Late Survivor: Philippines Picks...

Oct 10, 2012 17:47

Here's the cast of Survivor: Philipines *no link due to spoilers...*. Following this will be a catch-up entry, complete with spoilers...

My Final Five: Jonathan Penner, Jeff Kent, Denise Stapley, Malcolm Freberg, and Lisa Whelchel

I think that Jonathan Penner will take it. Third time will be the charm...

The tribes are: Kalabaw, Matsing, and Tandang *Actually, they're yellow, but it looks like crap here...* *<3 Wikipedia <3*.


Jonathan Penner
? voted out.
Previous seasons: Survivor: Cook Islands & Micronesia. Is 3rd time a charm?

Jeff Kent
? voted out.
One of the 2 non-Survivor celebs this season; a retired baseball player.

Dana Lambert
? voted out.

Sarah Dawson
? voted out.

Katie Hanson
? voted out.

Carter Williams
? voted out.

Russell Swan
? voted out.
He literally almost died on Survivor: Samoa.

Denise Stapley
? voted out.

Malcolm Freberg
? voted out.

Angie Layton
? voted out.

Roxanne "Roxy" Morris
? voted out.

Zane Knight
? voted out.

Michael Skupin
? voted out.
The original "man on fire"--fell into a fire on the 2nd season, Survivor: Australia

Abi-Maria Gomes
? voted out.

Lisa Whelchel
? voted out.
The other outside celeb--the character, Blair Warner, on The Facts Of Life

Roberta "RC" Saint-Amour
? voted out.

Artis Silvester
? voted out.

Peter "Pete" Yurkowski
? voted out.

tv, survivor, pop culture

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