Jun 22, 2005 00:57
Dude! Did you see what Britney Spears just did!!! OMFG!! She walked into a public bathroom with NO SHOES!!! Like, Oh My God!! This doesn't affect me at all!!
People need to get a fucking life. Seriously. If all you do is sit in front of your TV and salivate at the sight of Paris Hilton, it's time to rethink your life, or kill yourself... Hopefully the second option. VH1 is proof that humanity is beyond the point of saving. Celebrities, celebrities, celebrities. That's all they fucking talk about, celebrities. And the shallow assclowns who support this aural pollution are only fueling the fire. Nothing that a celebrity does affects our lives in any way imaginable. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston getting a divorce is not going to feed hungry children in Ethiopia. So why the fuck do people care? They care because they are incapable of succeeding at anything themselves. They watch other people have fun with their piles of money and say to themselves, "Golly jeepers jee whiz, I wish that was me." Why can't that be you? Because if you watch that shitfest religiously, you're too much of a cunt to do anything anyways. You're going to spend the rest of your life in mediocrity, hoping that some day you'll be able to afford to fill 300,000 limousines with puppies and ice cream.
If you're tired of lame-ass celebrities becoming famous, here's a simple solution. Don't watch their shitty movies, and don't buy their shitty CD's. A good majority of the movies that have premiered this year sucked, and I'm sure there will be many more. So you'll get plenty of opportunities. And stop praising no-talent ass-pirates like Toby Keith. There's more to music than a C, D, G, and the occasional A chord with shallow lyrics about dogs, pick-ups, and putting a boot in Iraq's ass.