Brock got to the island as soon as possible, towing a hastily-rented trailer behind his '69 Charger. He ran across the causeway at top speed, following Hank's homing beacon, until he reached the rocky bits and confirmed his worst fears. "Aw, dammit, Hank!!!"
Several minutes' work removed all trace of what had happened, and then Brock carried the body to his car and headed to the dorms to clean out Hank's room. Once he'd packed up everything -- especially the all-important heavy piece of electronics he'd brought on Parents' Weekend -- it was time to head for home. Doc wasn't gonna like this.
(NFI. That Brock came to take Hank home is okay for broadcast, but not the reason why. Hank will be spending the first half of the summer dead, but he'll be back in July. I swear I'm not copying Nathan.)