My Dear!

Sep 20, 2009 13:01


Middle school is such a b*tch. SO MUCH DAMN HOMEWORK! Dx And teachers are very mean these days. WHAT'S WRONG WITH TURNING IN LATE WORK? HMMM? Oh well, guess they're teaching us "responsibility". *shrugs* Well I got into band! YAYERS!! ;D But guess what? I can't play base guitar or accoustic! :O You know why? Because I'm "too small". WTF? Well I am pretty small for a 7th grader. SOME TEACHER THOUGHT I WAS A VISITING 4TH GRADER OR SOMETHING! A high schooler patted my head and said "Isn't this lil' * year old cute?" EXCUSE ME? *coughs* EIGHT YEAR OLD? -.-" Anyways, one of my friends said I had small hands and long fingernails that's why. I felt really sad.): So then I tried for piano. And my director said Jazz Band would only be for a month. So I have to pick another one for now. OH MY GA! xD (Hikaru was so cute in that Shounen Club :3) I wanted to do clarinet but some 8th grader took it. *sighs* So then my director recommended I play the oboe. It's LIKE the clarinet but longer, more keys, and the reed is super duper long. Wanna know somethign else? IT COSTS 4 - 8 THOUSAND BUCKS! So I have to be VERY VERY VERY careful. *sighs* So muh work! I guess I'm pretty good. But not so much. Lately I've been stressing with family and school work, practicing the oboe is far from my head these days. I have a test this Monday which I'm going to have to miss. -.-" I have to play BINGO. xD I suckk at the ending part. :P But *shrugs* Just a test. I have four more weeks to ace more upcoming tests. ^^ I TALK A LOT. D: Imma stop here nows, kaykays.(;

PRESENT FOR YOUUU, MY FRIEND.(; Another multichap.^^ I have to keep track of these. Anybody have an idea how to organize all m fics in like an index or something?

Title: New Beginnings Chapter One
Author: Me && Kimi(;
Pairing: TaDaiki, TakaNoo, TakaBu, InooDai, YabuHikka, HikaNoo
Rating: PG---->NC-17
Summary: Time passes as couples break and new ones begin. Each day a person gets hurt and another is pleasured. Everyone is living their life full of lies and love. Pasts are thrown in their faces and new beginnings sink into their skin, making them realize that sometime's it's worth it and other times, it is.
Notes: MY SUMMARY IS WEIRD HUH? *shrugs* Wrote this with Kimi just today.^^ Sorry for an mistakes and I hope you can bear with them. I'm not shure how many chapters there will be, but I promise it'll keep you entertained. xP It's just a multi-chap reflecting the position I'm in right nows. Yeah, this 7th grader is going through a lot right now. >.< But Kimi is here and I'm glad she can help me through thick and thin. I LOVE YOU, KIMI!<3(: NO HOMO(x

"Yuuyan!" Daiki cried, running endlessly around the park. "Where are you?" He walking through the soccer field and jumped into the bushes, searching for his best friend. His first love.

"Yuuyan..." He began sobbing and dropped to his knees. "I'm scared. Where are you? Why aren't you here with me? Please.. don't leave me alone.." A little boy tapped his shoulder and he looked up. "Hii!" the boy smiled and waved. Daiki sniffed and rubbed his puffy eyes. "Are you okay?" the boy asked, settling down next to him.

"I lost my best friend." Daiki sobbed. "I'm sorry. Where did you last see him?" Arioka shook his head. "I don't remember... He was there a second ago. Then he told me to wait because he went to go see someone. It's been 5 hours since then. I feel so lonely!"

The boy pouted and wrapped an around around him. "It's okay! I'm here! My mommy and daddy left me all by myself. Let's be best friends okay? My name is ----------"

Daiki awoke, startled. "That dream again.." He sighed, tired of this nightmare. "Yuuyan.." he whimpered, remembering his first love. That was twelve years ago. Arioka didn't know that Takaki knew of his love. That was why Takaki left. Because he didn't want to be friends with a gay guy. Tears formed in his already puffy eyes. "So what if I'm gay? I haven't looked at a guy in twelve years! I've only loved you... Why'd you leave me, Yuuyan?"

He scratched his head, wiping his tears with his other arm. He couldn't remember the other boy. The one who was there for him as his heart began to slowly die. He was being hospitalized, memory wiped clean. Even though he had a head concussion, he could still remember Takaki Yuya clearly. It was as if his first love was forever imprinted in his mind.

The door slid open, a teenager entering. "Dai-chan! How are you?" Arioka smiled, wiping his nose. "Ohayoo, Yabu-kun. Who's that?" Behind him was a tall, lurking teenager. "Oh this is my best friend, Yaotome Hikaru. Hika, this is Arioka Daiki." Something pierced Daiki's head and he flinched. Yabu seemed to notice and remembered it was just Daiki's brain trying to remember.

"Do you two know each other?" he asked, taking out Daiki's obento from the bag he was carrying.

Hikaru looked at Daiki closely, the other doing the same. "Hmmm..." They both said the same time. Arioka laughing along with Yaotome, a smile warming his lips. Yabu smiled at the two. "They'll remember."


"Yuya~" Inoo cried, jumping on his back. "Okaeri!" He squealed. Takaki chuckled, turning his head for a chaste kiss. "Tadaima." They walked into the house together, Takaki ranting about his day. Inoo walked around, polishing the furniture and checking on dinner. "Ne, Yuya..."


"I want to go to Tokyo!" Takaki stiffened. "Ehh? Nande?"

"Datte sa... Osaka is wonderful, really I love it here. But I want to explore further! And all my friends want me to go. I miss everyone in Tokyo. Please?"

Kei snuggled in his lap, facing him. "Please?" he pleaded with small, but luscious kisses. "Please?" he breathed, hands roaming below... Takaki groaned and bit his lip. He pulled Inoo closer and growled, "If you hurry up and take off your clothes I promise I'll take you anywhere."


THE END.(; Short huh? Don't worry, the next chapter will come soon. Maybe today but shurely tomorrow and no later.^^

takanoo, hikabu, hikadai, tadaiki, fanfiction

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