Aug 20, 2007 02:11
I've known since last last week that applications for the UP College of Law were out. Upon receiving the forms, only then did I realize the magnitude of it submission. Am I even cut out to be a lawyer? Well, my parents might say I have a knack for argument, while I can be quite loud sometimes, but do such qualities really matter in discerning your future? I must think on this more.
Atty. Nicandro Fucoy II, pwede..
Its just that, I can't shake many of the negative connotations surrounding the profession. as well as the profound effect the movie Liar, Liar had on me. But it looks like my future is there.
I said it before and I'll say it again, if only History had money in it. Honestly, I'd be there in a heartbeat.
Looks like its Law. I miss Arrested Development.
Nicandro Fucoy II, Attorney-at-Law. Man, those hyphens look real cool.
Anyone wanna review with me?