I think I might be pregnant...

Oct 11, 2006 01:52

Or not. Actually, it really isn't even possible for me. But that would certainly be what I would think if it was possible. Mood swings, food cravings (though I've always had those) and I'm two weeks late. I used to be really irregular for a good year or two, far past what's normal, but I got a little more regular a few months back. My doctor said it was just because my weight was under 100 pounds, so that was what caused it. And if we had a working scale, I might be able to tell if I'm under 100 now. Probably am though. I swear, I just hover right around 95. Which might actually be why half the school thinks I'm anorexic, but I swear I'm not. I'm not that tall, 5'4", so it seems fine to me.

Two sentences into that paragraph, my best friend IMed me...
[20:55] danielle: i think i'm pregnant
[20:55] *** Auto-response sent to danielle: ((...i took a shot and didnt even come close at trust and love and hope...))
[20:55] danielle: haha just kidding
[20:55] danielle: but i can't stop eating
So then we spent a good five minutes discussing the incredible pshychic link that we have. I swear we do.

Okay, so anyway....

I think I'm destined to marry someone in the service. Why, you ask? Well, for many reasons, one being that I'm just incredibly drawn to that whole area. The military... all of it. I love learning about military history and such, and a guy walks by in uniform--I get goosebumps. Like, I don't know, I just really feel deeply about anything that has to do with the service. And for some reason, whenever I picture myself years from now, I see myself with a kid or two (I know, shocker much?), but my husband is never there. And I know I am married because I'm wearing a ring. It just always feels like he's gone for his job, i.e. he's overseas or something. Or maybe I'm reading too much into these random sights I see into the future. And, you know, don't get me wrong, I would hate worrying every day about whether or not he's okay and if I'm going to get that knock on the door that'll tell me that I'm a single mother, but... I don't know. The military, as far as I'm concerned, is an incredibly respectable profession. You're serving your country, you're keeping us safe, you're protecting our freedom. It's not for me since I hated every Thursday (marching and uniform day) of ROTC and since I do not have the discipline, physique or pretty much anything else in order to be a decent soldier or anything, but I have a deep respect for all of those that do. So I probably sound crazy, but that's okay...

And this http://www.kj103fm.com/cc-common/globalphotos.html?eventsection=&eventID=32782&first=12 is just hilarious. I'm cracking up. Our DJs are crazy, I swear.

To leave this on a patriotic note, I got this passed to me in an e-mail a little bit ago, and I thought it was cute... gave me goosebumps.

A United States marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan. One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU.

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in. He looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, "God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes." The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop.

Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, "Here I am God. I'm still waiting."

It got down to the last couple of minutes when the marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold. The marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked and stunned and sat there looking on in silence.

The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the marine and asked, "What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?"

The marine calmly replied, "God was too busy today protecting America's troops who are protecting your right to say stupid shit and act like an asshole... So, He sent me."

Pass this on if you support the Military Men and Women.


pregnant, marine, future, pms, military

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