Oct 18, 2005 17:54
Well... this is my first time writing in this 'cool ass' journal that edina told me to get. I've read all of her entries.. and was liek hwy not! we could blab about how much we hate "them" and what shitty day we hjad. Well obvioulsy im gona start by saying how much I fckin hate him. I mean.. why do gurls go for the jerks? every single guy I have liked r fckin asses.. that just proves to me that they all are.. unless one proves it to me that that staetement isnt true. anyways, my day today was shyt as usual.. i mean its LP..wuts there to liek about it? it's true theres the one i effin luv but he's the biggest dick in the world. w.e... life sux... although after I chilled w edina after school..d rove aroudn... went to the mall and bought the gayest watcyh ever but i love it! and then edian drove... yes, she drove! scary shyt eh. honesly i almsot had a heart ache. although it was fun.. she sux tho. it's ok edina u'll learn.lol but oh man am I excited to get fucked on the weekend. were gettin so drunkkk! just to forget about our problems and shyt guys cause us. I cna't stand them nemore.. theyr fucking ruining our lives. w.e Im jsut so fckin pissed off. I got amth tutoring ina bit then Im off to dance for the first tuesday ever..cuz mr.loops said itd be better if i went 2 days instead of one.. which is true cuz i need some work out. neways Im bored but got loads of hw to do so im out. bye losers!