it seems like you need to talk about it.

Ed: *Sits up and takes a drink* I need a new brain, this one's more broken than I thought it was.

Mello: Ed, I knew. It didn't change anything.

Ed: *Looks back at him, consideringly, and then sighs, sitting back against him* Thank you.

Mello: *caresses his side, trying to be comforting* It's not like I'm any better. If I'd ever gotten caught, I'd have a rap sheet miles long. Not that I'm saying I wanted you to take after me in that, but it doesn't make a difference.

Ed: Why does everything always have to get so fucked up . . .

Mello: *laughs* Hell if I know. My life has always been like this.

Ed: *Sighs* I wish it could've been better for you. It's pointless, but it's the thought that counts.

Mello: Yeah, well. It is what it is. I'm hardly the only unwanted kid in the world, or the only one raised in a fucked up situation. I'm definitely far from the only murderer, etc.

Ed: You're hardly unwanted.

Mello: Maybe not now.
So, does Roy know? I'm guessing not.

Ed: *Shakes his head* I more don't want him to know than I don't want to keep shit from him.

Mello: *strokes his hair* Yeah, I get that. That's why I don't tell Shirou some things about me.

Ed: Feels like he doesn't really know what he's getting into, though . . .

Mello: Hell, Ed, I don't know what to tell you. I wish I could tell you he'd be fine with it, or it doesn't matter, but it would be a lie.

Ed: I know.

Mello: Fuck, with what he thinks about me... *sighs* I wish... nevermind.

Ed: *Looks up at him* We're in a wishing kinda mood tonight. What is it?

Mello: I shouldn't even say it.

Ed: That's kinda what we're doing here, isn't it?

Mello: I guess. *stares up at the sky* I wish I could tell you to forget him, it doesn't matter. That... you know what I'm saying, don't you?

Ed: *Presses a little closer* Yeah . . . if things were different and all that . . .

Mello: *looks down at him* Yeah... And I shouldn't feel like this, much less say it.

Ed: Doesn't change the fact that we do. Just . . . gotta be careful . . .

Mello: I know that, dammit. Do you really think I don't?

Ed: *Sits up and Looks at him* I know you know. And I know you've been careful. And don't think I don't appreciate it.

Mello: Yeah? Even if it hurts both of us?

Ed: *Looks away* I don't want it to hurt you.

Mello: It's not your fault.

Ed: Well it's not your fault either, before you even try to take responsibility for it.

Mello: Maybe not. Still, I'm sorry.

Ed: *Shakes his head* I'm the one that fell for a taken guy . . .

Mello: Like I had any right falling for you?

Ed: *Smirks* Don't they say you can't help that anyway?

Mello: It's just as valid as you blaming yourself.

Ed: *Takes the bottle and drinks* Guess I'm startin' to see what Roy's problem is.

Mello: Assuming it's not really that he thinks I'm using you.

Ed: *Scowls* He better not. There's no reason, now that he knows what happened.

Mello: *laughs and takes the bottle for a drink* Like that ever stopped anyone.

Ed: He's usually more rational than that.

Mello: Not like I'd know, I guess.

Ed: I just don't get it. *Leans back with a sigh* I mean, the bastard's supposed to know everything and he always trusted me before -- or I thought he did -- now all of a sudden he's misinterpreting shit all over the place and assuming I can't handle myself.

Mello: Yeah? *wraps his arms around him loosely*

Ed: *Relaxes against him* Even with this whole stupid promising not to break into the North Area military zone. It's not like I haven't snuck into places like that before -- and hell if I can sneak Al past security as a giant, clanking suit of armor, I think I can manage it on my own.

Mello: I never thought you couldn't. I was only doing it for you because you promised you wouldn't. I don't know what his problem is there and I guess I'm not the best person to ask.
Not like any of this should have been news to you. Did you really not know?

Ed: *Tilts his head back to look up at him* Not know which part?

Mello: Any of it. But mostly... how I felt about you.

Ed: *Smirks* I had an inkling. Or at least . . . I hoped . . .

Mello: You'd be pretty dense if you didn't know.

Ed: Not like I haven't been accused of it before.

Mello: *laughs* Sometimes you can be.
I didn't really expect that you knew anything about my past. You aren't supposed to.

Ed: Yeah, I know. *Smiles, at least somewhat understanding what it took to tell him all that*

Mello: I don't even know why I told you all that. I guess just because somehow you seemed actually interested.

Ed: That could be 'cause I was actually interested.

Mello: *shrugs* It's not like it's an interesting story.

Ed: But it's your story. I mean, not that I would've pushed you about it, I know why you keep that stuff quiet, doesn't mean I'm not curious, though.

Mello: Maybe next time I can tell you about running off to another country when I was fourteen and a naive idiot. *digs out a chocolate bar and rips it open*

Ed: *Smirks and shifts a little, getting more comfortable* And I'll tell you all about the time I single-handedly converted an entire town away from a bogus religion.

Mello: Yeah? Sounds interesting. More fun than my story. *shifts and leans down a bit to kiss him gently* And tonight? Never happened.

Ed: *Blinks and has to resist the urge to kiss him back for a few moments but it passes . . . mostly and he smiles, nodding* 'Course not. It's just an alcohol-induced hallucination.

Mello: We just came out here and got drunk and were very silly. We didn't talk about anything important. *plays idly with Ed's hair and barely manages not to kiss him again*

Ed: *Shivers with the playing with his hair and presses a bit closer* Not a damn thing. Except you promising to take full responsibility for my hangover tomorrow.

Mello: *laughs* All right. Like I wouldn't. *stares at him* Dammit, Ed... *sighs* Fuck. *kisses him again*

Ed: *Muffled sound of surprise but . . . can't help himself and kisses him back until he finally comes to his senses and weakly tries to push him away* Mello, we can't . . . !

Mello: *sighs and leans back against the tree, eyes closed* I know. I know, all right?

Ed: *Takes a couple of deep breaths and rests his forehead on his hand* Dammit . . .

Mello: *sighs and goes back to caressing his back* Shit. I'm sorry. *laughs bitterly* I'm just an idiot sometimes.

Ed: *Smirks* Maybe. You just make it really hard to resist you. *Looks back at him, still smirking, trying to lighten the mood a bit* Though I'm starting to think you have a thing for my missing limbs.

Mello: Maybe because I don't want you to resist me.
Oh yeah, that's clearly it. A fetish I didn't even know I had.

Ed: *Decides not to answer the first since, well, if Mello doesn't want him to, he's not sure he'll be able to* Well, think about it. The first time I was missing an arm, now I'm missing a leg.

Mello: Yeah, I knew what you meant, dork. It's just a coincidence. *in a vaguely sulky tone* I don't require guys I sleep with to be unable to fight me off or something.

Ed: *Winces but knows that wasn't meant to be a dig at him so just smirks* Like I wouldn't be able to fight you off anyway if I wanted.

Mello: *shrugs* Probably. I've never thought you couldn't protect yourself.

Ed: Glad someone does.

Mello: But then you don't need to, not from me.

Ed: *Smiles* I know. I never thought I had to.

Mello: Glad someone doesn't. *sighs* Not that it's completely unfair.

Ed: They just don't know you. And it's their own damn loss.

Mello: *laughs* Ed... it's not like I can't be dangerous. I'm just not to you.

Ed: *Shrugs* Everyone can be dangerous under the right circumstances. Or wrong ones. Whatever, point is you're one of the best friends I've ever had, and I'm serious about that. *Smirks* Even Winry's jealous of you.

Mello: She shouldn't be. What, you can't have more than one best friend? *grins* Same goes for you, you know. And what, she wants to be here trying desperately not to kiss you again? I doubt it.

Ed: *Settles back in beside him and smirks* I think I'd have a bit more luck not wanting to kiss her.

Mello: *smirks back* I'd hope so.

Ed: *Elbows* I thought we established that I'm not into girls.

Mello: Yeah, I know. *shrugs* There can be exceptions. But I'm a hell of a lot sexier than she is.

Ed: And you don't have a wrench fetish.

Mello: *laughs* No, if anyone does, it's definitely not me.

Ed: And if anyone does, it's her. *Looks around for the bottle and, finding it, takes another swig* Sometimes I worry about where those things have been.

Mello: Ed... *sighs and takes the bottle from him to take another drink as well* Nevermind. *pauses for a long moment* You have very kinky friends.

Ed: *Eyebrow* What now?

Mello: Well, me, and then Winry and her wrench fetish...

Ed: That's not what I was asking. What were you gonna say?

Mello: Nothing. It's not important.

Ed:Then you wouldn't have almost said it.

Mello: I'm not exactly that good at keeping my mouth shut about some things.

Ed: Which doesn't disprove my theory in the least.

Mello: Don't be obnoxious.

Ed: *Smirks* It's what I do best.

Mello: *grins* Probably why I like you so much.

Ed: And here I thought it was 'cause I'm so damn sexy. *Blushes, realizing what he just said and smiles sheepishly* I think I may be a little drunk.

Mello: *laughs* It's all right. *smirks* And you being sexy definitely doesn't hurt. Except for me keeping my hands off you, of course.

Ed: *Grins* That's what having a boyfriend that controls fire or ice is for.

Mello: I suppose it doesn't hurt.

Ed: Not that I'd let him do anything to you, y'know.

Mello: I know that. And not like Shirou would let him either.

Ed: *Grins* Now that'd be an interesting fight.

Mello: *laughs* It would be. They should sometime, just to see.
But I think I've been burned enough, don't you?

Ed: *Sets his hand over Mello's and squeezes gently* Yeah, I can agree with that.

Mello: *grimaces* Not that I'm afraid of him.

Ed: *Grins* You haven't seen 'im in action.

Mello: *shrugs* True. I'm still not afraid of him.

Ed: Not that I want you to be or anything. You should see him sometime, though. He's damn fuckin' impressive.

Mello: Yeah, I guess.

Ed: I'm serious! He just . . . stands there, with that damn cocky grin on his face and his hand in his pocket and he just snaps his fingers *snaps* and bam! Something explodes. Or someone gets charbroiled. *Grins* He's even got enough control over it he can even set someone on fire and just leave 'em with a bad sunburn.

Mello: I'm not doubting you.

Ed: *Blushes and leans over to set his head on Mello's shoulder* I should stop talking now, right?

Mello: Nah, it's okay. You can brag about him if you want.

Ed: Well for the record, he impressed me long before I started actually liking him.

Mello: Ed, you don't have to try and soothe me or something. It's ok.

Ed: *Sighs* I know, it's just weird talking about him like that to you . . .

Mello: *shrugs* It's all right. I'm tougher than that. *smirks* I wouldn't advise talking about me to him like that, though.

Ed: *Laughs* And here I was gonna tell him all about how you stole my poor virginity when he got back.

Mello: Oh yeah, I'm sure he wants to hear all about that.

Ed: *Smirks* not like it's a bad story or anything.

Mello: *grins* That it's not; I agree.

Ed: Just too bad it was only the once. Definitely would've liked a second go and maybe it could've been better for you.

Mello: Yeah. I would've liked that, too.

Ed: *Closes his eyes, sighs, and chuckles* Think the "This Night Never Happened" clause'd stretch that far?

Mello: *gives him a surprised look* Do you want it to?

Ed: *Looks up at him, blushing again* Kinda . . .

Mello: *laughs* Yeah. Me, too.

Ed: Kinda hard sometimes . . .

Mello: *sighs and stretches* Yeah, tell me about it.

Ed: . . . maybe we should head back before we do something we'll at least kinda regret . . .

Mello: Yeah... you're probably right.

Ed: *Forces himself to sit up* Help me up?

Mello: *stands up slowly* Yeah. *reaches a hand down for him*

Ed: *Takes his hand and uses it and the crutch to push and pull himself up. Once standing, wraps his free arm around Mello's neck and kisses him* Never happened, right?

Mello: *wraps an arm around Ed's waist* Yeah, none of it.
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