Jim, you must go now!

Aug 30, 2008 13:30

Jim just got the call from his boss, he will have orders for when we get to TN.  Hopefully this means they will reimburse us for the hotel room, at least sun-tues. Thank goodness I decided to keep the sunday night reservations. We are planning to be out of here 4 AM tomorrow morning.

Jim and sons dug a trench from the patio to the street in hopes of keeping the water from standing. Everything that can be brought inside or in the shed is, everything else is tied to the steel poles holding the fence up.

We moved everything on the floor or on the bottoms of shelves up onto the tables and cabinets. We are getting ready to bag fridge and freezer items. The garlic, shallots, potatoes, and onions will be bagged. After katrina we came home to what had been a sweet potato left out, it melted and stained the countertop and was totally gross. Lesson learned.

The roads already look a mess for evacuation. Hopefully we'll hit a lull around 4. I figure most people will want to leave between six and eight.  I'll be taking immodium tonight and tomorrow morning in the hopes of heading off my usual stess related IBS.

Take care everyone, talk to you all later. A special hugs to *ruthie, silverdee, amusingmuse* I'll be thinking of all of you and hoping we all are safe and well when this is over.
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