Nov 10, 2004 12:08
Anglophones, this entry I do for you:
Had a chat with the girlfriend today. I missed her call on the cellphone by one ring, so I called her back. We talked, and things don't seem quite as dismal as they did before. She ackowledges the feelings we have for each other, and has identified some changes that she would like to see. This is good- I guess sometimes people come around to reason, or get in touch with their own feelings. Long-distance is still messy, though. The human spirit will prevail.
I had quesadillas with scarmbled eggs and taco sauce for breakfast this morning- I feel like a freaking ranchero over here, except we didn't have any onions.
Haha, here's yet another embarrassing story to add to my collection: I spent the night at my friend's parent's house, and did some translating on their computer the next day. While I was waiting for my friend to get home, I went on the internet. Upon typing one letter (the letter T, for the record) in the URL space, a plethora of porn sites popped up in the internet history. Lo! and behold, my curiousity got the better of me. Turns out his dad has a tracking program that monitors and flags certain sites, complete with date and time visited. Busted. Guess I won't be invited to spend the night there again.
If you can't laugh at yourself, then you're taking things too seriously.
In other news, my brother stopped drinking, while I stopped smoking pot. Yeah, go ahead and read that last bit again. These things are vices, which easily turn into crutches, which is not good. My brother admits to drinking for the last ten years to cope with his depression, a strategy which is obviously not working for him. I, on the other hand, need to get on with my life and time is money, or something. Also, money is money, and I need as much of that as I can get, ya heard?
Here's to truth, love, and everlasting conviction. And a side of fries with malt vinegar.
Peace in the Middle East!