Survey from Carly cause I am bored as fkuc at work!

Dec 09, 2005 12:49

(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the opposite sex
(x) Slept all night in a bed with a person of the same sex
(x) Slept for more than 12 hours
(X) Missed a week of school or more
() Put chapstick on more than 5 times in an hour
(x) Kissed more than one person in a day
(X ) Created a myspace survey
( ) Eaten a worm
(x) Jumped on a trampoline
( ) Ridden a unicycle
(x) Done something special for someone else
( x) Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant
( ) Paid more than $50 for food at a fast food restaurant
( ) Got caught cheating
(x) Brushed your teeth while on the phone
( ) Worked in fast food place
(x) Written a poem
( ) Randomly called people out of a phone book.
(x ) Been on a yacht
(x ) Put bananas in your cheerios
(x) Lied to a friend to make them feel better
(x ) Dated or went out with someone more than 2 years older than you
(x) Eaten frosting out of the original container
() Had a dream about a myspace friend (but only my real friends too)
(x) Fallen in public
() Had your pants rip
( ) Recently had a PB&J sandwich
( ) Met your principal's parents
(x ) Killed an animal
( x) Been prescribed to 3 or more medications by a doctor (not at one time)
( x) Wished you were an only child
() Used your friends razor with out them knowing
(x) Been ashamed of a decision you made
(x) Been friends with an ex's mom after the relationship ended
(x) Worked for a family member
(x) Been told you were too young
(x) Made out in a car
( x) Kissed a friend, then their best friend
(x) Been to a High School Dance (prom, j. prom)
(xxxxx) Been to a concert
(xxxxx) Gotten away with a lie to your parents
( ) Been dumped the night of a dance and left with out a date
( ) Gone out with a person one of your parents set you up with
(x) Ridden on a shopping cart
() Danced in a Mini Mart
( ) Went into a mini mart in socks
(x ) Been in a play
( ) Gone to church more than 4 times in a week
( x) Copied more than 10 CD's in a day
( x) Made a movie
(x) Worn 5 or more layers of clothing
( ) Been to California
(x) Swam in clear blue water
() Sat in a doctors office with a friend
(x ) Ran across 6 lanes of traffic
(x) Made fish lips
( x) Hit on a waitress/waiter
(x) Taken pictures with a stranger
( ) Been to Busch Gardens
() Stayed in a hotel room with 3 other camp/school mates
() Made a public speech
( ) Put straws up your nose
(x) Choreographed a dance
(xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) Felt used
(x) Made a smoothie or milkshake
( x) Watched Desperate Housewives
(xxxxxxxxxx) Watched a movie so often you could quote every word
(x) Kept something from a past relationship
() Given someone else flowers
(x) Taken a foreign language
(x) Laughed for no apparent reason

"I'm obsessed with Jelly Bracelets." used to
"I obsess over everything."
"I rock back and forth when I'm nervous."
"I don't take medications but I probably should."
"I have a really hard time trusting people."
"I love my best friends more than I love any other person."
"I love sleeping past noon."
"I think drugs are stupid but I did them anyway".
"I make a lot of mistakes."
"I have a messy room. "
"I see things in a different perspective".
"I want to live with my best friends in a weird painted apartment filled with our weird personalities"
"I hate high school"
"I am a night owl."
"I care about people more than they realize."
"I am heartbroken."
"I love movies."
"I wish I was an orphan."...adopted by a loaded family
"I have a sore back".
"It bugs me when people are stubborn. Even though I am."
"I try to forgive but never forget."
"I really enjoy thoughtful gifts, even if they cost nothing."
"I get along with boys much better than girls."
"I hate awkward silences."
"I love when people think i'm weird."
"I love my friends."
"I wish I was a good person."
"I'm not as happy as people think I am."
"I hate clothes."
"I'm easy to please."
"I can't cook for shit".
"My dreams are messed up."
"I rarely show my true emotions."
"Friends have fallen for me."
"I have a few best friends."
"I can make people laugh."
"I love many different kinds of music"
"I never express my feelings to people."
"I'm too self-critical."
"I would like to stay alone in my room forever."
"I hate having regrets."
"I hate complaining but I do anyway without realizing it."
"I only cry when I'm really really sad."
"I hate when people say "OMG Just Kidding"
"I love eating things that are bad for me."
"I go to bed at about 11:30pm."
"I used to work nowhere."
"I hide emotions." (sometimes-when i think they're dumb and uncalled for)

Gone skinny dipping? yes
Worn braces? yes
Smoked a cigarette? yes
Smoked a cigar? yes
Smoked anything else? yes
Broken a bone? no
Had stitches? no
Kissed a member of the same sex? yes
Shoplifted? yes
Punched someone in the face? yes
Skipped school? yes
Flown first class? no.
Traveled to another continent? yes
Used racial slurs? not in a mean way
Taken painkillers? yes.
Taken sleeping pills? no
Ridden in a limousine? yes
Gone SCUBA diving? yes
Been stung by a jellyfish? no
Been stung by a bee? yes
Thrown up in a restaurant? no.
Made a snow angel? yes.
Been to overnight camp? yes
Written a letter to Santa Claus? yes
Sworn in front of your parents? yes.
Had detention? yes
Been sent to the principal's office? alot
Screamed "penis" at the top of your lungs? YEAHYU! PENISS!!!
Made a prank phone call? yes
Been to the opposite end of the country? no.
Been called a bitch? yes.
Been called a whore? yes.
Been called prude? yes
Met someone famous? yes
Slept naked? yes
Gone streaking? no.
Played ding dong ditch? yes
Climbed a tree? yes
Been kissed under the mistletoe? no.
Had a threesome? threesome kiss x)
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