Aug 11, 2009 05:39


Title: A Birthday Wish
Pairing: YamaJima
Summary: It's Yuto's birthday and Yamada believes he deserves something greater than better. When he hears what Yuto's wish is, he strives to make his birthday the best ever and give him a wonderful time. 
Notes: My sister made me do this. She just LOVES this guy. I'm not a fan of his, but since it's his birthday, I'll do it. If it sucks, TOO BAD. Just kidding~!^^ Enjoy and please comment! P.S. OTANJOBI OMEDETOU, YUTO~!

"YUTO! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY!" Yamada bellowed, as he jumped on his bandmate's back. Grunting from the heavy load, Yuto smiled and nodded a thanks. "So what do you want for your birthday? A PSP? A DS? A Wii? Name it and I'll get it!" Shoving his best friend off his back, Yuto shook his head, face down. "What is it? You're blushing, aren't you? OI, MINNA! YUTO'S BLUSHING!!" Everybody rushed over, peering at his face. "Go away!" Nakajima squealed, face burning even more. Daiki pinched his cheeks. "HE IS!!! HE REALLY IS! I CAN SEE IT NOW!!"  
Annoyed, Yuto dashed into the men's room, crouching on the toilet. "I can't believe it!" He groaned, slamming his forehead against the stall door. He heard the door open and held his breath. "Yuto? Ne, I'm sorry about before. You in here?" He heard a stall door open and prayed that Yamada would leave. "Come out, come out, where ever you are..." he muttered, kicking another door open.

Nakajima stepped out of his stall, looking deadly at Ryosuke. He leaned into his arms, breathing his scent in deeply. "I hate you..." he complained.

Grinning, Yamada returned the embrace with a happy, "I love you, too!"

*         *           *

"So, it's your birthay~" Yamada teased, poking Yuto's cheek. "Mhmm." He answered, focusing on the manga he was reading. "So... what do you want?" Yuto sighed and put the book down. "You don't have a present for me, do you?"

Stuttering, Yamada lamely said, "P-Pfft! You b-bet I do! It's super awesome! I just wanted to see if I could get you anything extra, you know" Yuto shook his head in shame. "Go ask the other members, I'm busy."

Ryosuke whined, tugging his arm. "BUT IT'S NOT THEIR BIRHDAY! IT'S YOURS!" Nakajima, shook his arm off and stalked to the other. Feeling kinda rejected, Yamada toddled to Daiki.

"Oi, shortie, we need to talk." Arioka pinched his cheeks replying, "What is it, Fatty?"

"What does Yuto want for his birthday?" Laughing, Daiki put a hand on his shoulder. When his voice died out, the room went silent. "You honestly don't know?" Ryosuke frowned and leaned in closer. "Don't know what?"

"Yuto likes you, Yama-chan." Ryosuke rolled his eyes. "Duh! We're best friends! I like him, too." Arioka sighed and bonked his head. "Baka! He likes, like you! Like, MORE than best friends. Damn, I knew you were stupid, but I didn't know you were ignorant!"

"What? Yuto likes me?" Suprised, Yamada now knew what he was giving Yuto. "We could go on a date!" Daiki shook his head. "Even if he likes you, he may not be ready for a relationship. It's Johnny's, remember? Not Gay Boys."

"Oi! That's mean! We're not gay!" Arioka coughed, a smile tugging on his lips. "Are you defending him? Does that mean... Yama-chan likes Yuto as well?" Blushing, Yamada shook his head. "T-That's non-none of your busi-business!" He blurted, crossing his arms.

"Whatever, well just confess to him. That'll be enough. And sleep over or something. Play games with him. But show no signs of a relationship, okay? Johnny will disband us if so."

Frowing, Yamada scratched his head. "But what about Kanjani---" "THAT'S A DIFFERENT MATTER. NO GO PLAN OUT WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO." At the rude command, Ryosuke stomped off, his stomach full of butterflies. Yuto likes me.  He chanted in his head over and over again.

*               *                   *

They were at his house, singing the "happy birthday" song. Yuto blew on the candles and began wishing. Yamada couldn've sworn he heard him say: "I wish that I'd have the guts to confess to Yama-chan and Yama-chan wouldn't be scared of me."

Why would I be? I like you, Yuto. A lot and for a long time.

They were all munching on cake, having fun. Ryosuke thought this was the perfect time. "Ne," he said. "Let's go to your room so we can be alone. It's loud out here." Yuto's face lit up and he immediately agreed.

The two teens sat on the bed, whistling. "Yama-chan... I have to tell you something." Ryosuke faced him, his cheeks warming. Oh my god, he's gonna confess.

"I... really like you." Yamada smiled and began to breath easier. "I like you, too, Yuto." Nakajima's face was kind of confused. "No not like a best friend I.."

Ryosuke crashed their lips together, his hand on Yuto's cheek. As they pulled apart, Yuto touched his lips. "Wow."

"Lay down, Yuto. Let me give you your birthday present." "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to show you a great time." He pressed their lips together again, stripping their clothes off. Yuto gasped as Yamada's lips touched the tip of his penis. "Yama-chan..." he groaned. The lips moved away and were replaced by a hand. As the two tongues were playing exoticly, Ryosuke's hand pumped vigorously around Yuto's manhood.

Moaning in pleasure Nakajima clutched Yamada's shoulders, thrusting harder. Ryosuke broke their kiss and trailed his lips to his ear. "Harder?" He asked grinning at Yuto's husky 'yes, please!'. His hand worked hard while the other held his hip to his.

Yamada found a hard bud and sucked longingly, eyes closed. Finally, Yuto's rocking hips ended, his climax making his shudder. Yamada licked the liquid, tongue playing with Yuto's manhood.

"Yama-chan, I think we should stop." he rasped, kissing him once more. Agreeing, Yamada grabbed their clothes, his lips twitching with happiness. "You liked your birthday present?"

"It's what I wished for." He beamed.

fanfic, pairing: yamajima, happy birthday yuto

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