I've made two trips out to the Dawn Treader film set this week. The first was last Tuesday; I just completely failed to post the pictures up earlier. The second trip was this morning, along with what seemed like half the population of Cleveland: there was traffic banked back for about a hundred metres trying to get into the carpark... I hate to think what it will be like when filming starts.
So - photos!
On Tuesday, the dragon's head and wings were still sitting in the carpark, but a lot of detailing had been added to the sides and stern of the ship:
The more exciting difference to the site was the mast and rigging, which had been delivered and were waiting to be assembled:
I overheard the security guard telling some other visitors that the working title of the film was The Invisible Army, which made me laugh when I remembered the Dufflepuds. I wonder if that's what the art department are calling themselves?
By today, there had been major changes! The head has been mounted on the bow of the ship, along with the portside wing.
The masts are up, main and mizzen, along with a start on the rigging.
Judging by how they have the lines set up, the yard-arm for the mainsail will have to be just below the crow's next platform, so this is the full height for the mainmast. It's proportionally shorter than I am used to on a tall ship, but I'm also used to three or four smaller square sails, not just one big one. The mizzen-mast looks like about the right height for a gaff-rigged spanker, but the stays are in an odd position for anything with a boom, so they could be planning another sqare sail for that. Or possibly just camera rigging.
(There's an enormous panoramic version of this shot
Since the tide was right out, I walked out on the mudflats a little way to try and get some pictures from the seaward side. Unfortunately the security people were on to that one (I was far from the only person making the attempt) and I was asked to go back before I got very far around the point.
As you can see, the wing is not yet mounted on this side, but there is a neat ladder just behind where it will be to let people climb up from a small boat.
Speaking of ladders, there is another one up the back of the dragon's head. The angle of the sun made it tricky to geta agood photo of, but you should be able to make it out here:
The last new addition today was the dragon's tail, which has arrived on site and is awaiting assembly. It was tucked in behind everything else, so this is the best view I could manage:
Two weeks of construction to go... stay tuned.